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View Full Version : Digitech Artist Series - Suggestion

June 13th, 2007, 06:08 AM
Hey I just thought that it would be great if Digitech would create a Stevie Ray Vaughan Pedal, just like the Hendrix, May and Clapton pedal.

June 13th, 2007, 06:28 AM
My suggestion would be The Edge - I've never managed to get my delay setup properly for Where the Street have no Name. They could include all those wierd envelope filter type effects he used on Mysterious Ways and The Fly. I'd definitely buy one if it was made.

June 13th, 2007, 06:30 AM
My suggestion would be The Edge - I've never managed to get my delay setup properly for Where the Street have no Name. They could include all those wierd envelope filter type effects he used on Mysterious Ways and The Fly. I'd definitely buy one if it was made.

that would definitely be a good choice, too. Those delay sounds left so many guitarist with their jaw on the floor.

June 13th, 2007, 07:36 AM
I would get and Edge one if available. I don't have a delay except the one in the Korg AX-1g. It has an Edge setting that I still need to learn to play with better. Any other good delay pedal suggestions? As far as an SRV, my thought is that all the current overdrive pedals can get you there. But I suppose one could be programmed to add in the effect of those heavy strings he played and other variables. What about a Warren Haynes pedal to fatten things up?