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View Full Version : man this guy pissed me off

March 5th, 2006, 06:15 PM
hey fretters....i was on another forum and gave someone advise on lefties playing righty. For a good laugh go check it out. My post and subsequent "discussion" with bob roberts has been going on for an hour or so (i'm waiting for his reply now). He really pissed me off for slamming my friend ron (who he has never met).

I am usually laid back and let things go but i couldn't this time.



March 5th, 2006, 09:05 PM
Wow Warren, this is one of the reasons that I no longer post to that forum!

Just for the record, I am left-handed. When I first decided to take up the guitar, at the tender age of 37 or so, the advice my friend gave to me made much sense.

My friend told me that I could go either way, but that I would find a greater variety of instruments made in the "right-handed" mold. He then went on to speak about what the two hands do in playing the guitar, noting that the most intricate work (fretting notes in a scale) seemed to be done by the most ill-equipped hand of most guitarists. In the end, I chose to go the "right-handed" route, and I haven't looked back since, except to think about all those poor lefties out there who either can't find the instrument they want in a "left-handed" version, or that pay a left-handed "tax" of a premium price for the different version.

Tonight, I just closed a deal for a very nice, expensive bass, and that deal would never have happened if I had chosen to play "left-handed." In fact, I wouldn't own the guitar I am trading for that bass if I hadn't decided to step into the "right-handed" world of guitar!

Now, that said, Bob Rogers did make sense when he recommended that the child should be given a guitar to hold and see which way they naturally hold it. Unfortunately, he let his sensitivity as an individual who lives life with "the hand of the Devil" get in the way of a civil discussion, and it seemed to cloud his view.


March 5th, 2006, 09:08 PM
Tempers do flair at times on the forums.. I think thats normal.. it's totally impossible to read in the "Feelings" one makes in their post... ofcourse coloring "Jerk" may have been a little harsh from him.. lol.. best to ignore .. if not.. then maybe a different approach as to why your opinion is best... and when all else fails...search out his IP number and send a virus to him and all the people he cares about.. (IM JUST KIDDING!!!!!)

March 6th, 2006, 05:17 AM
rob: my son had been messing around with my guitars for awhile and always held them righty. This might be because he always watched me play? Anyway, i shouldn't have let him get under my skin but i was having one of those days :)

justa: lol on the virus thing...fun to think about but bad karma to do :rolleyes:

ONE THING FOR SURE: being on other forums sure makes me appreciate THIS forum more!!


March 6th, 2006, 06:03 AM
Warren – I hope you did not leave a trail back over to the Fret Net! We do not need those kinds of people in our forum. The guy was an idiot to chime in and say those statements on a man he never met. Since I met Ron on Friday and know his eagerness and love of the guitar, that forum member has me torqued off too.

I also visit that web site on and off and have read harsh statements like that guy posted. When forums get the high number of members as that forum, you get all kinds of people. Personally I think that particular forum has more than “there's one in every crowd” type members. I think “Telecaster.Com” is a wonderful and informative forum, but the bad apples tend to make me not visit it.

Justaguy – You stay a way from my IP Address.