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View Full Version : Gibson's new model ES-339 semi-hollowbody

September 1st, 2007, 09:07 AM
I've been keeping my eye on this new model from Gibson, the ES-339. It's basically a 335 with a smaller body size. This would be the perfect axe for me, since it would be lighter than a 335. I'm really excited to try one of these. It's designed from the Gibson Custom Shop. Guitar Center has them available for pre-order only, and they're quite a bit less expensive than a 335, but still not cheap.


-- Jim

September 1st, 2007, 10:14 AM
That looks very interesting indeed.

However I noticed something on the video:

Check on 5:15 where you can see the player strumming the guitar, and leavind a D chord ring. You see the paradox of him taking down his hand (leaving the chord), while the guitar still rings D...

This made me thing that the samples may have been recorded using another guitar and overdubbed on the video...:rolleyes:

September 1st, 2007, 01:23 PM
Hi elavd,

I didn't notice that, but it might be a slight A/V sync issue going on with the video. But as a side point, I do think that Gibson should have hired a better player to demonstrate this guitar. This guy isn't making sound as good as it could, IMHO. They should have hired someone like JohnnyA or some studio guy to really demonstrate what it can do. They should have dialed up some really good 335 tones (like the old Clapton tone) or a Larry Carlton sort of sound if they really want people to hear what it does. Instead they have some guy blasting a bunch of heavily overdriven metal sounds and only a couple of clean examples that aren't performed very well.

-- Jim