View Full Version : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ... anyone else suffer from this?

May 25th, 2007, 05:26 PM
Hi Everyone,

I've been suffering from Carpal Tunnel for the past few years, since I spend alot of time typing on the computer with my job and playing guitar on my off hours.

When it first appeared several years ago I was really upset about it, but I've learned to live with it. For me the condition comes and goes and seems to be somewhat weather related in addition to how often I type our play guitar.

Last week I had the opportunity to do some work for a recording session, which I love to do so I jumped at the opportunity. However, I had to do a lot of acoustic guitar playing for about 3 days solid for this session. By the end of the last day my wrist was starting to feel the strain. Unfortunately, the best remedies for this condition is to lay off the guitar and computer for a while, which is very hard for me to do.

Also, it helps to do alot of hand and finger stretches, take Advil (anti-inflamatory), and wear a wrist brace at night. These are all the remedies I know of.

Does anyone else suffer from this? Have you found some good ways to deal with it? (maybe writing shorter postings would help me too :-)

-- Jim

May 27th, 2007, 01:40 AM

You can have them operated on......it is only a simple operation and you won't regret it........don't suffer it.

I suffered with 'trigger' fingers for a couple of years and finally when I was struggling with barre chords I got them operated on..............should have done it years before.

I look on those years as 'the lost years' as far as the progress of my guitar playing...........see your Doc.

It will only get worse if you don't...............think about it........can't play the guitar?.......what could be worse than that.
