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November 2nd, 2007, 07:16 PM
Ok, I need to get a better computer, so I'm thinking why not a laptop. Probably will to the PC route in order to keep the costs down a bit (I know the Powerbooks are really good).

What about Dell? See this one - http://www1.ca.dell.com/content/products/features.aspx/upsell_1721_systems?c=ca&cs=cadhs1&l=en&s=dhs

I am going to use it for recording my music and videos. No gaming.

Any tips or suggestions appreciated.

just strum
November 2nd, 2007, 07:32 PM
I'm not an expert on what is the best, but I have a Dell Latitude D820 and really enjoy it. It's wirerless which makes it great at home, office or anywhere I can pick up a signal.

I purchased a Dell Vestro 1500 laptop for my son and he has no complaints. When I purchased it, they only offered it to Small Businesses. I actually had to call and fight for the thing and demand to speak to one supervisor after another until they agreed to sell it.

So, I like Dell. I have heard that they aren't as good as they use to be, but I've had no problems with them and have owned 5 or 6, plus we have about 150 Dells at work.

Since you can build what you want, I would suggest going to their site and putting a couple of models together and see what you get.

ted s
November 2nd, 2007, 07:41 PM
For work we use Dell exclusively. I've had my notebook in dusty,hot and cold. Cold like on the roof of a college comissioning controls Dec.23 while it's snowing !
I just got my Mom an Inspiron 1721, she is very happy with it.

November 3rd, 2007, 07:32 AM
Toshiba is pretty good too? This one looks like a good deal -

just strum
November 3rd, 2007, 07:39 AM
Toshiba is pretty good too? This one looks like a good deal -

I've heard decent things about Toshiba, but when I was shopping for my son's laptop, I compared a number of makes side-by-side and Dell always came out the least expensive. I did look at Toshiba, but I don't remember the model, although it wouldn't matter since they change model numbers about every three months.

There are a number of good ones out there, so I guess I would stress to compare every feature side-by-side.

Another thing, I have yet to hear anything good about Windows Vista. Now they may have worked out the bugs, but when I purchased my last two computers from Dell, I insisted on XP. Just MHO.

November 3rd, 2007, 08:41 AM
The good thing about Dell are their warranties. Just about all laptops available on the market nowadays are identical in build quality. After sale support is what makes the big difference.

November 3rd, 2007, 09:30 AM

I know that you said that you´d like to take the PC route once again, but I would really recommend that you check out Apple´s powerbook line. You are going to LOVE the operating system (all unix based). It comes with GB and iMovie which are two excellent applications that would suit your needs perfectly. You get MORE with a Mac :D

Sorry, please go on with the PC discussion... :pancake

November 3rd, 2007, 09:31 AM
If your getting a laptop for recording/video work a couple of tips lots of ram 1-2 gigs preferred, 2 if its running Vista, fast processor and fast hard drive not one of those pokey 5400 rpm unit they like to put in laptops

November 3rd, 2007, 09:35 AM
I have a 500 gig external drive that is 7200 rpm. I use Firewire to record on it. Wouldn't going this route solve the problem with a typical laptop's 5400 rpm only internal hard drive?

I know the Mac's are great. They cost a lot more though...

November 3rd, 2007, 09:40 AM

I know that you said that you´d like to take the PC route once again, but I would really recommend that you check out Apple´s powerbook line. You are going to LOVE the operating system (all unix based). It comes with GB and iMovie which are two excellent applications that would suit your needs perfectly. You get MORE with a Mac :D

Sorry, please go on with the PC discussion... :pancake

I'll just second that. I am not nearly as advanced as SS on recording with one, but I have run a law office for over 10 years on that platform. They do cost as you say, but if you compare the specs directly, they compare pretty well with similarly equipped PCs according to articles I have seen. Plus, the experience is just that much better. The law office I share space with regularly has a tech in working on their network, drivers, whatever. I never have. I have had on warranty repair done on a sound card. That's it in all those years. I know you are trying to limit the discussions to PCs, but I think you should at least go and check out the comparisons for yourself before making a decision.

November 3rd, 2007, 09:46 AM
Well, I am good at fixing PCs', I have worked as a repair guy and I used to be way into repairing and building PC's.

It's hard to decide! The Dell XPS look awesome! http://www1.ca.dell.com/content/products/category.aspx/xpsnb_notebook?c=ca&cs=cadhs1&l=en&s=dhs

November 3rd, 2007, 10:43 AM
I will be watching on which one you end up with Robert..
I don't know if the brand name matters...

Duo core2 is a must...
2 gb memory..
and although your not into games.. I would suggest GeForce or ATI as the graphics..
the speed on which the screen updates will still rely on this...
the intergrated intel based graphic machines just don't do it for me..
I also like external drives.. so thats not an issue to me either..
Oh..you realize you probably will be using Vista after a new purchase?:puke:

And if SS can talk you into it...go MAC... he will be happy..;)

Edit: I just looked up the reviews on Dell site.. looks like one user agrees..

Very good design and features. After searching and looking at many different laptops and comparing styles and features, I think this is probably the best deal in price/performance/design. It is very portable, thin and fast. LED screen is a nice addition. Highly recommned.
Make sure you get 2GB memory with Vista if you get anything else.
So so graphics performance.
end quote:

He probably got the stock graphics chip..

November 3rd, 2007, 12:16 PM
I know the Mac's are great. They cost a lot more though...

2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB memory
120GB hard drive
Double-layer SuperDrive
Ships: 1-2 business days
Free Shipping
$1,449.00 Canada Dollars.

That would be a SWEET recording/video station, no viruses, no funky windows problems. Just a SMOOTH user experience... Swooshh..

- "Mr. Malmsteen, take us into Orbit..."

just strum
November 3rd, 2007, 12:21 PM
I know absolutely nothing about MAC, but I do know I never heard an owner complain and that has to be a major selling point.


November 3rd, 2007, 12:29 PM
2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB memory
120GB hard drive
Double-layer SuperDrive
Ships: 1-2 business days
Free Shipping
$1,449.00 Canada Dollars.

That would be a SWEET recording/video station, no viruses, no funky windows problems. Just a SMOOTH user experience... Swooshh..

- "Mr. Malmsteen, take us into Orbit..."

it's a 13" monitor and no firewire...
change it to 17 inch with firewire and your at $2000.00

Price has always stopped me when it comes to MACS.. I don't have that kinda money.. sigh.. as for the system..they always seem good..
You probably don't hear many people complain about them for two reasons..
1) not as many people use them.. but: http://tonyvirtual.blogspot.com/2007/10/blue-screen-apples-leopard-has-it-too.html
2)who really cares? :rotflmao:

Im kidding...Im kidding!!!!

November 3rd, 2007, 01:05 PM
it's a 13" monitor and no firewire...
change it to 17 inch with firewire and your at $2000.00

Price has always stopped me when it comes to MACS.. I don't have that kinda money.. sigh.. as for the system..they always seem good..
You probably don't hear many people complain about them for two reasons..
1) not as many people use them.. but: http://tonyvirtual.blogspot.com/2007/10/blue-screen-apples-leopard-has-it-too.html
2)who really cares? :rotflmao:

Im kidding...Im kidding!!!!

Grrrr *my best Leopard-style roar* ;)

Thats 13 point THREE inches of lovely glossy top-of-the-line display mind you, and:

Slot-loading optical drive
Built-in AirPort Extreme
FireWire 400 and two USB 2.0 ports
Gigabit Ethernet
Bluetooth 2.0+EDR

I´m sorry Justa.. I just HAD to post this ... friends? :whatever: :beer:

just strum
November 3rd, 2007, 01:33 PM
Well Robert, it looks like you have a lot of info but no defined answer.

Look, I've known you for what must be going on two weeks, have I ever steered you wrong?:D

Seriously, I would write down everything I want the system to do and then take the time to look at the suggestions, write down or print off comparison sheets and then make your decision. Don't pay extra for bells and whistles you will never use.

Once you've gathered all the info, you know enough about computers that you will make the right decision.:AOK:

November 3rd, 2007, 07:03 PM
I can't really help because I've never owned a laptop. I know that my next computer purchase will be one though. I'm getting one of the Linux-equipped Dells, the cheapest I can get. Gaming will now take place on a PS3, whenever we get that. I want to get a Dell to support their efforts to offer Linux.

I'd have to read up on some of the sites to see what would be needed for recording, although I've been able to do it with Audacity on my Athlon XP 1800+. Just about anything for sale today would be faster than that.

November 3rd, 2007, 07:54 PM
Hey Robert, I was forced to replace my laptop last February when my old one crashed. It's my primary computer for work so I didn't have much of a choice. I went with a Toshiba, and have no complaints, although I could have saved $500 on the darn thing had I purchased it at an office supply store (where I later saw the price) instead of going to Best Buy. Live and learn.

I will ditto what Strum says. It has Windows Vista and I hate it. If you have to, wipe the hard drive and install XP before using it.

November 4th, 2007, 12:18 AM
I can't really help because I've never owned a laptop. I know that my next computer purchase will be one though. I'm getting one of the Linux-equipped Dells, the cheapest I can get. Gaming will now take place on a PS3, whenever we get that. I want to get a Dell to support their efforts to offer Linux.

I'd have to read up on some of the sites to see what would be needed for recording, although I've been able to do it with Audacity on my Athlon XP 1800+. Just about anything for sale today would be faster than that.

Well, I really hate to admit this, but..
I did pickup a cheap laptop to mess with...
with everything I said it should not have..
with the idea of putting linux on it..
(having trouble still figuring out the wifi with linux. Sees network. just does not connect yet..user error I am sure!)

Acer 3690.. 1.6 chip.. 512 mem.. intergrated graphics card, but it was so darn cheap!
I gave a guy $250.00 for it..like new :)
these still sell for 500-600 new and to be honest, for dirt cheap it works so far...but it's not something I would suggest to buy this day and age..
it also has the Vista system running on it..

Ofcourse this is not what your looking for Robert..
No Firewire..Slower processor..although it does have lots of USB..
Even DVD burner..on this one..

I got to get use to slow loads..
but the Wifi hooks to the net here at the house pretty quickly..
and works fine using Vista Basic so far.. with only 512 ram.
I am thinking Linux on it might just be the ticket..
with a bit more ram added and figuring out the wifi.
(hardwired the net connects fine on both OS)

November 4th, 2007, 08:55 AM
The other reason a PC with Windows on it is better for me is that we use the Adobe Creative Suite at work, and the license lets me use a it at home too. That means I get Photoshop, Adobe Audition and other great software to no cost! One thing I can not live without is Photoshop. I also (think I?) need Cubase, which I have a PC license for.

November 4th, 2007, 09:27 AM
The other reason a PC with Windows on it is better for me is that we use the Adobe Creative Suite at work, and the license lets me use a it at home too. That means I get Photoshop, Adobe Audition and other great software to no cost! One thing I can not live without is Photoshop. I also (think I?) need Cubase, which I have a PC license for.

I can understand that, but doesnt the Adobe license allow cross platform installations?

November 5th, 2007, 01:42 PM
Speaking of cross platform..
Well, maybe staying with the cheaper PC and running OSX86 will give you MAC OS and then SLAX will give you Linux type OS..

And you still have windoz to play with..



Hmmm.. the main thing.. just get one to mess with.. they all basicly do the same thing huh..

November 5th, 2007, 02:14 PM
Thats pretty cool Justa... I wonder how pro-apps would work on a non-apple computer, probably just fine if you use a external usb/fw audio card.

November 5th, 2007, 02:41 PM
Thats pretty cool Justa... I wonder how pro-apps would work on a non-apple computer, probably just fine if you use a external usb/fw audio card.

I have yet to try the OSX86, but at this moment I am booted from a USB stick running SLAX..Kill bill version and it detected everything!! Wifi and all.. on this cheap lil Acer 3690..

I seen some threads saying Garageband runs on slow systems fine... well slowly up to 6 tracks with OSX86.. If I find garageband at a fea market etc.. I will just have to give it a try!

We live in a wonderful time.. with all the options available.


November 5th, 2007, 02:44 PM
I have yet to try the OSX86, but at this moment I am booted from a USB stick running SLAX..Kill bill version and it detected everything!! Wifi and all.. on this cheap lil Acer 3690..

I seen some threads saying Garageband runs on slow systems fine... well slowly up to 6 tracks with OSX86.. If I find garageband at a fea market etc.. I will just have to give it a try!

We live in a wonderful time.. with all the options available.


Garageband comes with the iLife software suite, which I am sure that you will be able to find _somewhere_ since you already found a copy of OS X.


November 5th, 2007, 03:21 PM
SS, we don't have a Mac version of the software (PC only), so we would likely have to buy a whole new license.

November 6th, 2007, 11:15 AM
SS, we don't have a Mac version of the software (PC only), so we would likely have to buy a whole new license.

However some of your friends might have that...

November 6th, 2007, 02:41 PM
Garageband comes with the iLife software suite, which I am sure that you will be able to find _somewhere_ since you already found a copy of OS X.

Have yet to try OS X.. don't have any of it..

November 10th, 2007, 12:50 PM
Ran across this article.. pretty well done..
Might be worth the few minutes to read and get a few more ideas on the model ya want Robert.. although, I think you already made your mind up. ;)
This is a year old article..which means you might find some deals..
Ignore the place it's at.. but read the article..:)


November 21st, 2007, 10:45 PM
So why is a Mac better? I can see the operating system being superior - but is there anything else than that? Hardware is the same as PC laptops, correct?

November 22nd, 2007, 01:19 AM
Well, I´m just gonna let Ellen explain everything to you.. suddenly it all becomes chrystal clear! (this could almost could work in Bad Pot thread).


November 22nd, 2007, 08:09 AM
It seems the operating system is the only real benefit, but that is one huge important factor.

Are they having any new ones coming out in the January? I'm planning on waiting until then to buy a "notebook".

November 22nd, 2007, 08:36 AM
It seems the operating system is the only real benefit, but that is one huge important factor.

Are they having any new ones coming out in the January? I'm planning on waiting until then to buy a "notebook".

The operating system and the design is perhaps the major difference from your average notebook PC. But I would really like to add that you get a lot for your money if you decide to get a Macbook/Macbook Pro. Everything that you need is built in, and the sound card is actually top notch and delivers very low latency if you should decide to use it for recordings. You also get the iLife package which you are going to love!


I´m not sure when Apple will upgrade their macbook line.

November 22nd, 2007, 08:40 AM
Well I am about 90% decided on a Mac now. :)

Several people have told me OS X uses way less resources than Vista, so you get a lot more power with the Mac compared to the PC because of this. That is reason enough for me.

November 22nd, 2007, 08:48 AM
The good think about the MacBook is that you could load Windows also in case you do need it.


November 22nd, 2007, 08:57 AM
Well I am about 90% decided on a Mac now. :)

Let me give a couple of very good reasons to add another 10% :



November 22nd, 2007, 09:03 AM
Robert, watch this presentation of Leopard if you havent already.


November 22nd, 2007, 09:21 AM
Cool. Does anyone know any details about othe differences between a Macbook and a Macbook Pro? The latter is obviously faster and costs a lot more... but I am not sure I'd need to go that far.

November 22nd, 2007, 09:57 AM
Robert, you can go to the apple store and select the macbook. Then select the compare tab and see for yourself. One major difference is that graphics accelerator, which helps out a lot when working with video and photos, it also makes the system more responsive (mac os x relies a lot on the graphics accerator due to all the eye candy).

November 22nd, 2007, 10:12 AM
Thanks Swede.

By the way, Ellen's high tech talk is way over my head.... :D

Another by the way - what screen size do you recommend - 13/15/17 inch?

November 22nd, 2007, 01:16 PM
Thanks Swede.

By the way, Ellen's high tech talk is way over my head.... :D

Another by the way - what screen size do you recommend - 13/15/17 inch?

Depends on how "mobile" you want your laptop to be. The 13" is kinda small, especially for text editing imho... The 17" looks gorgeous but it IS a big notebook, so I guess that I would recommend the 15" :-)

November 22nd, 2007, 05:21 PM
I have a 15 Powerbook and have since it was a new model. It is a good compromise I think. I use laptops more as a mobile desktop than a real travel computer, so I may go 17 next, but if I was travelling a lot, I might go 15. I think the 13 range iBooks I have seen seem too small. I cannot add anything else to the tech talk about what is better. You, Robert, having worked on building and modding computers, probably know more than I. I just get the best one I think I can afford, usually one step down from the top end, and use it forever. I am still on an 01 Powerbook right now, with two different era iMacs, one PowerPC chip, one Duo Intel, at work.

ted s
November 22nd, 2007, 05:31 PM
I picked up a new Dell 1721 for my Mom, 17 inch does seem big, great for what she needs, does indeed take up your whole lap.
It also came with Vista, my opinion only here, Vista is a beeotch pig faced processing power hog (bpfpph for short), run as fast as you can the other way if you can.

November 22nd, 2007, 06:01 PM
Ted, that is exactly why I want a Mac! OS X is much more efficient than anything Windows.

November 28th, 2007, 03:33 PM
This article, though dealing with iMacs directly, gives info that might help you with your decision. Basically, it talks about being able to use the mac programs, and windows programs that you need, on the same machine. You do need to have a copy of windows if you want to do this. I have a copy of Windows XP pro, just for this purpose, but have not had occasion to use the Windows on my machine.


November 28th, 2007, 03:37 PM
I have already decided. I am getting a Macbook Pro. :D

November 28th, 2007, 03:41 PM
I am jealous! I want a new MacBook Pro! I will likely get a new iMac for at home next, then save up for the laptop later. Our family needs a better machine at home to manage our pics, video, music, etc. and a new lap top for me does not get that done. ;-)

November 28th, 2007, 03:47 PM
I picked up a new Dell 1721 for my Mom, 17 inch does seem big, great for what she needs, does indeed take up your whole lap.
It also came with Vista, my opinion only here, Vista is a beeotch pig faced processing power hog (bpfpph for short), run as fast as you can the other way if you can.

Let me suggest dual booting with PCLinuxOS.. try it...
You end up staying in Linux 90% of the time.. and once in a great while load Vista to play a game.. least, that's how its ending up with me...

:master: PCLinuxOS

ted s
November 28th, 2007, 03:51 PM
I certainly would if it was mine Justa, but it's her machine, any changes would surely cause more calls to her "tech support" Maybe I'll try it on my work notebook. Thanks for the tip.

November 29th, 2007, 03:16 AM
A cool thing for you Mac users is 'VMware Fusion' ($70-$80). Google it. Basically allows you to run Windows as a 'virtual machine' on top of the Mac OS. Then run your Windows Apps on the virtual Windows machine. So when Windows crashes, hangs, or whatever it is only the virtual machine that is affected. Your Mac OS is still up and running. One of my trusted computer 'geek' friends is going this route. I do not work for VMware, just a fan of their technology.

You can run VMware Workstation on a PC, then run Linux on top of Windows, or visa versa, cool stuff...

I do not use Mac's, but everyone I know that moved from PC to Mac absolutely loves it and would not go back - OS is more stable, but also ease of use with a more seemless integration with printing, video, sound, etc. I may even become a convert at some point.

December 23rd, 2007, 04:16 PM
Would you pick a 15 or 17 inch screen?

just strum
December 23rd, 2007, 04:32 PM
I have a 15" (heh heh, I just like saying that) and it works for me. I carry mine daily and a little less weight, without a major loss in screen space is always nice. The other thing is I have a docking station at work that has a keyboard and large screen hooked up to it.

Do you plan on carting around a lot? Do you you have a larger screen at the primary location that you can use?

I voted 15", because I have... Oh, you get my point.

December 23rd, 2007, 06:19 PM
Like what Strum says. Packing around the larger monitor will get old after a while. I know you are still young and strong and all but a lighter computer means you'll still have room for candy.
If you don't plan on hauling it much then get the bigger monitor or stay small if you have monitors on site that you can plug into that are bigger.

December 23rd, 2007, 06:29 PM
I don't fly much and use it as a mobile desktop really. I like having the screenspace, and the additional weight is really incidental. I vote 17".

January 15th, 2008, 01:08 PM
New MacBook coming out:


January 15th, 2008, 01:40 PM
New MacBook coming out:


Oh, shiny, thin and with an Apple logo. Want one now!

January 15th, 2008, 01:58 PM
Oh, shiny, thin and with an Apple logo. Want one now!

Looks cool, but on looking at the site, I am still a MacBook Pro guy. I want a portable workstation with the most performance available more than the lightest and most portable. 17" MacBook Pro for me next time.

January 15th, 2008, 03:04 PM
I want a Macbook Pro! They gotta update that line of notebooks too!!??

Come on Apple, I'm pullin' for ya!

The Macbook Pro is the best thing since sliced bread (see my avatar). :bravo:

January 15th, 2008, 03:55 PM
Uh...is that why my guitar playing sucks....because I have a real computer instead of a toy.....Macs R Us......not this country boy.

January 15th, 2008, 04:34 PM
Uh...is that why my guitar playing sucks....because I have a real computer instead of a toy.....Macs R Us......not this country boy.

Ya best duck now....:rotflmao:

I really like the Microsoft based computers due to most new programs and ideas appear there first these days..
Linux is way cool..but..still in the drivers issue state...sigh..

Apple has some great systems.. at $2500 for a powerbook pro though..
I just have to wonder if thats a good buy compared to their IMAC all in ones?

I mean.. you get a very nice LARGE screen..the size of a whole notebook anyways.. they seem to start with larger drives.. same duocore processor and operating system.. all the toys and bells..

There are many travel cases available for them as well...like backpacks etc..

And usually.. I find a plug when I go someplace..2 hrs on a battery aint gonna do much anyways.. plus they cost half as much!

call me cheap... just wondering if it's worth it..

Im still thinking of grabbing a mac mini to play with.. umm not a toy though.. well.. maybe as a toy...


January 15th, 2008, 05:55 PM
Ya best duck now....:rotflmao:


LOL!! no worries from me. I am not a zealot about it. I encourage anyone to do what works for them in the computer world. I simply enjoy sharing what works for me. My recordings that I have posted lately are all through my new iMac, and the MacBooks will do the same stuff. The MacBook Pros do that to, plus are just bigger, fancier systems. The MacBook Pros are full meal deal units that compare well if you look at PC laptops equipped the same way. Many PC people don't equip their PCs that way though. For a lot of people, the MacBooks are plenty, and certainly my iMac is plenty. Line 6 still has not upgraded their Gearbox drivers for Leopard that comes pre-installed, or for Vista, for that matter.

January 15th, 2008, 08:42 PM
I use my toneport GX under Vista everyday... works fine..

Sunvalley, you have the IMAC.. would it be that hard carrying it around like a notebook? Just seems to have the things needed at a pretty good price considering it's apple. oh, I kinda like apples bootcamp ideas..

January 15th, 2008, 08:52 PM
My imac is a 20 inch screen, and the computer is contained in the unit that houses the screen. It is not light, and has a metal stand that holds the whole thing up. It is really a desktop machine.


I can use my toneport with leopard, but the online resources aren't working yet. My recordings I have posted are using the toneport, but by routing my mic into it with no effects other than the Gearbox standard mic setup that you don't need the online stuff for. I also use sometimes their presets programmed into Gearbox. (hee hee, I almost typed "Beerbox") I had got from the forums that they were not officially supporting Vista either. Glad it is working for you.

January 15th, 2008, 09:00 PM
My imac is a 20 inch screen, and the computer is contained in the unit that houses the screen. It is not light, and has a metal stand that holds the whole thing up. It is really a desktop machine.


Ummm...some people think its capable of transport..:)


January 15th, 2008, 09:11 PM
Ok, well sure! I guess you could with that. I used to have a big case for my really really old school mac (I'm talking 80s era original box type mac). I transported it occasionally and the new iMac would be easier than that. I wouldn't truly think of it as notebook, but you sure could do it.

January 15th, 2008, 09:18 PM
Ok, well sure! I guess you could with that. I used to have a big case for my really really old school mac (I'm talking 80s era original box type mac). I transported it occasionally and the new iMac would be easier than that. I wouldn't truly think of it as notebook, but you sure could do it.

Heh..anythings possible.. it looked quite large..

I was just trying to get Robert to save about a grand..
I am sure the wife and kids would spend the rest for him..

I can remember when Robert bought Bargain Items...
He must be selling alot of those lesson dvds or sumptin...;)

January 15th, 2008, 09:36 PM
Hey, I buy bargain items all the time! My latest guitar pedal cost me $30.00!

Thinking about all this computer talk has made me decide on a really good laptop, and the Macbook Pro is it.

I'd rather have my kids starve a little and I get a good computer than them getting fat and greasy, while I suffer with a crappy machine. :D

January 15th, 2008, 09:54 PM
I'd rather have my kids starve a little and I get a good computer than them getting fat and greasy, while I suffer with a crappy machine. :D

Now I understand your new Avatar of 'Sliced Bread'... rations for the kiddies eh?

Better hope their mom doesn't find out!

January 15th, 2008, 10:07 PM
Hey, I buy bargain items all the time! My latest guitar pedal cost me $30.00!

Thinking about all this computer talk has made me decide on a really good laptop, and the Macbook Pro is it.


Well, I am still finding use for my 7 year old Powerbook, and it even runs Gearbox and Garageband, but not at the same time. Seriously, I spend a little more on the front end on these things, and get a lot of years of good use out of them, considering tech aging standards. That spreads out the cost of ownership pretty well.

January 15th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Heh..anythings possible.. it looked quite large..

When I toted around my old Mac SE, it was either before laptops came out, or before they were very popular. I bought the SE in the late 80s to replace my original Mac from '84. It (the tote bag) had a big sguareish compartment for the all in one machine, and a slide slot that held my extended battleship type keyboard. I still use that bag as a ski boot bag sometimes. Holds ski boots and extra clothes perfectly. :D

January 16th, 2008, 09:55 AM
Ive been building my own windows based systems since 2000.That said im tired of the resource overbloated windows O.S.I will be getting an macpro soon and never looking back! I just recently had a nephew(post production engineer at a studio in Bama) who used nothing but windows.Well he landed his new job on one condition he learn the macway.He says this is the very best way to go........:rockon:

Personally im getting a 17 inch ..but also a bigscreen monitor to hang on the wall in my studio!!!!:master: