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View Full Version : New speaker in my Hellhound!

March 21st, 2007, 08:48 PM
A friend gave me an Eminence Red, White and Blues speaker, and I installed it tonight. Man, I am lovin' it!

It has less of a scooped midrange sound to it, which I like. It "spanks" more too - tele style of playing sounds great. I tend use my right hand fingers a lot when I play, and this speaker seems to react better to that.

I couldn't play so loud tonight since the house is full of kids, but I'll crank it more tomorrow at lunch...

One problem though - the hole in my Hellhound combo cabinet wasn't quite big enough, so the speaker is sitting 1/4 of an inch "above" the hole. Is that a big deal? The grill cloth with its velcro seems to stick there anyway. The screws were long so I just tightened them quite a bit and the speaker ain't movin anywhere.

March 22nd, 2007, 06:05 AM
Sweeeeeet Robert! What type of speaker was in there before?

March 22nd, 2007, 07:28 AM
An Alltone 1250 was the original speaker.

March 22nd, 2007, 07:59 AM
Hello Robert,

Do you know off hand what the wattage rating is on that speaker? I was thinking about that for my AD50VT. I have heard good comments on it.

I know one thing you want to watch out for when tightening a speaker down is to try to get an even torque around the speaker frame and be extra careful to not tweek or twist or bend the frame. This will distort the voice coil and may cause it to rub on the magnet. As far as the hole not matching up, if it is not too much off I wouldn't worry about it.

Congrats it is so goooood when we come across an upgrade that works just the way we wanted it to :D


March 22nd, 2007, 09:02 AM
It is 120 watts. http://www.zzounds.com/a--885181/item--EMNRWB

Thanks, M29 - I hope I didn't mess anything up when I installed it, but it seems fine to me. Sounds great.

The amp sounds more Fenderish now I think. The Alltone is a good speaker too, but I do prefer this one. It has nice high frequencies.