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View Full Version : Robert's Brown Eyed Girl Lesson

June 5th, 2007, 07:39 AM
Hey Robert! Our "Student Band" is working on adding two more songs to add to the set for another go later in the summer and is planning to add this standard. My instructor showed it to me using high E and G strings plucked at the same time hybrid style moving up the neck from 3rd fret and 8th fret, ending in open D chord. Your way is nice and compact and easier to play, though I fumble with both now. Thank you for the lesson again, as always. I am going to keep learning both ways and see which ends up sounding/feeling better for me. Maybe I'll play it different ways in different parts of the song. :)

June 5th, 2007, 07:48 AM
Great to hear, Steve! I think I know how you play it - using 6ths instead of 3rds like I do. Either will work. Many of the fills in that song uses 6ths.

By the way, I have a new forum section up on my site, in case anyone wants to discuss my lessons. I don't want to hog the Fret too much with my own stuff.
