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View Full Version : Gibson Sg pup help

February 25th, 2007, 05:38 PM
Ok a friend of mine has a faded gibson sg. Hes wants to put some 57' classic gibson humbuckers in it. I was wondering awhat you think? I ahve hear The faded series break easily but idk his has held up fine .. but post what you think he wants more of a versitile sound and alittle more heavier metal sound

February 25th, 2007, 06:04 PM
I have '57 Classics in my SG - great pickups!

With the right amp, I'm sure that they can pull off metal with no problem.

February 26th, 2007, 12:54 PM
I really liked the 57 classic, great pu's. It depends on the kind of amp and pedals he will use like Plank said. But I'd recomend him to try the 500T(its not that versatile though) and the Seymour Duncan JB model (really versatile but less "metal" souding) on the bridge too.