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View Full Version : Neil Haverstick

September 14th, 2007, 05:14 PM
Just wanted to put in a plug for Neil, he is a local guy and I've met him a few times. I've listened to his music for 15 years or so, and I finally got a chance to meet him.

He primarily plays microtonal music; 19 tones and 34 tones per octave. Neil is a talented player and has a gift for taking something as odd as a 19 tone per octave scale and making listenable and accessible. His music sounds a bit odd at first due to fact that Western music uses the 12 tone scale. But repeated listenings reward the listener with engaging music.

His newest album (http://www.microstick.net/whats_new.html) is very good. He plays 19 & 34 tone guitars and fretless guitar. You can hear some samples on his MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/microstick).

You wouldn't know it from Neil's recordings, but he is a monster jazz and blues player. He came over to my house about a month ago to check out some of the amps I've built. I'd like to think it was my amps that sounded really good, but I suspect that just about anything that Neil plays sounds incredible. He was complimentary on the tone of my amps; it was nice to get some feedback from a seasoned musician.

For more info, check out his web site:

