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View Full Version : strat questions

November 6th, 2007, 07:13 PM
I've got the saga strat I built and the tuners are pretty cheaap, which I could easily replace, but this thread is mainly about the tremolo, I personally like it but its really cheap would I be able to find a good six point trem. with pop-in arm and maybe a locking nut for under $100, or perhaps would I be able to mod the body to hold a siz point trem with the same stuff?
also, would I be able to get some chrome telecaster neck pickup covers and put them on the pickups? I just think it would look cool.

edit: although the hardware is generally cheap and it isn't boutique stuff, this is definitely a great deal on a kit, although I could control the quality because I got to look at it before it was built, but it still sounds great.

November 6th, 2007, 07:38 PM
Look on this page for a bridge.