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View Full Version : Decent Fiddle Player....

June 1st, 2007, 08:47 AM
Saw a pretty fair string player last night here in Albany, though he isn't a guitarist. Itzhak Perlman played with the Albany Symphony Orchestra at the Palace Theatre. He performed the famous Beethoven Violin Concerto in D Major. Absolutely breathtaking. Virtuosity at that level is really something special to see & hear.

Had some pretty fair seats, too. My wife had found out exactly when the tickets were to go on sale online, and was literally buying our tickets the moment they became available. We sat in the front row, dead center, about 15 - 20 feet from Perlman. AMAZING!! My daughter, quite the violist and a WAY better musician than her dad will ever be, was enraptured, as you might expect. A special evening!

BTW, Perlman had a really nice axe. He plays the "Soil" (pronounced "swah") Stradivarius, made in 1714 by the master Italian luthier during his "golden period". Perlman acquired it in 1986 from another pretty fair fiddler, Yehudi Menuhin. It is considered among the very finest examples of Stadivari's work, and perhaps the greatest sounding one in existence. Probably worth something in the range of $4 million, give or take. I guess that puts it a few clicks ahead of SRV's "#1", huh? :eek: :D

June 1st, 2007, 09:30 AM
Oooo I bet that was cool. I love his Paganini performances and his version of Por una Cabeza.

June 1st, 2007, 09:32 AM
Sounds like it was a great evening, DVM! Here's a good article (http://pr.caltech.edu/periodicals/EandS/articles/LXVII4/Hsieh%20Layout.pdf) I found on the art of violin making.

June 1st, 2007, 09:34 AM
Nice! Just imagine having a nice 1714 strad in almost mint condition! Just imagine how much you could mod that with switches and pickups DVM :D

June 1st, 2007, 10:01 AM
Yeah, install a Duncan JB in that puppy and blow it through a JCM2000 full stack! Wooooohooooo! :DR ;)