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View Full Version : B.Y.O.C. Large Beaver

June 16th, 2007, 08:55 AM
I recently got a B.Y.O.C. Large Beaver, which is a clone of a Big Muff "Triangle" pedal.

I don't know how to explain this pedal other than its used alot in David Gilmour's setup and I just love it!

The best description would be from gilmourish.com:
B.Y.O.C. Learge Beaver
The B.Y.O.C. concept is that you buy a kit, solder it yourself (very easy) and voila, you have a your very own clone of a classic stompbox. The Large Beaver is a 1971 “triangle” Big Muff clone and the recemblance is extremely close to the original. The tone is very transparent and bright with tons of sustain. The pedal responds very well to different techniques and cleans up quite good when you strum a chord or roll down the guitar volume knob for a milder tone. Compared to my green Sovtek, this one is slightly milder but with more tone to work with… if that makes sence.
:end quote:

There are but a few sound clips available on youtube for this pedal, neither of which to me sound like the pedal.. This one sounds probably close to what I hear with it: http://youtube.com/watch?v=-WArzKC09DY

Compared to the other Big Muff's , I haven't a clue...I never used another Big Muff.
Most sound clips I have found, seem to turn the tone up higher then I like it, so it sounds shrill to me listening to their clips...
This box is not shrill sounding at all, unless you make it that way...
it has a very smooth (if thats possible?) fuzz when the sustain is all the way down..
adding in a booster (Currently I use the Boss BD-2 clean for this) together with this pedal and it just sounds awesome to me..
Now, turn that sustain (wonder why the call it sustain instead of distort_tion) all the way up.. and it will make you wet yourself! (Ummm I really didn't , it's just how it sounds.. honest!)

Trying to aquire a tone quite like Mr Gilmour's, I would say is a life time achivement.. then he changes his tone slightly thru the years..:) !!
For the 70's early 80's sound.. this along with a Dynacomp, Power booster and Electric Mistress and a strat gets you into the ballpark..
for me, im still in the bleachers (if not just entering the stadium) .. but getting closer...

I purchased mine already built.. the box itself is plain casing with no pretty color or graphics.. opening it up, it looks well made and solder points are pro-job all the way..

Not knowing which Big Muff to get.. Russian or American.. I think I made the right decision getting the Triangle clone from B.Y.O.C. .. and would suggest it to anyone looking for a Big Muff.. $70.00 for a kit http://buildyourownclone.com/largebeaver.html .. or.. $110.00 built.. http://axeandyoushallreceive.com/store/page1.html

Oh one more thing.. NO! a ProCo Rat cannot sound like a Big Muff when you actually have them side by side!! Least mine can't... different sound/tone all together!
Although if I only had one or the other.
The rat cleans up nicely.. and would be better for a wider range of sounds.. and can get close to a Big Muff.. just not a Big Muff.
This was always on my mind, thinking I would be wasting my money when I had a Rat already... they are both on my board and both have their own sounds period.

Check it out...

June 16th, 2007, 09:23 AM
The only thing with this kit is that unless it really sounds more like the original Muffs (and I would never be able to determine that) there's really no cost benefit to building your own. The NYC reissue is ~$76 at MF and the Russian version is $59. Compare that to a TS808 which is selling for a ludicrous $170 while the BYOC kit is $80.

I do, however, understand the "cool" factor of having built your own pedal. That, I'm sure, is worth something in and of itself.

The Big Muff model is one of my favorite things about my EX-7. I haven't tried a David Gilmour tone, mainly because I'm not that big of a Floyd fan. You can, however, absolutely NAIL an Iommi tone with it.

Thanks for the review!

June 16th, 2007, 09:56 AM
The NYC reissue is ~$76 at MF and the Russian version is $59.

That was my hard time... which to get... well, I heard alot of the USA version Clips and everyone uses it for a sound other then what I was looking for.. so it always seemed shrill/higher pitched then I wanted. The Russian one.. sounds better in clips (fuller/deeper).. but lacks the Power adaptor.. and I didn't want battery only (although people say battery only sounds better in pedals)

So my choices came down to this.. Although Skreddy makes a great sounding floyd pedal called Pink Flesh (sound clip: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0UuiKsN6Zdw ) which combines the Muff and Colorsound Power Boost together!! Umm at $200.00 though..sigh.. maybe later down the road..
if I dont get a colorsound powerdrive.. $260.00 :)

I missed the "cool" factor cause I bought one already built.. but I can lie when people look at it...;)

June 22nd, 2007, 10:49 AM
I'm thinking of a fuzz soon....good discussion here thanks you guys.

June 22nd, 2007, 11:02 AM
That BYOC Muff clone kit is a ridiculously easy build; good one to start with, if you've never built a pedal before. And you can download the instructions from the BYOC website, which contains a full bill of materials listing. That allows you to buy the parts directly from vendors and knock about $25 - $30 off the kit price....

** EDIT **

I have the full BOM for this pedal, complete with sources, part numbers and prices. PM me if you want a copy....

ted s
June 22nd, 2007, 02:20 PM
Large beaver, muff triangle.... you guys are killin me .!!>> :p

June 22nd, 2007, 02:35 PM
Hey, you can't make this stuff up! The original EH pedal was named the "Big Muff Pi". So BYOC called their kit the "Large Beaver". Disgraceful! But kinda funny.... ;) :D

It even has its own Wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Muff), so you can read up on the history of this legendary effect pedal!

June 22nd, 2007, 03:50 PM
Hey, you can't make this stuff up! The original EH pedal was named the "Big Muff Pi". So BYOC called their kit the "Large Beaver". Disgraceful! But kinda funny.... ;)

It even has its own Wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Muff), so you can read up on the history of this legendary effect pedal!
Well, you can make it up...:D..& someone did! ;)

What about the pi?

That deserve a similar euphemism. :p