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January 30th, 2006, 08:39 PM
Well, this is going to be on of those personal posts. You are all my friends, and friends you can tell anything, right?

I've recently received a message about my father back home in Sweden. He is sick and doesn't have long left. I will be going home very soon to see him; I just hope I make it there in time.

Remember to take good care of the people you love, and tell them often how much you care for them.


January 30th, 2006, 11:17 PM
I lost my dad about 7 years ago.. we had about 800 miles between us..I didn't make it back in time... I still think of it till this day... God's speed....

January 31st, 2006, 12:25 AM
Safe journey to you Robert.
We just got word tonight that my wife's father just went into the hospital today.
We're all with ya man. Make it home safe!

January 31st, 2006, 03:02 AM
Robert, I am so sorry to hear this. Has he been sick for a long time?

January 31st, 2006, 05:28 AM

I am sorry to hear about your father. My father lives 900 miles away in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. He was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. The man is 87 years old and still gets around on his own. I expect the phone call to come at anytime.

My prayers are with you, your family and especially your dad. I pray for peace for all at this precious time. May this time bring your family closer together and be used to share the love with each other.

January 31st, 2006, 07:32 AM
Hi Robert,

I'm very sorry to hear about this. Have a safe journey back to Sweden. I hope that you are able to spend some time with him.

-- Jim

January 31st, 2006, 09:24 AM

I hope the best for you and for your father. I know you're planning on going to see him soon...Godspeed bro.

January 31st, 2006, 09:36 AM
Have a safe journey home, Robert. Prayers are being sent for you, your Dad, and the rest of the family.

January 31st, 2006, 10:02 AM
Thoughts Are With You My Friend..safe Journey And I Hope Everything Turns Out Well ...6s9l

January 31st, 2006, 10:22 AM
have a safe trip....my thoughts are with you and your dad....


January 31st, 2006, 02:31 PM
Thanks for your support, my friends. My dad has cancer in the bones and he is in a lot of pain. I'm going to go as soon as I can get a ticket.

January 31st, 2006, 06:09 PM
Yes Robert,

My dad also has cancer in his bones. It is mostly in his ribs and shoulders. He has had treatment and improved over the summer, but as we all know cancer cannot be beat. It is just a matter of time before it comes back. My sympathies are with you. If your father is like my father (most of the old timers think a like) everything has been taken care of and they are ready. My dad had everything prepared back when he was in his early 70s. Be strong my friend, your family will need your strength to help pull them through.

January 31st, 2006, 06:56 PM

Blessings, thoughts, and prayers to you, your Dad, and your family.

January 31st, 2006, 08:34 PM
Safe travels, Robert. Your words about family and loved ones ring very true. Rest assured you will be in our thoughts.

February 1st, 2006, 01:19 PM
Hope its not too late to add my sympathy and regards.

Best wishes


February 1st, 2006, 11:04 PM
Thanks again, all of you. I am leaving on Friday morning. You behave now while I'm away. Anything in need of administrator assistance - contact Vitalmyles and he'll take care of it.

February 1st, 2006, 11:25 PM
good luck man, im sorry to hear that. i hope you get there in good time. ill say a prayer for you and your dad.

February 2nd, 2006, 12:09 PM
Our thoghts are with you and your father, Robert.

And I think, this community can be proud, that you share such personal things with us. It's a good feeling, knowin' people like you all.

February 3rd, 2006, 09:54 PM
I know you just left home Rob, but best wishes for your dad and your family.


February 5th, 2006, 02:34 AM
Hi guys, I made it here, staying at my brother's house right now. Going to see my dad today. It's cold here, minus 17 celsius, and lots of snow. I'll go by the local music store later in the week and see what they have. I'm gonna try and hook up with some of my musician friends here to see what they've been up to. I hope I get to do some jamming with my old buddies. I'll post more later in the week.

Play on,

February 5th, 2006, 05:57 AM
glad you made it safely....good luck with your dad.

Jammin with old friends sounds like a great idea to me....


February 5th, 2006, 11:51 AM
never miss a chance to jam with your old mates man! :)

February 5th, 2006, 01:05 PM
Glad to hear you're with the family, Robert. I do hope you get plenty of playing time with your buddies. There have been times in my life where the guitar and music has been the best stress and emotional outlet ever.

Good luck with the family, and continued prayers are sent!

February 6th, 2006, 06:33 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father, Robert.

April 5th, 2006, 06:44 PM
Just to let you know, my dad passed away peacefully today. I will soon go back for the funeral. Thanks for all your support, my friends.

It was so special to see him and our 2.5 year-old daughter together when I went in February (I've got it on video too). It meant so much for him, and I am so glad he got to see her while he was still strong enough.

April 5th, 2006, 06:48 PM
Our hearts are with you & your family Robert. I glad that he passed peacefully.

April 5th, 2006, 06:56 PM
Robert, I'm sorry to hear about your father. It's always hard losing a loved one, my condolences to you and your family.

April 5th, 2006, 07:13 PM
robert....my thoughts are with you and your family....


April 5th, 2006, 07:18 PM
Robert -

I am very sorry for your loss. You and your family and loved ones will be in my prayers.

April 5th, 2006, 08:24 PM
Robert - My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Although I am sure there are feelings of great sadness and loss, I am also certain that you feel very fortunate to have shared such valuable time with him before he passed. Thank you for sharing that experience with us, and helping each of us put into perspective, even if for just a moment, those things in life that are the most important. God Bless.

April 5th, 2006, 09:09 PM
Sorry to hear Robert. From me as well, thanks for sharing your self, your family and your life with all of us. Have a safe journey both ways. I'm sure your father is on a safe journey as well.

April 5th, 2006, 09:58 PM

I am very sorry for your loss my friend. My thoughts and prayers are also with you and your family. I was glad that you were able to see him not long ago and he will always continue to be with you in spirit. Comfort to you and yours bro.


April 5th, 2006, 11:51 PM
Robert, so sorry to hear about your father. It is very hard to lose a parent, even when you've known for some time that it would come. That was the way it was with my mom. She suffered with Alzheimer's for years. It was almost a relief when she passed on, but quite difficult all the same.

Our condolences go out to you.

April 6th, 2006, 02:47 AM
Robert! My thoughts are with you and your family.

April 6th, 2006, 03:42 AM
Robert – My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you prepare to travel back home. I know this is a very unhappy time for all. As you stated earlier, you have fond memories from your previous trip a few months back. Treasure those in your heart. I will continue to pray that you have a safe trip and that God blesses those near to you during this saddened occasion.

April 6th, 2006, 05:57 AM
My condolences for your loss Robert. It is truly a blessing though that you made it to Sweden in time to see him and that your father got to meet his grandaughter. I'm sure that really brought him a lot of joy.

Grieve now, then in time you'll look back at all of the happy memories of him. A part of him will live on in you.

April 6th, 2006, 07:11 AM
Very sorry to hear about the loss of your dad, Robert. My heartfelt condolences. Sounds like you have some great memories to hang onto, though, and those can never be taken from you. My dad has been gone since '95, but I often think of all the great times we had together. I'm sure you'll do the same.

April 6th, 2006, 09:37 AM

I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. It was good that you went back to see him in February. Have a safe trip back to the funeral.

-- Jim

April 7th, 2006, 01:04 PM
Thanks everyone so much.

I will be gone from the 12 to the 24 for taking care of the funeral and everything else.

Behave while I'm away. Any administrator questions can be directed to Vitalmyles while I'm away.

April 7th, 2006, 02:41 PM
Behave while I'm away.
lmao!! :D :D :D :D

seriously....have a safe trip...our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family


April 8th, 2006, 07:16 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your father Robert and feel bad that I havnt kept up to date with the forums to post my sympathy earlier. Have a safe journey.

Deepest regards


April 8th, 2006, 01:29 PM
Robert, are you planning to play something on his funeral? Perhaps some classical nylon string ?

guitar ruki
April 8th, 2006, 05:45 PM
Dear Robert...

I just joined today after discovering this wonderful forum. As I continued to read the different threads, I came across the sad news and pondered whether it would be appropriate for me to say something.

My heart tells me that it would be ok for me say that my thoughts, as well as those of many others, are with you.

Take care,

April 18th, 2006, 01:59 PM
Thank you all. The funeral was today. I feel okay, but it was of course very saddening at the same time. He is now at rest, and I shall always remember him with loving thoughts; he was very special in many ways. It feels strange to not have any parents anymore, although I have great in-laws.

April 18th, 2006, 03:06 PM
Thank you all. The funeral was today. I feel okay, but it was of course very saddening at the same time. He is now at rest, and I shall always remember him with loving thoughts; he was very special in many ways. It feels strange to not have any parents anymore, although I have great in-laws.
Robert....here is a true story....

My grandfather died 3 years ago....my son was 6 at the time and was blessed in getting to know his Great Grandpa (his great grandma is still alive).

We were planning my son's 7 year old birthday and talking about who would be at his party. He started naming friends and family and said...and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa...of course we as the "smarter" parents reminded him that Great Grandpa was in heaven and would not be at the party.

Conner looked at us and said....he WILL be there because he is in my heart.

When i told this to my grandmother (conner's great grandma) she started crying....tears of both joy and sadness (both of which were perfectly fine).

It meant alot to her that conner felt that way.

OK...i'm starting to ramble...the point is you still have your parents, they will always be your parents and will always "be" with you in your heart.

my best,

April 18th, 2006, 04:05 PM
Your son is right Warren, my parents will always be with me. Thank you for that encouragement, I needed that.

April 18th, 2006, 05:34 PM

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Grandparents/Parents do indeed live in our hearts. I'm reminded all the time when I hear...."Do you remember when Grandpa Wayne did this...or that...or....."

Kids remember the darndest things too. But it all brings about the memories that will keep them in us forever.

My prayers are with you.

April 18th, 2006, 06:29 PM
Robert -

Warren's son is indeed wise beyond his years. I am deeply sorry for your loss, and you and your family are still in my prayers.

April 18th, 2006, 07:28 PM
God bless you Robert and your family. Today was in deed a tough day for all. The Lord has blessed you with many loving memories of your parents and the good times enjoyed by all. keep both them and Him always near. Remember also your surviving family and friends. They will become more memories, as you get older. Don’t forget us fretters either. We are here for you and with you. We have become a family to each other. We are a band of brothers (and sisters if they ever join the forum). It is good to see how we lift each other up when we are down with saddened days. Have a safe trip home my friend and brother.