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View Full Version : Good affordable 100W amp for gigging?

September 26th, 2005, 07:37 AM
I'm in the hunt for a good 100W amp that is reliable and can play a variety of music from country, blues, rock, and even a little metal. :)


I'd prefer to go the tube route, but if there are some good solid state models that faeature a tube-like sound, I'd be willing to give those a try also.


September 28th, 2005, 09:26 AM
Vox AD120VTX should do it! I know you are worried about reliability, but it is a great amp for sure. There are also many happy owners who never experienced any problems.

Why do you need a 100w amp? I am actually looking for lower wattage amps myself!

September 29th, 2005, 09:01 AM
Some of the gigs my band plays are pretty large. The othe guys in my band use 75 & 100W amps, so my measely 50W sometimes isn't enough once you have a few effect pedals connected. Great for small gigs and practice, but large areas can be a problem.

I'll give the Vox a shot this weekend. I could always upgrade the plastic jack to a steel one if I get ambitious. :)

September 29th, 2005, 10:19 AM
Do people not mike their amps up to the PA anymore? Any large venue we ever played in...the amps were miked. Even our 100 watt half stacks. I guess it depends on your sound guy?

October 5th, 2005, 01:20 PM
We don't have a sound guy - we're just your regular poor broke band. :)

I've never miked an amp in my life due to the fact I've always only had access to 1 amp at a time. Maybe I'll let my lead singer give it a try at our next gig and see what happens.

October 6th, 2005, 11:24 AM
I'm going to give the Vox and Fender Twin a try this weekend. The price is great on the Vox, but the reliability still makes me a bit nervous. My current amp (Peavey Classic 50) has been reliable as a rock for 12 years, but it's too dang heavy and fragile to gig with.