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November 5th, 2007, 11:51 PM
I just got back from the Joe Bonamassa concert. Very, very cool. I was hoping to get my sock blown off. They actually disintegrated. Highly, highly recommended. I bought his new CD "Sloe Gin" whilst I was there. The tickets were the best $18 I've spent in a long time. I'll give more detail tomorrow. I need to get to bed.

November 6th, 2007, 07:07 AM
18 bucks only? Milda Makaroner, that's cheap tickets!

Joe still uses his Silver Jubilee all the time, according to the latest GP interview.

November 6th, 2007, 07:30 AM
I haven't heard him live, but I've been following his stuff for several years now. If he's not the hottest blues-rock guitarist out there, I don't know who is. He's also quite versatile, can do acoustic delta stuff, heavy Led Zep, whatever.

Not to mention that he seems pretty humble for a guy who started performing at age 12 with BB King.

Let's hear the report on that concert!


November 6th, 2007, 09:25 AM
OK, here's the full report.

He was at the Three Clans Ballroom at the Oneida Casino in Green Bay, WI. Opening for him was Crosby Loggins (http://www.crosbyloggins.com/) without his band. Yes, he is the son of Kenny Loggins, although he joked he was the son of David Crosby and Melissa Etheridge. He was the first act signed to Joe's new label. Right before he started playing, someone from the crowd yelled out "Footloose!" He showed some pretty decent acoustic chops. At the end of his set, he said he wanted his dad to come out and play a couple of songs. Sure enough, there was Kenny Loggins. They played "Danny's Song" and an acoustic medley which included bits of "Superstition." I know it probably sounds like there would be enough corn to feed all the cattle in Wisconsin, but it was actually kind of cool. It was very clear how proud Kenny was of his son. He said it was the first time he ever shared his son's stage with him. The crowd gave a standing ovation at the end.

At about nine Joe and his band took the stage. They broke into "Bridge to Better Days." The band was tight. The PA was just the right amount of loudness. It was good. Joe was playing a honeyburst (I think that's what they call it) Les Paul through a Marshall (it was the Silver Jubilee--it had that silver tolex on it). Over the course of the hour and 45 minute set, he also played a semi-hollow Tele with the shiniest finish I've ever seen, a sunburst Strat, a black 335, and six and 12 string acoustics (Taylors, I believe, but it was hard to see for sure). The Les Paul-through-Marshall tone was to die for. He played an extended solo on acoustic which was very cool and downright humbling.

I don't have an exact track list, but they played through the majority of "You and Me," which is my favorite album of his (it's also a good one to start out on if you don't have any of his stuff) as well as a couple from his other albums, including the new "Sloe Gin." He did not slavishly follow his solos from the albums at all. He seemed content just to let 'er rip. He fiddled with his volume and tone knobs more than any guitarist I've ever seen. While the entire concert clearly sounded like him, it was easy to pick out bits and pieces of influences including Eric Johnson, SRV, and B.B. King (especially on the 335). I was especially impressed with the acoustic tone they were getting through the PA. It was big and bright without being boomy in the least.

While I enjoy his CDs and will continue to, you really need to see him live. The energy is incredible. That's hard to translate on to a studio CD. When Joe was playing, it seemed so effortless yet powerful. After the first couple of songs, I leaned over to one of my friends who came with me and said, "I need to practice." It's the first time I've seen one of my guitar heroes play that I haven't just wanted to go home and set fire to all my guitars. I wanted to play. I wanted to improve. It was quite inspiring. The $18 ($15 + assorted fees) I paid seemed too little for what we got. I bought the "Sloe Gin" CD at the concert. Even though it was expensive ($20--more than the ticket!), I know all the cash was going directly to him. Plus I couldn't seem to find it in any of the stores around here.

Long story short: if you get the chance, see him. You won't be disappointed. And whoever posted in the other thread that he was overrated, after seeing him live, I would have to say that you are absolutely, totally, unequivocally, cataclysmically wrong.

November 6th, 2007, 10:27 AM
Great review marnold!! Would love to have been there. I don't think he's ever going to play in Ireland though :rolleyes:

November 6th, 2007, 10:51 AM
Great review, marnold!

I tried to get tickets when he came to Philly last year and both shows sold out right away.

As for the knob-fiddling, he's a big believer in doing that to change tone. Bit of a demo here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp1Cce58wu0).

Wish I could have been there. And I really wouldn't have minded seeing Kenny Loggins!


November 6th, 2007, 10:56 AM
Excellent review Marnold thank you. Still haven't seen him but would love to.

November 6th, 2007, 12:49 PM
Great concert report, Marnold. Man, I really want to see Joe. He's right at the top of my list of acts I've never seen and DESPERATELY want to.

Silver Jubilee, huh? I know Joe has favored Jubes for a long time, but I wonder if the one he was playing might possibly be
THIS ONE (http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php?t=2801)??? That would be just too cool....

November 6th, 2007, 03:17 PM
Man, I wish I would have figured out a way to take off and drive to Oregon, 5 hours away when he came by. Great review, and glad you had a great time!

November 13th, 2007, 05:55 PM
In the new Guitar World (January 08 with Jimmy Page on the cover) he lists his amps as: Marshall Silver Jubilee, Category Five, Carol-Ann JB 100, and Two-Rock. The Marshall is always on and the other three are blended in as needed. I'm not familiar with the other three amps.

April 22nd, 2008, 08:28 AM
Reviving an old thread, I know, but just had to comment here.

I just picked up a Bonamassa CD I didn't have yet, Had To Cry Today. Have enjoyed the whole thing, but the title tune cover of the Blind Faith classic just blew me away. Joe's abilities as a soloist are well known, but the first solo break in this tune is just jaw-dropping, head-shaking amazing to me. To be able to play like that is impressive enough; to be able to conceive such stuff in your mind is just astonishing to us mere mortals.... :eek: :master:

April 22nd, 2008, 09:06 AM
The guy gets a lot of grief from the blues purists, but he can flat out play.

True, he's more on the rock end of the spectrum, but hey. Again, that's why there's more than one flavor of ice cream, as they say.

Since I grew up listening to Page, Clapton, etc., his stuff sounds good to me.

April 22nd, 2008, 10:49 AM
Didn't SRV get a lot of crap from the blues purists too? Don't matta much to me. Come to think of it, so did Mozart.

April 22nd, 2008, 11:14 AM
Joe is authentic. That's all I care about. The boy do play very well. Who cares what genre he gets lumped into? Just as long as he doesn't do a remake of the Barney theme I'm behind him all the way.

April 22nd, 2008, 11:43 AM
Didn't SRV get a lot of crap from the blues purists too? Don't matta much to me. Come to think of it, so did Mozart.

Those damn blues purists, giving Mozart crap too.....


April 22nd, 2008, 01:02 PM
Yeah, old Amadeus played too many notes for those purists! LOL!

I would love to see Joe next time he is anywhere near though!

April 22nd, 2008, 01:20 PM
Just as long as he doesn't do a remake of the Barney theme I'm behind him all the way.
BTW, wouldn't "Barney" be a good nickname for that purple guitar of yours, Spuds? ;) :rotflmao:

April 22nd, 2008, 01:25 PM
Why talk about it when you can watch it?


April 25th, 2008, 10:20 AM
I just saw in the paper this morning that Joe will be playing South Florida in May...with BB King...:AOK:

Now there's one old time blues guy who's never given Joe any crap about his blues style....:D

Dang blues Nazi's.......:mad:

Clapton did Riding With The King with BB...

Joe can do Smokin' With The King....;)

April 25th, 2008, 10:53 AM
Joe played with BB when he was about 13, as I recall. He was a chunky little kid at the time, but he could really play!

So they go way back.:D


April 25th, 2008, 11:50 AM
Ive got "You and Me" and "Sloe Gin"...I cant find "Bridge To Better Days" around me locally...Id say his Cds are okay, but his live videos on Youtube clearly demonstrate he is more of a live performer and the intensity can be felt even on this small screen and even smaller speakers.

Two of my favorite videos are
"If Heartaches Were Nickels"
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xgwDEkCsCi8&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xgwDEkCsCi8&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

And "Just Got Paid" (youve got to hang to the 5 minute mark to be rewarded! Its SICKNESS!!!)
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/I-z268TK-Ok&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/I-z268TK-Ok&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
I also like how you can see the camera man, tell that dude to "step back just a lil bit"

ANYWAYS...Ive got tickets to see Banamassa preform next Thursday in Cocoa Florida...thickets were 50 bucks each, Im seated row 4 right in the center of the stage!!! I have no idea whos opening, but I think if it was BB King Id likely know by now...but one can hope. The show is a small(new) venue attached to a (newly built)Holiday Inn Express and it looks really nice, yet smallish, and the venues size has really got me excited, I love small venues!!!!
BTW Im taking my Dad, the same guy who took me to see SRV twice(once with Jeff Beck)...hes never heard of Bonamassa, but then again hed never heard of Stevie til I introduced him to it. My dad isnt too excited about being up past 8pm, and he doesnt really seem to care bout music much anymore, but Im sure he'll have a great time none-the less.

April 25th, 2008, 01:35 PM
Oh yeah...and his version of "Black Night"(on Sloe Gin) is AMAZING!!!
(although I cant seem to find it online to share with yall)

April 25th, 2008, 01:46 PM
I would agree, ShortBuSX. I love his albums but live he's a whole different animal. I would hope that he could find a producer that could capture the fire of his live playing on a CD.

Oh, and one reason you might have a hard time finding "Bridge to Better Days" (GREAT track, BTW) is because it is on the album "You and Me." It is available for download on Amazon's MP3 store.

I was talking to a local guitar shop owner who had an autographed "Sloe Gin" poster. He said that Joe showed up in the bar at the casino I saw him at afterwards and hung out. Next time he's around, I'm definitely going to do that.

April 26th, 2008, 11:15 AM
Oh...Ive got "You and Me"...but Im missing one of his earlier albums(I think), Id just assumed that was the one I was missing.

Which one has "If Heartaches..." on it? Thats the one Im missing.

Is anybody in awe of that "Just Got Paid" video like I am???

May 3rd, 2008, 10:14 AM
So I went and saw Joe on Thursday nite...awesome show!
This was a small venue, Id guess at roughly 1000 people. Our seats were just to the right of center and 4th row back(row D).
His opening act was a guy named Ernie Southern. He was a one man show playing dobro(which for some reason he called it a tri-cone)...what was interesting that he used a drum pad under his right and left foot for stompin the beat with some volume. Id sum up his show as "ol white guy doin R.L. Burnside"...but pretty entertaining, especially his closing number "Ain't Goin' Bald Jus' Getting Mo' Head".
I really cant say enough good things about Joe's set. Most of the evening he played Les Pauls, he briefly switched to a Tele of some sort(I dunno which actual brand, not Fender) and then later he did a couple of acoustic songs...but never saw a Strat. I noticed with his LP's he uses the bridge pup exclusively, the entire night. He didnt have his usual 4 amp set up, but was using 2 marshall heads and 2 marshall 4x cabs...no pedal board, but you could see the Tube Screamer and possible Delay pedal on top of one of the heads plugged dirrectly in(not within foot reach).
After the second song, I was mesmerized by his pick control...seriously, you gotta see this guy transition from using a pick to finger picking, he kinda palms it with his index finger, but then doesnt finger pick with his index...after watching him go back and forth for a couple songs, I bet my buddy that Joe'd use that SAME pick the entire night...my Dad chimed in and was convenced he had it attached to his wrist via rubberband(I thought it was funny)...and I was right, same pick till he ended the set and then he tossed it out to the crowd. BUT he did come back for 2 encores!
One of his encores included "Just Got Paid" and he did finish that song with "Dazed and Confused"...I was a lil disappointed he didnt do the guitar pick/bow solo that Id previously posted, but the song was great anyways and wasnt really necessary. He finished his last song of the evening with a YES song, I dunno what it was 'zactly but it wasnt "Roundabout" but from that same era.
My only disappointment was that he didnt play "Black Night" or "If Heartaches Were Nickels".
One of the most impressive things about this show, aside from the less than 1000 people(and Joe's blazing skills), was the cost of him merchandise...T-shirts were and affordable $20 and I even purchased a DVD for $20...he had his entire CD collection available as well.
Wonderful evening...and Joe puts on a classy show.

May 5th, 2008, 11:14 AM
He finished his last song of the evening with a YES song, I dunno what it was 'zactly but it wasnt "Roundabout" but from that same era.

Turns out it was "Starship Trooper" that he finished with...not the whole song, but after the big break towards the end(more than halfway).

May 5th, 2008, 11:26 AM
Was he playing his Marshall Jubilee?

May 5th, 2008, 11:31 AM
Was he playing his Marshall Jubilee?

I dont think so...I think his 2 amps are pictured above.
I know squat about Marshalls(as they are out of my price range)...but from what I gathered, it was such a small venue, that he rented the use of the 2 Marshall heads and 2 4x cabs.

[edit]Opps...my bad, I forgot to post the pic from the show.

PS you just gotta love that gold top with black hardware!!!

May 5th, 2008, 11:38 AM
Marshalls with 2 rows of knobs? Must be some of the newer ones? Like JVM or DSL?

May 5th, 2008, 06:25 PM
How did I miss this thread??

I saw Joe Bonamassa back in November (the night before Thanksgiving in fact) in Greensburg, PA, and had scored front row seats for the show.

In a nutshell: Best concert I have ever been too.

A couple things blew me away about seeing Joe Bonamassa: His recordings don't do him justice....his live show captured more energy than I experienced listening to his CD's, and the guy is an absolute phenomenon. The other thing that blew me off my feet that often gets overlooked by his great guitar playing is that he has AMAZING vocal ability. At one point he did vocals without the mic and carried the whole theater.

Simply amazing.

If you haven't seen this video yet, it's a good one:


This guy is the real deal. I've seen SRV and Buddy Guy both live (SRV in 1987 and Buddy Guy in 1995) and the Bonamassa show is definitely my favorite of the 3.