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August 10th, 2007, 10:46 PM
Sorry for asking so many questions by the way, but I'm kind of in an ordeal. I am attempting to make a deal with a guy over the internet. We are both 17 i mihgt add which has nothing to do with anything but anyways, he doesnt want to use paypal becuase hes been screwed over a few times buy it and we have kinda planned on going through ebay. Is there a better way? I plan on doing a money order becuase credit card isnt an option for either of us but how will i know he'l send it? I trust him pretty well becuase weve talk guitar over the net for awhile but is there anything i can do?

August 10th, 2007, 11:16 PM
I dont do Pay Pal also,only Postal money order, I dont like to use my debit card/ credit card also only for emergencys. In any transaction there has to be alittle trust.
Go for it.

August 11th, 2007, 03:59 AM
You don't know if he will send it... wait till it arrives.. then cash it and send the guitar with a tracking number so he knows you sent it.. only way to be sure.. tell him Postal Money Order..

August 11th, 2007, 01:35 PM
Well I forgot to mention my role in this, im buying the guitar, so when i send the money how will i know he wont just say screw it im not sending the guitar?

August 11th, 2007, 03:46 PM
You will have your receipt from the money order you will have his address his phone # the post office will know when and were it was cashed.

August 12th, 2007, 03:40 PM
Well I forgot to mention my role in this, im buying the guitar, so when i send the money how will i know he wont just say screw it im not sending the guitar?

what kinda guitar is it, how much, where u located, and why u buying an axe without playing it, i would not, im sure u can find an axe in ur area, unless this is somthing no one eles has exept him. look around, long distance dealing is stresfull isnt it, put ur energy into playing without the stress, just my opinion

August 12th, 2007, 07:45 PM
There is another thread that we just did on this very subject. Search it out. There is some good advice in it.

If they try to shaft you and you sent a US Postal money order then it becomes a Federal offense. Not a pretty thing if the Feds are coming after you.

August 13th, 2007, 03:16 PM
Hmmm, is there a mutual friend you guys could use as an intermediary? Like the moderator of a forum that you're both in, or something?

I collect original comic art and have some friends who are pretty serious collectors...don't mean to scare you, but one guy I know got screwed out of 10 grand by sending a fellow in France payment for art which the guy never sent him.

With this is mind, another friend was doing an art trade with a guy in England that was probably also worth about 10 grand. They worked out a deal where they both sent their stuff to a well known art dealer that they had both dealt with...when he recieved the two packages, he sent them on and everything worked out great.

I know it sounds like a pain to do this, bu maybe there is someone you both know and trust enough to do this....just an idea anyway.

Dino1013, I used to feel that way too about not wanting to buy a guitar I hadn't played. Finally took the plunge and ordered a guitar online last year and was glad I did. Ordered several since...haven't completely loved every guitar I got this way, but I've got no regrets. Even in a big city, I have trouble finding certain things I'm looking for, which are easy to find online...also the prices are usually a lot better online.

August 16th, 2007, 11:14 PM
Well, Its a Schecter C1 plus, ive played one before, I am getting it for 250 bucks with 30 bucks for for shipping. Hes played it over a instant messager, throguh a audio chat and sounded amazing. what do you think?

August 17th, 2007, 06:19 AM
You mentioned that you wanted to go through Ebay for the transaction. I'm not exactly sure how or why you would want to do that and incur the unnecessary Ebay fees. But, this does raise another possibility for you to check this guy out. If he's bought and/or sold on Ebay, he'll have a feedback rating. If he has enough transactions to have established a pattern, that will give you some additional insight into his reliability and honesty.

As others have mentioned, get his address and his phone number. Call him on the phone to discuss the deal. You can often get a feel for someone when you talk to them directly (but not always). If he balks at this, I'd say you have your answer. I'd also take the advice to use a US Postal money order, and I'd send it to him return receipt required so that you have proof that he received it.

August 17th, 2007, 07:54 AM
Well, Its a Schecter C1 plus, ive played one before, I am getting it for 250 bucks with 30 bucks for for shipping. Hes played it over a instant messager, throguh a audio chat and sounded amazing. what do you think?
I would get the shecter so fast because i well my dad has one and it plays really nice though the pickup switch is a little annoying