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View Full Version : Which would you choose?

January 17th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Given the vast experience on this list and the number of multi guitar owners here I'm hoping someone has had experience with both of these guitars.

If you were going to buy either the Epiphone Elitist Les Paul Standard or an ESP LTD Deluxe EC-1000 (Amberburst w/ Duncans) which would you choose?

I would appreciate your opinions both on a strict quality and playability angle and when you consider the price difference as well.


January 17th, 2008, 04:00 PM
My feeling is that a dual humbucker guitar needs individual volume and tone controls for each pickup. On that basis I'd choose the Epiphone.

January 17th, 2008, 06:00 PM
+1 for Epi. It's closer to the real thing.

January 17th, 2008, 06:36 PM
That's a tough one. Can you play them both before you have to decide? The ESP is pretty sweet but the Epi is industry standard too. Hmmm.

January 18th, 2008, 08:21 AM
Well, I can certainly vouch for the Epi Elitist LP Std. Mine is a great guitar--excellent build & finish quality, and beautifully set up. IMO, the only real area for improvement would be better pickups. Man, if they put Burstbuckers in these things, they would absolutely SLAY! But a good pair of aftermarket p'ups isn't a big expense, and what you save vs. a Gibby would pay for that & a nice mid-sized tube amp, too! :AOK:

January 18th, 2008, 10:59 AM
I was at Musicians Friend earlier this week, and the Epi's they had were beautiful , nicely finished, very good attention to detail. Very close to the Gibsons as far as workmanship, IMO.:AOK:

January 18th, 2008, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys. I can't try them out as part of the decision making process, unfortunately. The small shops can't afford to carry Epiphone any more and the Guitar Center that is within reasonable driving distance doesn't have any Elitists or ESP LTD Deluxe on the floor. Tough decision.

I'm caught between most bang for the buck and the having the standard against which to compare all other affordable LP knock-offs. The Elitist may be the answer to both and my rationalization machine is telling me that I have a 20% coupon and that would pay for a Blackheart...:D GAS

Jamie O
January 18th, 2008, 03:57 PM
See next thread below!!!! I chose the LTD cuz, well Im easily sold, but also I liked the lighter weight, the locking tuners and the satin finish. Also, I almost never use the tone control, so having only 1 isnt an issue for me. I like this guitar alot!

January 19th, 2008, 03:59 AM
With a small tube amp like a Crate V8 or an epi VJr head and cab, you need to use as much eq on the guitar as you can get. In that regard, two tone controls really helps shape the tone if you want to play straight in and enjoy that beautiful straight in tone and overdrive.
