View Full Version : Scored a couple of VJ heads today at GC

January 2nd, 2008, 02:17 PM
I was in my local Guitar Center today and noticed they had two Valve Junior heads on closeout for $110 each. I figured it was a pretty good deal, so I picked both of them up. Got both of them for just a tad under $240 out the door. I was going to buy a VJ head online, but ended up saving $10 each over odering online, and best part: no waiting or the UPS driver leaving it on my doorstep in plain sight :messedup:

The sales dood asked if I wanted an extended waranty, but seeing as how the waranties will be voided soon, it didn't seem like a worthwhile investment :rotflmao:


January 2nd, 2008, 02:20 PM
Warranties voided??? Why, whatever do you mean, Tung?!? ;) :rotflmao: