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View Full Version : raising the saddles on the bridge

November 28th, 2007, 05:47 PM
on my squire I'm not sure if their called saddles or string trees etc. the e string always hits the neck and buzzes. I now know the problem which the place where you load your string through (saddle or string tree?) it's lower than all the others. is there a way to raise it up?

PS. whats the difference between saddles and string trees

November 28th, 2007, 06:08 PM
You'll need a very small hex wrench to fit the two tiny screws on that bridge saddle (that's what they are called). Sounds like you just need to screw those two screws in a turn or so to raise the saddle to get rid of the buzz.

November 28th, 2007, 06:11 PM
Done. thanks spuds now are string trees up near the headstock

Guitar Gal
November 28th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Yep...you got it Pes :AOK:

Here are pics:


string trees


December 30th, 2007, 08:31 PM
You might need a trussrod tweak.
Check your neck or have someone else check it.
Squire's are good axes for the $$ but they almost always require a setup.
Heck so do $1000 Fenders for that matter. Anyway you get where im coming from.

December 30th, 2007, 08:35 PM
Lowendwonder. you that turned out to be one of the problems on the guitar but I got it fixed now