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View Full Version : Lexicon Lambda?

October 4th, 2007, 08:52 PM
Is anyone using this as USB interface?
I'm wanting to record some things as demos and was looking at the Lexicon Lambda and the Line 6 toneport ux2.
Any help?
Thanks, Dave

October 5th, 2007, 12:11 AM
I've been using the Omega (the big brother) for a couple of years now. I have no complaints. I would suggest that for just a tiny bit extra to go with the Omega. The extra inputs and features are worth it. If you should end up with a used one (Omega) and want Cubase LE that comes with it and it isn't included, just PM me.

October 5th, 2007, 01:22 AM
I was thinking about that too. For now I will be mostly playing all the parts myself but down the road I may wish I had the Omega. This will be my first venture into recording so I'm kind of undecided about whether to put much money into it or not. Thanks Spud!

October 5th, 2007, 05:50 AM
I've been using the Omega (the big brother) for a couple of years now.

Hey, thats a nice looking box Spudman...

Looked good enough to go investigate the Vista Side..

And it looks like they released updated Drivers on 10-1-07 which include Vista OS and they work...

E-bay is full of these right now.. and probably from people not knowing about the drivers.. might be a deal for a bit if someone is looking for one..


October 5th, 2007, 06:51 AM
Lots of the omegas on the bay for sale. I have a bid on one.

October 6th, 2007, 01:06 AM
Hey, thats a nice looking box Spudman...

Looked good enough to go investigate the Vista Side..

And it looks like they released updated Drivers on 10-1-07 which include Vista OS and they work...

E-bay is full of these right now.. and probably from people not knowing about the drivers.. might be a deal for a bit if someone is looking for one..


*ahem* they work with macs too Justa.... :bootyshake:

October 6th, 2007, 10:53 AM
*ahem* they work with macs too Justa.... :bootyshake:

Well I am sure they do... Mac's, sam's, harry's, and mary's...:rotflmao:

Heh, we all know it's that darn Vista ya got to find drivers for..

(I hate it I hate it I hate it)

Ya think Vista is such an Advanced System , that the third party companies just can't figure it out...:whatever:


October 8th, 2007, 12:35 PM
Well I am sure they do... Mac's, sam's, harry's, and mary's...:rotflmao:

Heh, we all know it's that darn Vista ya got to find drivers for..

(I hate it I hate it I hate it)

Ya think Vista is such an Advanced System , that the third party companies just can't figure it out...:whatever:


:deadhorse: Come on Justa.... just walk into that cube Apple store. One quick flash of el credito and all your troubles will be over. Give in to the dark side....