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July 14th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Ok.. it aint especialy pretty.. but it was made from scratch for your consumption....

A bit of 'Spy music' (who the fk does spy music??)

Well.. thats what it started to be before I ran out of time..

PRODUCTION is only as good as the effort and time one is willing to put into a project.. this one is way beyond my abilitys..

I at least wanted to do some horn work and mix it right.. but I simply have to put the home recording away for a few weeks.. and when I get back there will be other things on my mind...

For those who might enjoy a listen, in all it's sloppy Glory.. I present 'Spy Music'...


July 15th, 2007, 12:14 PM
It's ONLY music..

I promise if anyone has a listen, no one will 'actualy' be spied on..

However those that DON'T listen will be monitored and have small micro chips placed under their skin while they sleep..

It's a fair compromise!

July 15th, 2007, 12:26 PM
I gave it a listen yesterday. Very fun and adventurous. My instructor's "student" group does "Secret Agent Man" so we have been living a bit in spy music land. :-)

July 15th, 2007, 12:43 PM
Gives ya the feeling of....
Getting off a plane in algiers in your three piece suit..
riding down a dirty road with a dirty smelly cab driver..
Exiting by an abandoned warehouse with a laptop in hand....
to meet four or five bad looking dudes..
Exchanging a product..
getting out of dodge...
Don't sell yourself short..was a good listen!

July 15th, 2007, 05:25 PM
I gave it a listen yesterday. Very fun and adventurous. My instructor's "student" group does "Secret Agent Man" so we have been living a bit in spy music land. :-)

See.. everyne id doing Spy music.. it is all the rage!!


But in reality, thanks for your ear and the feedback.. glad you had a little fun with it!

July 15th, 2007, 05:31 PM
Gives ya the feeling of....
Getting off a plane in algiers in your three piece suit..
riding down a dirty road with a dirty smelly cab driver..
Exiting by an abandoned warehouse with a laptop in hand....
to meet four or five bad looking dudes..
Exchanging a product..
getting out of dodge...
Don't sell yourself short..was a good listen!

<b>What a 'smelly' description..

thanks.. wish I had thought of it for the intro!!


Appreciate your time and thought!

July 16th, 2007, 04:49 AM
Nice playing Maxwell333! I like your modern take on the spy motif.

I love spy music....both listening to it and playing it. The James Bond theme, Goldfinger theme, Secret Agent Man, HAwaii Five-O...great stuff! (I saw Johnny Rivers live once... seeing him play Secret Agent Man was a dream come true. Probably one of my top ten favorite songs.)

July 16th, 2007, 10:22 AM
Nice playing Maxwell333! I like your modern take on the spy motif.

I love spy music....both listening to it and playing it. The James Bond theme, Goldfinger theme, Secret Agent Man, HAwaii Five-O...great stuff! (I saw Johnny Rivers live once... seeing him play Secret Agent Man was a dream come true. Probably one of my top ten favorite songs.)

It's funny too, because when I created this I just had to, but I didn't think anyone would profess to 'liking' spy music.. and it is incredible the number of people who turn out actualy 'liking' spy music.

If I had of known that I may of worked a bit harder on the mix..

But it is all good fun and I sure appreciate your taking your time from your day to give me a listen and talk with me about it!

July 16th, 2007, 11:53 AM
Nice playing Maxwell333! I like your modern take on the spy motif.

I love spy music....both listening to it and playing it. The James Bond theme, Goldfinger theme, Secret Agent Man, HAwaii Five-O...great stuff! (I saw Johnny Rivers live once... seeing him play Secret Agent Man was a dream come true. Probably one of my top ten favorite songs.)

Yeah, that was what I meant to say too. Your take has a lot of modern elements to it. Like the difference between the 60s version of The Italian Job and the new one. Our student band "Secret" rendition is definately more retro. I like how you updated the genre.

July 16th, 2007, 02:31 PM
Yeah, that was what I meant to say too. Your take has a lot of modern elements to it. Like the difference between the 60s version of The Italian Job and the new one. Our student band "Secret" rendition is definately more retro. I like how you updated the genre.

I'm glad you had some fun with it..

If I had known people like 'spy music' this much, I would of worked on the mix a bit harder..

I thought I was the 'only' one who was going to understand it.. Like the owner of a parrot, that can tell you what the parrot is saying, but no one else hears it..

Glad to know some music styles are still universal..

Fun stuff.. thanks a million again for the feedback!