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View Full Version : Grandfatherly Action stars!

June 28th, 2007, 08:28 AM
What is going on in Hollywood? How about the new blood?
It seems as if all the very old action actors have to come back.

My grandpa is 75, so I would not wonder if he would play the stunt double for Clint Eastwood - I mean, with 75 he's of average age for an action actor in Hollywood.

Bruce Willis seems like the pet of the family with his cute 52 years and Stallone is looking more and more like a wrinkled sofa and Harrison Ford is constantly deleting the cult around him with bad movies. And as if this isn't enough he comes back as Indie again!

What do you think?
Shall the old guys retire ore is there no new blood that can follow in their footsteps??

By the way, Rocky 6 was briliant, but the first pix of Rambo 4 look horrible!

June 28th, 2007, 09:59 AM
Of the really old, Clint and Newman can stay, but are better in there more dramatic roles. Connery too. The rest of the really old can quit, or adapt to different roles. Willis can still be a GI Joe goof ball. He is good at that, and is younger than the rest you mention. It is good though, when there is someone else strong in the movie, like Travolta and Jackson in Pulp Fiction, to dilute him a little. I don't really like to watch Sly any more.

Of the new guys, I like Nick Cage and Travolta, Keanu can be fun, but I still think of him as Bill, or Ted or whatever. Sean Penn rocks. I am tired of Brad Pitt and his crew, Cruise can't shut up. I like Samuel Jackson better than any of them, and Will Smith could do good action if they would set him up that way. Who else is there? Those guys aren't that young!

So I didn't vote because I could not choose between the two as written.

BTW, Willis is playing this weekend at his bar he owns here, "The Mint" with his band. Sometimes it is kind of fun! Other times, you wish he would sit down and let the musicians play.

June 28th, 2007, 11:13 AM
The old actors.. well, they aint that OLD to me...:) they all are my heros! Even in bad movies they shine.. And I think Sylvester can kick Brad Pitts A**!!!

Sunvalley named about the cream of the new crop... leaving out Ed Norton, Russel Crow.. and a few more though..

But when it comes down to seeing Rocky 16..I'll watch it... and as long as Clint can be on screen.. I'll see him... they do rule!!

Wish Someone would clone John Wayne already!!

June 28th, 2007, 06:51 PM
Bond...James Bond.
You left out Daniel Craig. He did a spectacular job in Casino Royal. I'm sure he'll be around for a while even if his "you know what's" aren't. :D

And while on the subject...Pierce Brosnan has been in some good action movies other than Bond too.

June 28th, 2007, 11:21 PM
.....What do you think?
Shall the old guys retire ore is there no new blood that can follow in their footsteps??


June 28th, 2007, 11:37 PM
But yes...I'm not interested in seeing the old guard trying to be action stars. WE need new heroes.

June 29th, 2007, 07:29 AM
Maybe some "passing the torch" epics. Clint can pass on while Will Smith carries on the fight after having the character's arrogance of youth rubbed off by travels with the elder hero. Something like that.