View Full Version : ebay classic

December 24th, 2007, 04:40 AM
I love this sort of stuff here in Oz its only worth $350 New complete I have email the person how he has a FENDER SQUIER SX guitar can hardly wait for the answer

just strum
December 24th, 2007, 05:19 AM
Boy, not too savvy - If he's going to promote his "rare" guitar, you would think he would take advantage of the fact that it comes with a "rare" Fender Squier amp. Now if he was smart he would put a cigarette burn on the guitar head and say Eric Clapton once used it.:D

December 24th, 2007, 06:11 AM
Boy, not too savvy - If he's going to promote his "rare" guitar, you would think he would take advantage of the fact that it comes with a "rare" Fender Squier amp. Now if he was smart he would put a cigarette burn on the guitar head and say Eric Clapton once used it.:D
Very true I still havent got a answer about when did Fender make SX or does SX make Fender guitars :whatever:

Big K
December 24th, 2007, 08:38 AM
the word rare and SX probably shouldn't be used in the same sentence and especially with the word Fender.

i love my SX's great guitar for around $100.00 US. but not for $300+


how about a new one instead....

December 24th, 2007, 08:43 AM
Hehe. I played a low-end used SX Jazz bass in a local guitar shoppe a couple of months ago. The price they were asking for it was ~$210. I debated whether or not to ask if they realized that those things are $120 new. I liked it much better than the Squier basses that were there, except for the thick amber glossy finish on the neck.

I only hope that the poor sap is lying, because if someone actually convinced him to pay $600 for it . . .