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View Full Version : My new Champ

August 4th, 2007, 08:05 AM
Haven't posted much here in a long time (a few times here lately, but not much) . Just figured I would contribute a little vintage amp porn. It's in pieces until the new power switch arrives. You can see that I have it just wired on all the time so I can play it until the switch is installed. This thing is awesome...now I know why everyone raves about vintage champs! :DR

I love this thing so much that I'm going to sell my Epi Valve Jr head and cabinet. It's just not the same to me after playing this champ. Anywho...here's a couple pics of it in pieces. Beautiful PTP...checkit:


Everything on it dates to 1969, but it is not a drip edge model.

August 4th, 2007, 09:42 AM
Nice! Are you going with a new speaker? or leave it stock, and the same with the tube, heck we want to know:D

August 4th, 2007, 09:44 AM
Rabies - if your going to tease us with pics, the least you can do is show some frontal views:D

August 4th, 2007, 10:21 AM
Rabies - if your going to tease us with pics, the least you can do is show some frontal views:D

August 4th, 2007, 10:53 AM
Rabies - if your going to tease us with pics, the least you can do is show some frontal views:D

Patience, patience...:D It's sort of in pieces right now. I will as soon as it's back together, though.

August 4th, 2007, 10:59 AM
Nice! Are you going with a new speaker? or leave it stock, and the same with the tube, heck we want to know:D

I may down the road try a different speaker...and hang on to the original of course, but right now, I'm pretty satisfied with the sound of the ancient paper one.

I acquired it without the 6v6 and 5y3. It only had the 12ax7 and I have no idea if it is the stock one or not. I snagged a few old used tubes off ebay for replacements. And it sounds awesome. No hum, other than normal hum with single coils, but it's dead quiet with a humbucker.

The only thing that was really wrong with it was the power switch was broken. The plastic part on the inside was shattered. Hopefully that will get here today.

August 4th, 2007, 10:32 PM
You might wanna consider a new Cap can for that if its the original. They sell direct replacements at http://www.tubesandmore.com/

August 12th, 2007, 01:33 PM
Well, here it is...


Face plate is a little ugly, and the crappy photo makes it look even worse. But it sounds awesome. And Murphy's Law imposed itself on me...as soon as I put it back together, I started to get some AWFUL staticy noise. :mad:

I narrowed it down to the Bass pot...if I turn it all the way to zero it stops. No big deal for now, I can get all the bass I need from the Fish & Chips. I love the way this thing sounds.

And to the person (can't remember at the time who) that asked something about the speaker, I am going to try another speaker just because I can. I figure I've got to be able to get better bass response from even just a little Jensen Mod speaker (which I've purchased) than the little prehistoric paper coned .5 ounce magnet speaker that's in it. :D

I figure I'll try to take it apart ( AGAIN :mad: ) when I put the speaker in and see if I can contact cleaner that noisy pot.

Funny enough though, the bass knob really doesn't make THAT much of a difference on this thing...even before it started to futz out. That's why I'm hoping the speaker change might help. Like I said above, the little magnet on the stock speaker is laughable...but maybe that's part of it's mojo. I guess I'll find out...:R

And after previewing my post, I realized that I REALLY need to update the gear in my sig...half that stuff is gone and replaced or just plain ole gone. :p

August 12th, 2007, 01:47 PM
Sweet little amp! I am jealous to the max!

August 12th, 2007, 01:53 PM
Well when you get to playing with the speaker setup you can replace the Bass pot pretty easy, I like these amps, good job.

August 13th, 2007, 12:22 PM
Very nice Rabies!

The speaker looks like an original CTS alnico. Can you get a mfg. code number off the speaker frame?

ETA: On second thought, it looks more like an Oxford speaker....