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View Full Version : Finally got some demo stuff down. Have a listen!

June 23rd, 2007, 02:57 PM

We have three songs done live with 4 Sure SM57's....and my Sound engineer skillz yo!...Its kinda ruff cause it was on the fly, one take, absolutly no overdubs!

Tell me what you think! Some of the parts have really fun rhythms bass and guitar, so you might want to listen to the whole thing ...on all three songs!

Jamie O
June 25th, 2007, 09:01 PM
I like Devil Girl alot. Love the riff in the beginning, and the contrast of the kinda Metal sounding halftime part is really cool.

June 25th, 2007, 09:34 PM
Fun stuff! I was liking the rhythm parts (bass and guitar) on Junkyard Blues a lot, then the lead came in and lit it up some more. My personal pref on mix would be to re-balance the cymbals and the guitars, bringing up the guitars relatively. Thanks for sharing it! :DR

June 25th, 2007, 11:35 PM
Fun stuff! I was liking the rhythm parts (bass and guitar) on Junkyard Blues a lot, then the lead came in and lit it up some more. My personal pref on mix would be to re-balance the cymbals and the guitars, bringing up the guitars relatively. Thanks for sharing it! :DR

Mine too...I bumped the preamp on the board on in the wrong direction on my mic....it was a 3 mic setup into an old 4 channel mixer and the bassist was playing with no stage volume and with no headphones, so he was just playing "blind" because of DI into the board. We also didn't have a compressor on the drum tracks which made me sad.....were gonna take another shot at it once I get my Q-base LE up and running.....There was one overhead mic on the drums- and SM54 - and one SM57 135* off axis on the kick drum...my sure was about and inch from the speaker and 3 inches from the cone and about 30* off axis on my Delta blues 1x15...I used NO pedals on my guitar sound either...its all that DB and my strat AKA Izabella the "Blue Bomber"

The bassist is using an Ibanez road star circa 1984 and thru a Kustom Groove bass 600 with a preamp defeat so he could run an external tube preamp for some warmer tones...he also lined out so it made my life easier trying to mic him..BUT you can tell that on some parts we were a little behind.

If the cymbals didn't wash so much (and even with the lack of a compressor) is one of the most technical drummers around....

All in all for a one shot deal with no overdubs and no punches pulled...its allright. I wish I could have had a higher guitar line level...:rolleyes: But for a single take and the bassist going by well....tapping his foot its not bad...not to brag on him...but he's only been playing 8 months.

Our band is a three piece with no vocals...were still looking for a singer that can match our intensity...we have six orig. and we do three covers. My favorite song to play we didn't get to post cause I was a dummy and didn't switch to my paul when we played it...my strat is a 50's RI and it has only 21 frets...and for the solo in my fav song named "Backyard Fight Anthem" I need the 22nd fret for a triplet run.....so I tried to bend up to it with lackluster results

Jimi Hendrix Exp; Fire

Zepplin; Were Gonna Grove

Thin Lizzy; Jail Break

Thank you all for the support and I really appreciate the feedback.....If you have soundclicks or band myspace pages or what ever...I would love to listen and friend all of you! Its always good to have friends in the business and if at all possible I'm looking to make friends with people in other cities so if they play Cincinnati they can have a crowd and other bands to play with...and possible places to crash.....Remember...its not who you know but who knows you!.....


June 26th, 2007, 02:11 AM

Just added you as friend.
I liked what I heard, because it was honest and it rocked. Sure I would mix down the cymbals and the hi-hat a bit and make the guitars louder, but hey this is a demo and a good musician hears the potential.

Keep on rocking.:DR

June 26th, 2007, 06:24 AM
I listened to the songs....then looked at your pics and realized from the pics you have posted with some famous peeps that it was YOU!.....your band is good, and I also like it! I appreciate the add too....When another band hears what Im doing and likes it, I hate to say it but it means more to me than the fans do......but musicians are the biggest fan's so I guess it all works out.:DR

Thanks guys.


Just added you as friend.
I liked what I heard, because it was honest and it rocked. Sure I would mix down the cymbals and the hi-hat a bit and make the guitars louder, but hey this is a demo and a good musician hears the potential.

Keep on rocking.:DR

June 26th, 2007, 08:17 AM
I liked it - original sounding band, that's great.

June 26th, 2007, 08:26 AM
I liked it too...I just had a hard time understanding the vocals.:D

June 26th, 2007, 01:03 PM
LagrangeCalvert, I meant also to emphasize that I love the intensity and drive of the music, and like you suggested, the fun rhythm parts. The mix issue is just clean up stuff.

June 26th, 2007, 09:16 PM
I liked it too...I just had a hard time understanding the vocals.:D

I had a hard time listening to this cat audition for us....the add we put out was as stated.

" Wanted; frontman for a Blues/Rock group who is between the ages 18-28 who can bring energy and draw a crowd. Our influences differ greatly so go to (I put the myspace link here) to hear three of our 9 orig. songs. No druggies, serious semi-pro to pros only please....we have pro gear including PA. Practice on tues to thurs 5 hours a session and plan to play out 3/4 weeks a month on multiple days on the weekends. Call -------- for details and to arrange an audition"

The guy is very good, just not what we were looking for...I said BLUES/ROCK...don't bring me James Taylor.... and bring a damn resume please:mad: :rolleyes: :eek: not your Acoustic....He would be totally awesome at coffee shops but just not here....We told him a ton of our influences...then he "whats something you know that I would know"....so we said Jimi's Fire!....you think he would at least know the darn melody....nope...so we gave him a CD with all nine of our songs and said pick two to come up with lyrics that have something to do with the title's of the songs and bring your "A" game voice...we want to hear what you have. The funny thing is this guy swore he could do rock stuff really good, like he could match our energy and our sound....so thats why we gave him a callback.

Since putting the add in and pointing people to the bands myspace we have gotten 23 calls for singers....so its gonna take us a month to find someone I know...... but I didn't think people would dig our tunes as much as the do..and I really appreciate that you all really like them...it means more to me when musicians like it more than hot girls.....does that make me gay?:confused:

July 21st, 2007, 11:55 AM
Hey Josh great tunes on your myspace like this one I sent you an add request too so I can keep up with all your musical happenings. I like your style its balsy blues with that southern Skynard feel hope you find a singer the right person will come along I'm sure:DR

July 22nd, 2007, 09:39 AM
Very nice Josh! Hope you find your frontman soon!

I already added you as a friend to myspace. ;)

July 24th, 2007, 09:39 AM
I dig what you guys are doing...keep it up and post some more tune soon!