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View Full Version : 25 keys USB keyboard

January 7th, 2008, 06:00 PM
I guess this is allowed on a Guitar forum?

I been enjoying my SynthSwells on the Digitech EX7

I have decided I want a small keyboard to set in front of my monitor.
The software included really does not matter as none of them work with VISTA!!

So here is what I boiled it down to..

Anyone have a clue as which is better?
Or suggest one that may be better in the $100-$130 range?

M-audio Oxygen 8 V2 -$119.00

E-MU Xboard 25 -$129.00


I really like the Keyrigs also by M-Audio for the software included.. but, does not work on a VISTA system..
so it's down to these..
Both suppose to be plug and play with VISTA
and than there is software like PianoFX Studio I can add later..


January 7th, 2008, 09:17 PM
For the same price you can find one with more keys. Once you start using one you are going to want more keys. Might as well get it up front.
Since it is a midi keyboard only you'll only have access to a small amount of sounds basically one octave. In order to get other octaves you'll have to do some sort of change that takes time and that can be very frustrating once you are immersed in the creative flow. Just sayin.

January 7th, 2008, 10:21 PM
I appreciate the thought..
but, I think room is more important at this point.

a 25 key is like 15 inch wide..
I looked at the 49 keys..but they are 31-33 inches long.
I want something basic that wont take up my whole desktop and fit pretty good right in front of the monitor.

I doubt I will do much with it..
If I do..well, then it's on to bigger and better.
I more or less want to assign a few sounds..
play some synth sounds through it..
nothing fancy..
I think a 25 is two octaves no?
I was more or less wondering if anyone had either or..
and what they thought quality wise at this price range.

I found quite a bit of reviews since earlier today..
and some Youtube demos.. I guess 25 will do..

I probably really want a 25 key synth...
like maybe the Novation XioSynth 25


But that's a 300.00 toy :thwap: