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View Full Version : Went Amp hunting, came home empty handed

January 3rd, 2008, 07:28 PM
Has this ever happened to you?

I went amp hunting today and I thought I knew what I was after. I demo'd many amps to get a good comparison and ended up totally confusing myself.

They had everything I wanted to look at and more. I played 4 Fenders, a very nice Vox, and even a modelling tube jobby.

I'm hoping I didn't p*ss the folks at the store too much... I did take too long in their amp room. I basically overwelmed myself that I left empty handed. I figured it best to go home and think it through.

I was kind of frustrated driving home, but what can you do. The shop wasn't exactly close, but it's a better shop to deal with than some of the closer chains. I'll get this figured out and head back and buy from them.

Back to the drawing board I guess.

January 3rd, 2008, 08:03 PM
Any decent amp is a serious decision to make....go back several times if you have to.....make sure it is the right one for you.

January 3rd, 2008, 09:26 PM
Dang dude....no screaming solos or earaches? Tsk!

January 3rd, 2008, 09:36 PM
Any decent amp is a serious decision to make....go back several times if you have to.....make sure it is the right one for you.

What he said.
Patience Grasshopper.

January 3rd, 2008, 10:38 PM
Which of your guitars did you take for the amp test drive? Will you take the same one(s) when you go back?

January 3rd, 2008, 10:45 PM
Same thing has happened to me before. I find amps are like guitars. You do your research, check out comparative value, limitations, etc. And then you take your favourite guitars and try them out, and wait until one speaks to you.
I also think mature customers have a good case for asking store guys to loan out an amp for a night. I've done that as well, and it's interesting how the amp at home sounds different than the amp in the store test area. I recommend this if there's a store where you've spent a fair amount of dough. They should be willing to give you preferred status if you've got a track record.

January 3rd, 2008, 11:04 PM
That is a really good point Wingsdad, I was taking Geetars off the rack!

Most of these guitars will be setup and adjusted prior to leaving this shop, but leave somthing to be desired prior to that setup.

One thing that got me was the amount of noise with single coils when close to the amp. I'm sure a bit of distance would help, but in a small room you can't do much about it. The Vox seemed better than the Fenders in this aspect.

Maybe I should take one of mine next time I give it a go. I'm definatley more comfortable with the setup on my guitars than anything off of the shelf.

I thought I'd be more impressed with the Deluxe Verb. It was nice, but for my usage I wasn't sure it was worth the extra $$ over the Blues Jr. There's almost a $500 difference between the two. I did think the Blues Junior had the advantage over the Pro Junior (Please, no offence to Pro Jr fans) with the additioonal amp settings. The Woody Pro Jr is housed in an absolutey beautiful cabinet, but I wish it had the Blues Jr amp in it.

I played a Super-Sonic, which was really interesting! It was a feature laden monster with 60 tube watts I think... it's all a bit sketchy now.

I really liked the Vox, but for the life of me I couldn't tell you if it was the 15, or 39 amp model.

Mike M, if you're reading this... thanks for your patience today! I know you're busy.


January 3rd, 2008, 11:28 PM
...Maybe I should take one of mine next time I give it a go. I'm definatley more comfortable with the setup on my guitars than anything off of the shelf.

It's not just your comfort with how your guitars are set up, David. What you're shopping for here is more than the amp - it's the marriage of whichever amp to your guitar(s). You want to know how they specifically interact with each other to deliver the sound(s) you're longing to produce. Why not take one of your single coil gits and one of your humbucker gits? Even if it's only one, go with the one you play the most, your 'go-to' axe.

Happy hunting, and here's to finding a match made in tone-heaven :beer:

January 3rd, 2008, 11:41 PM
Vox's sure look interesting to me. Think it through, but after some rest and whatever follow up "research" you want to do, don't forget to listen to your gut. Instincts and gut count for a lot in music gear choices I think. Maybe the more professional and experienced can look at it more analytically, but for me, it comes down narrowing it down with solid research, then go with the gut. :R

January 4th, 2008, 09:04 AM
Maybe I should take one of mine next time I give it a go. I'm definatley more comfortable with the setup on my guitars than anything off of the shelf.
That's what I did when I got my Vox. I lugged my Fender to several places and tried several amphs. I also took a friend along for an extra set of ears. We both agreed that the AD30VT sounded better than any of the other small combos we tried. We couldn't necessarily define why, but it was. One credit card swipe later and it was mine.

January 4th, 2008, 09:30 AM
What Wingsdad said!

It's way confusing trying to tweak both the new guitar & the new amph, trying to figure out which is contributing what to the noise, brittle high end, mud,...whatever.

Besides, you'll feel much more comfortable with one of your own babies in your arms.

Take your favorite ax or two and she how they get along with the amphs.
Make the amphs woo your guitars. Any amph is fine to plug into for a one night stand, but the guitars have a right to be picky about who they are going to plug into time & time again. ;)

January 4th, 2008, 10:10 PM
I just had the same experience with acoustic guitars - visited six shops over two days, played lots of guitars, thought I knew where it was headed, and finally ended up befuddled and not sure which I liked best - or if I really loved any of em - and figuring I won't buy anything any time soon!

just strum
January 4th, 2008, 10:22 PM
I think Wings and Marnold's advise will help immensely. Your own instrument and another set of ears to listen and critique.