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View Full Version : Seen the new "Kitty" Tele pickguards??

March 17th, 2006, 10:15 PM
Never mind those Tokai LP copies with the dirty picture paint jobs! Now you can have a little, er, kitty cat on your Tele pickguard. Just look at this one!!

Actually, I was taking some photos tonight, and our cat was sitting on the chair next to me, watching the action. I noticed her reflection in the chrome pickguard of my son's Squier Tele and had to take a shot....


March 18th, 2006, 05:57 AM
cool shot voodoo.....that pickguard is "the cat's meow"


March 18th, 2006, 06:55 AM
Nice kitty :)

So you are still referring to the tele as your sonĀ“s guitar? ;)