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View Full Version : What about Fender's "Tacoma" line of acoustic guitars??

October 19th, 2007, 06:37 PM
One of the "Washburn Washouts" has advised me that Tacoma guitars are of great quality, and I'm interested. I am retiring in December, after 32 years in public education, and I'm resolute in my interest to purchase a decent guitar, something I've wanted and not had, due to various circumstances.

I'd like to find out what I can about this line of guitars. I've heard Fender has quit making the ones with round sound holes, which sounds like a pretty wierd thing to do, but......


Thanks for whatever you can fill me in on. Purchase ETA is around the first of the year.

Dugly :cool:

October 20th, 2007, 10:59 AM
That Washout would be me.

EDIT: I originally replied here on 10/20, but since it was the only one in a week, I've redone that reply and moved it today to it's own topical thread about Tacoma in 'Acoustics'.
