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View Full Version : Fuzz/Overdrive Pedal

Big K
June 10th, 2007, 11:43 AM
Looking for something with a little less than full blown distortion... something to add a little gain to break up a clean tone... maybe a Danelectro Fab Overdrive, Pastrami or T-bone or Boss SD-1 or Bad Monkey or ???

any suggestions or favorites?

June 10th, 2007, 02:48 PM
Have Voodoo make you one of the Rat clones. Pretty versatile.

Big K
June 10th, 2007, 07:46 PM
would that be the Screamin' Banshee or Blasted Banshee?

June 10th, 2007, 10:00 PM
Hi Big K
the Boss BD-2 and the Bad Monkey are both great pedals and I am sure that the pedals that voodoo makes are also very good.I hope to get a couple of his later on this year:)

June 10th, 2007, 10:50 PM
I dont recommend the Pastrami for anything more than being a booster (its transparent though). And I dont recommend the T-Bone for overdrive, it's a distortion really.. it doesnt clean up very well, though if you like Sabbath's early records, thats kinda like the sound you gonna get. Don't expect transparency! It adds plenty of bass and mids. I think that something more "TS-ish" maybe would be fine for you, like a Bad Monkey or Behringer Tube Overdrive (analog SS despite the name) both really cheap pedals! I'm not familiar with the Dano Fab OD though.

June 11th, 2007, 01:05 AM
The Danelectro FAB OD is a great pedal, but it is no FUZZ at all. More like a warm overdrive that can colour your sound and give that little kick it needs.

If you really want to crack up a totally clean channel then I could recommend the Voodoolab Sparkle Drive or even the Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz, which I personally use because you can leave the pedal on all the time and control the sound completely with the volume of your guitar.

June 11th, 2007, 02:15 AM
You need a Rat!

I really would like to recommend you a DVM build, that way you can have the classic rat sound + a bunch of other flavors as well.

Big K
June 11th, 2007, 11:05 AM
would that be the Screamin' Banshee or Blasted Banshee?

DVM suggestions?

June 11th, 2007, 12:14 PM
I have a rat, and I think it will do what you are asking if you turn the distortion knob way down. The effect is very subtle at that setting.

June 11th, 2007, 12:43 PM
DVM suggestions?
But of course!

If it's a range of overdriven sounds you're looking for with a decidedly Tube Screamerish-flavor, then one of my TS clone pedals should fill the bill. You can check out the description of their features and tonal qualities in THIS THREAD (http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php?t=3197). There's a PDF attachment to post #7 that gives a fairly detailed technical rundown on what parameters can be varied and what tonal effect they have.

Swede makes a very interesting suggestion, though. He and I exchanged some ideas the other day as a result of THIS POST (http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php?t=3383), and I did a bit of research into the BYOC "Mighty Mouse" kit, which is their ProCo Rat clone, but also includes some cool additional features. The PCB is set up so that you can wire in an on-off-on 3-position toggle switch and run the pedal in three different modes: vintage Rat distortion mode, a "diode-lift" mode that basically turns it into a boost pedal, and an "overdrive" mode that activates a separate diode array in the opamp feedback loop, much the way a Tube Screamer and similar OD pedals work. Very flexible set-up--basically three pedals in one! You can also substitute yellow LED's for the normal silicon diodes in the "vintage" portion of the circuit and turn it into a "turbo Rat". I can see a couple of additional simple mods that could be made to increase it's capabilities even further. I've never made one of these, but it's a very straightforward design. Certainly a lot less complicated to build than a ZYS!

June 11th, 2007, 05:22 PM
For fuzzy sounds I rather like the Big Muff. Unfortunately (for your purposes) there's absolutely nothing subtle about it.

June 11th, 2007, 05:27 PM
I'm a little confused Big K. Your post heading is was looking for a fuzz/overdrive, but your post says "a little breakup". I think the Rat would fill the bill - especially the kit.

The Rat when the distortion is down makes a nice drive unit, but then when you bring up the distortion knob you can go from a distortion box mode all the way to full on fuzz mode.

If one pedal is your goal then consider it and even check one out at a store first if you can, that is if the kit is on your consideration list.

Otherwise, Bad Monkey for a little gain etc.

June 11th, 2007, 05:29 PM
For fuzzy sounds I rather like the Big Muff. Unfortunately (for your purposes) there's absolutely nothing subtle about it.
Yeah, I'd agree. I have a BYOC clone pedal for the Big Muff, but it's fuzz, pure and simple. Good fuzz, but fuzz nonetheless....

Big K
June 11th, 2007, 05:44 PM
I am frickin' confused especially today.... was headed to MF after lunch to mess around with some pedals and then the office went to heck....

never considered the Muff since the word distortion is used in all the literature, listened to the clip on MF and this is close to what I am looking for..... DVM whats the Muff clone go for? or is there something like a lite version of the tone driver?

June 11th, 2007, 06:34 PM
The Muff clone kit goes for $70. I could build you one for $100. But it's definitely fuzz/distortion. It doesn't do overdrive, at least not well!

For a wide spectrum of tones from overdrive to outright distortion, I think that modified Rat clone probably offers the best bet. You might want to poke around on the net for some Rat sound samples....

Big K
June 11th, 2007, 06:42 PM
The Muff clone kit goes for $70. I could build you one for $100. But it's definitely fuzz/distortion. It doesn't do overdrive, at least not well!

For a wide spectrum of tones from overdrive to outright distortion, I think that modified Rat clone probably offers the best bet. You might want to poke around on the net for some Rat sound samples....

will do, the more I listen the more I want something a little less than distortion in the overdrive/fuzz category.... i have a full on tube emulator type of pedal.... little less is more....

June 11th, 2007, 08:50 PM
You also might want to check out the EHX Nano Muff Overdrive. I only got to listen to a brief clip, but it might be more the overdrivey/fuzzy thing you're looking for. It doesn't seem to be as extreme as the Big Muff. Actually, I'd like to check one out myself. They're relatively inexpensive, about $44 on MF.

Big K
June 11th, 2007, 09:15 PM
You also might want to check out the EHX Nano Muff Overdrive. I only got to listen to a brief clip, but it might be more the overdrivey/fuzzy thing you're looking for. It doesn't seem to be as extreme as the Big Muff. Actually, I'd like to check one out myself. They're relatively inexpensive, about $44 on MF.

I will tomorrow...............thanks

June 12th, 2007, 07:22 AM
You also might want to check out the EHX Nano Muff Overdrive. I only got to listen to a brief clip, but it might be more the overdrivey/fuzzy thing you're looking for. It doesn't seem to be as extreme as the Big Muff. Actually, I'd like to check one out myself. They're relatively inexpensive, about $44 on MF.

Do you know anything about the "Little Big Muff"??? Ive bartered for one, but havent got to use it yet...just curious *shrug*

June 12th, 2007, 07:29 AM
I have the BYOC Large beaver (Big Muff Triangle clone) and a proco rat side by side on my board... and as they have been saying BigK.. The Proco rat can clean up nicely and get dirty and fuzzy almost to the Muff sounds.. But the Muff is dirty period.. least for me... a nice dirty.. but wont clean up for just over drive... the Rat seems to be the way to go for Fuzz/overdrive.. great pedal.. just not the fuzz of a muff..

Also.. the Boss BD-2 is on my board... now it has a great sound also.. just not all that distorted.. great for clean/mild overdrive.. use it on a clean setting to round out the Muff.. My Bad Monkey has come off the board... but has alot of sounds , just didn't have enough powercords..:) then theres the TS family of pedals and clones...

My vote for what you asked in the first post... would be the ProCo Rat

June 12th, 2007, 08:13 AM
Do you know anything about the "Little Big Muff"??? Ive bartered for one, but havent got to use it yet...just curious *shrug*
It's supposed to be the same as the regular Big Muff, just in smaller packaging. Their site says that the tone falls somewhere between a U.S. and Russian-made Muff. What that means exactly is beyond me.

Big K
June 12th, 2007, 08:31 AM
I need to plug into a few today before this makes me goofier than I already am....

June 12th, 2007, 11:09 AM
I found some Rat sound samples at Zzounds.com; click on the "audio samples' tab under the product image:


June 16th, 2007, 09:40 PM
About the little big muff.. I heard it and I can tell u guys that it really sounds different compared to a "regular" Muff. Making it short, it sounds less fuzzy and more like regular distortion maybe... its different, have that in mind.

I have a E-H double Muff, you can find a sample of it on Youtube. Maybe thats a good option, but I recommend only for valve amps. u can get distortion and overdrive tones from it on a let's say an epi valve jr. amp, and cleans really well using the volume pot, I mean really really well, and it leaves a hint of compression to your clean tone thats just sweet. definitely not as much gain as a Big Muff, but warmer.

June 16th, 2007, 09:42 PM
Looking for something with a little less than full blown distortion... something to add a little gain to break up a clean tone... maybe a Danelectro Fab Overdrive, Pastrami or T-bone or Boss SD-1 or Bad Monkey or ???

any suggestions or favorites?

I really am quite fond of my Seymour Duncak Twin tube for live performance...

It's a good'un.