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View Full Version : Pinky pain

March 31st, 2007, 12:53 PM
I haven't been able to practice for about 5 days. Pain in the left hand, seems to be pinky and wrist involved. Don't recall banging my hand or anything so I figure it's my lousy technique, pressing down to hard on the strings, never warming up, always playing sitting down with the guitar leaning back, etc.
So I picked up a $5 strap and hope to try late tonight or tomorrow and pay more attention to what I am doing. I sure hope this is not the dreaded tendonitis. Dang...

March 31st, 2007, 05:47 PM
Don't know if this will help, but I hope it will.
I've suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis for years, almost gave up at one point, construction is hard work on the body...
Anyway, this is what I did...
"Ultimate H.A. formula" , it's Hyaluronic Acid, from GNC. Also has vitamin C, Magnesium, etc, etc. but it's really helped me alot.
Fish oil is good, also. Take both, they will help.
If it's not something that goes away by itself, I'd try these ASAP.
Heck, I'd try them anyway... they've allowed me to keep playing for 5 yrs., when I thought I was in too much pain to play anymore.
If playing HURTS, I'd give it a rest for a week or so.
The supplements will take a couple of weeks to kick in, so be your own judge, and go slow till you know how it feels. Don't overdo it. I did, and I was sorry.
Wishing you the best, and I hope this helps!:)

March 31st, 2007, 08:32 PM
Hey Hog, watch the angle of your wrist. I used to have forearm pain that was strong enough to make it so I couldn't do many dumbell lifts.

I adjusted the strap on my guitar so that my wrist was as neutral as possible (I *always* stand while playing). The pain went away.