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View Full Version : Jam Session - Backing Track #3

January 29th, 2006, 08:34 AM
Ok, Well here is a slow rock backing... and my take on it... this file is available at megaupload.com as an alternative to size and bandwidth limits here at fretnet... add your take on it today or 30 days from now ( seems a file only last at the megaupload for 30 days from last transfer.. so can't actually say a year from today..)

Files At Megaupload.com

The Backing - Slowrock_BT.mp3 (Size about 3.5 mb)
(note this is [1089]slowrock.mp3 from another site if you already have it)


My Take on it - I used middle and bridge pickups on a mim 60's strat with tones turned halfway down and the cyber-champ on preset Stadium rock with the gain turned down quite a bit...I guess I wanted the guitar to sound nasal or trumpet like... that sound right? well.. it did for me at the time..lol...

slowrock_Jam_Fretnet.mp3 (Size about 3.5 mb)


Note on Megaupload.com:
Seems megaupload.com allows for files up to 250 mb without registering.. downloads are free with a AD based waiting period.. ofcourse there is a premium service that removes that and pushes file size uploaded to 2000 MB per file... it's an alternative I seen used on alot of sites...Uploading is as simple as using your browser and uploading through it.

:R :R :R

January 29th, 2006, 09:28 AM
Thanks for the megaupload tips!

I liked your sound, but couldn´t the lead guitar have been a bit louder? Some parts was a bit hard to hear. Very melodic.

January 29th, 2006, 11:01 AM
I've seen people use www.yousendit.com. Then there's http://mediamax.streamload.com/

I also found a page with an overview of a few free file storage sites: http://www.freewebspace.net/guide/diskstorage.shtml

January 29th, 2006, 11:43 AM
Thanks for the links Robert...

I started one on savefile.com also...Simple setup with email verify for account.. it seems to transfer a bit slower..but you can judge the speed... the slowrock backing track is there also...

Slowrock_Backing Track

January 29th, 2006, 03:32 PM
Thanks for that fine backing track justaguy!
I recorded something (but you already knew that I would, right? ;)

I didn´t use the entire backing track, I hope that is alright. I was sitting here with a little glass of scotch and just playing around. It took a slighty different turn than I expected, but imho turned out quite good.
Gear as always:

Squier Telecaster > Korg AX10g > Garageband.

The clean sound is a BTQ Clean with loads of compressor. The distorted is a VOX AC15 with a little compressor. Both use plate reverb.

Get file here: :R


January 29th, 2006, 07:49 PM
Yup...knew ya would...:) I didn't have any scotch handy..but it sounds quite good on lite beer also!!! many tones.. nice playing.. thanks for contributing once again!!

January 29th, 2006, 08:15 PM
ss and justa....both tunes sound great (and the scotch I just enjoyed has nothing to do with it!) I played both several times.

Question....were these each just one take or did you piece together sections with your software?

nice job guys,

January 30th, 2006, 03:29 AM
Mine has two audio tracks, most of it was recorded in two takes. I had to overdub the ending part because the tele were slighty out of tune by then ;)

January 30th, 2006, 10:22 AM
Warren, I probably did 3 takes... just found some kinda melody and sound in my head and played it through... hardest thing.. keep playing after about a minute and a half... lol..

January 30th, 2006, 10:44 AM

Looks like we must get together and help each other to learn this recording stuff. Can someone please take this needle out of my vein????