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View Full Version : Black Friday Madness

just strum
November 23rd, 2007, 09:32 AM
My wife works part time at Nautica Clothing in an outlet shopping center called Aurora Farms. Well, like many stores trying to get a jump on sales, they opened at 11:00 last night. Reports are that from about 12:30 to 3:30 this morning traffic was backed up a couple of miles. Parking was extended to the local schools and shuttle buses were provided. Temperature is ranging from 22 to 32 degrees F (-6 to 0 degrees C). The roads are snow covered and slippery.

I dropped my wife off and picked her up so she didn't have to hassle with parking and all I can say is those people that participate in Black Friday are nuts.

I usually do my land shopping on Dec 22nd and 23rd, the rest (and most) is done on the web.

So, what are your shopping preferences for the holiday season?

November 23rd, 2007, 10:20 AM
My wife does the bulk of the shopping around the holidays. If we know well in advance what someone would like (we bought one daughter a tent/camping set over a month ago), we shop early. I will shop later for others, usually the week before Christmas, but I do not shop on Black Fri.
My wife, unlike me, does not mind one bit getting up at 4:00 am and driving to St. Joseph to participate in the lunacy. Not me, no way!
I've gone with her twice, trying to be the good husband. No thanks!
I'm used to getting out of bed early, usually around 5:00 am, and honestly, I've never encountered the rude crowds we hear about constantly.....
it's just that after standing in line for bargains at stores, waiting until they open, and then being told "we just sold the last one", or "those haven't come in yet, they should be here this afternoon", and "sorry, no rainchecks", I don't see the sense in it. Parking a half mile from a store because hundreds of other people got there 3 hrs. before the doors opened...... that doesn't bother me, I walk miles every day at my job.
I'd rather spend my days off doing something besides trying to save a few bucks, and using up the whole day to do it. Like playing my guitars.:AOK:

November 23rd, 2007, 11:21 AM
it's crazy out there. i work near times square. needless to say, i'm working from home today.

November 23rd, 2007, 01:02 PM
I usually have all my shopping done by the end of October. Unfortunately this year is an exception. Neither my wife or I need anything. I got most of that taken care of within the last two years and we also realized that we simply don't NEED anything else really. So this year I'll just be picking up a few nothings between now and the big day.

I did get out and participate in Black Friday this morning and picked up a couple of those little things. Of course I showed up fashionably late and didn't have to wait outside.

just strum
November 23rd, 2007, 01:19 PM
I usually have all my shopping done by the end of October. Unfortunately this year is an exception. Neither my wife or I need anything.

Yep, pretty much the same here, well sort of. I always say I don't want anything, but usually there are things "I need" or at least at the time I think I need them. This year is different, I have a "I want" which is the channel switch (VFS2) for my AD30VT, but nothing "I need". I have the Sweetwater catalog sitting next to me and I'm sure I could come up with 100 things, but again there is nothing "I need". Actually, it's a nice feeling:)

And there is absolutely nothing that I need or need to get for someone else, that would make me venture out into the madness that is taking place today.

November 23rd, 2007, 02:08 PM
I buy nearly everything on the web. better selection, more interesting items, good prices, & no hassles.

The only things, I would buy at a store are items that I expect might need to be returned.

There is much at the malls that anyone I care for would actually want ;).

November 26th, 2007, 10:42 AM
On Black Friday I went over to one of the local Walmarts to pick up a couple of non-Christmas items they had on sale. I didn't go at 5:00 am, but at a much more reasonable 7:30 am. I walked into the store, grabbed a cart, picked up the two items I needed, and proceeded to the checkout. The person in front of me was just finishing up, and I was out of the store in 10 minutes from the time I walked in. I couldn't believe it. It wasn't any busier than a normal Saturday would be.