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View Full Version : For Sale: Guitar played by Loudncrunchy

June 18th, 2007, 06:02 PM
Hey Guys!

I'm selling my guitar on ebay. Proceeds from this sale will go towards a Fender Strat w/a Humbucker in the bridge position w/a USA neck.

Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=006&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=160129193422&rd=1&rd=1

June 19th, 2007, 09:03 AM
The link says invalid item.

June 19th, 2007, 01:54 PM
yep, invalid

June 19th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Here's the scoop...eBay cancelled my sale because it apparently violated the spamming policy. What triggered it was that I listed it as "Fender Like".

After I responded to this BS, I probably won't have an account any longer and that fine if they're going to pull crap like that.

Anyway, I'm selling the guitar that you see in the avatar. It looks like a Fender because I put Fender decals on the headstock and on the body in various places.

The guitar is actually a Rockwood copy of a Fender Strat. I put Joe Satriani Humbuckers in the bridge and neck position and left the factory single coil in the bridge position.

My buddy Dan (aka 7Kane) customed designed the chrome metal pick guard and used the same material for the back plate.

I'm selling this beauty to upgrade to a either a guitar w/a Fender USA neck or maybe an epiphone. Haven't totally decided yet...going thru Musicians Friend is another posibility.

If you are interested in purchasing this guitar, email me a private message, and I'll give you the asking price as well as more close up pics of the guitar that was initially used for eBay.


June 20th, 2007, 08:47 AM
Here's the scoop...eBay cancelled my sale because it apparently violated the spamming policy. What triggered it was that I listed it as "Fender Like".

After I responded to this BS, I probably won't have an account any longer and that fine if they're going to pull crap like that.

Anyway, I'm selling the guitar that you see in the avatar. It looks like a Fender because I put Fender decals on the headstock and on the body in various places.
I think in this case I can understand eBay's point. It's at best going to be confusing by calling it "Fender like" and especially with having a Fender decal on the headstock. There's too many scummy folks out there (as DVM found out with his Epi Goldtop--although there seem to have been arrangements made there) trying to push off a guitar for something it isn't. In view of that, it's easy to see why they would take a hard-line policy on something like this, even though it wasn't your intention to misrepresent the guitar.

June 20th, 2007, 01:53 PM
Guitars and actually any branded product sold on ebay that is not genuine if sold then disputed by the buyer for being a knockoff and for the copyrights it infringes on. Can put you in a royal jam losing both your item and money. It has happened, if you sell any gear on ebay take those phony decals off before selling if it aint the real deal. It is illegal to sell a branded instrument that you placed the phoney decals on.

June 21st, 2007, 05:33 PM
The more I think about it.....getting rejected by eBay was God's way of telling me to keep the guitar. I still think eBay can be a total A-Hole at times when it comes to some of their policies. Don't even get me started on their fees! LOL

Nevertheless, I don't really want to burn the bridge w/them in case I do want to sell something that not "like".

Those are my three chords and I'm sticking to them. LOL

"He who knows...doesn't speak. He who speaks doesn't know." Dustin Diamond on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club

Don't ask me why I included the above sentence. There is some truth to it, don't you think?:D