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View Full Version : Anybody Remember GTR?

September 29th, 2007, 09:28 PM
GTR was a short-lived supergroup in the mid-80s, featuring Steve Hackett (Genesis) and Steve Howe (Yes/Asia). Their big hit was "When the Heart Rules the Mind," which remains a favorite of mine to this day. I'm not sure why this song resonates with me so much. Maybe just because it reminds me of that particular time and place.

The album also contained more interesting prog guitar stuff like "Hackett to Bits".

I had the album on cassette back in the day (I believe I was a senior in high school). I've been searching high and low, but I can't find it on CD for anything less than a king's ransom. I was hoping Amazon would have it in their MP3 music store, but no luck.

September 29th, 2007, 09:59 PM
I remember them. That was about the time I started learning the guitar. I think I owned that on CD back then. They were inspiring to a newbie like me.

There are a couple of CDs under $20 on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/103-6181661-5093441?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=GTR).


GTR was a short-lived supergroup in the mid-80s, featuring Steve Hackett (Genesis) and Steve Howe (Yes/Asia). Their big hit was "When the Heart Rules the Mind," which remains a favorite of mine to this day. I'm not sure why this song resonates with me so much. Maybe just because it reminds me of that particular time and place.

I had the album on cassette back in the day (I believe I was a senior in high school). I've been searching high and low, but I can't find it on CD for anything less than a king's ransom. I was hoping Amazon would have it in their MP3 music store, but no luck.

September 30th, 2007, 01:48 PM
While I'm a Steve Hackett fan, I never heard the entire album. I do remember reading a review of the album that reeked of Spinal Tap. It read, "GTR: SHT".

October 1st, 2007, 08:08 AM
While I'm a Steve Hackett fan, I never heard the entire album. I do remember reading a review of the album that reeked of Spinal Tap. It read, "GTR: SHT".
That wouldn't surprise me. The album is a little too slick and poppy for people who were expecting Hackett/Howe prog rock.