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February 1st, 2008, 10:32 AM
I've always thought that Mr. Hendrix was hilarious. The comments he makes between songs at Woodstock crack me up.

...."dig...dig we'd like to get something straight...we umm...we got tired of Experience and every once in a while it was blowing our minds too much...."

or the classic

..."we're sorry for the tune up between times but uh...well hell cowboys the only ones stay in tune anyway you know so what..."

Here's one for happy Friday. Enjoy the zany antics of Mr. James Marshall Hendrix. :master:


February 1st, 2008, 11:08 AM
Good one, Tone!:bravo: Thanks for the insight and vid.

(Now I know where someone found the style for "Oh, Brother, where art thou?" on the solo acoustic parts.......least that's what I'm reminded of.....).:beer:

Big K
February 1st, 2008, 11:08 AM
he could make the 12 string talk.....

February 1st, 2008, 11:14 AM
I love his humor too. What a guy.

How strong do you think his self-confidence was? Some say being funny is a way for people to get around a low self esteem. Thoughts?

February 1st, 2008, 11:25 AM
I think negativety is more of a sign of low esteem. Those who have to degrade others to make themselves feel better.

Humour to me is a symble of happiness... one who has more of a positive outlook. :)

Just my $0.02

February 1st, 2008, 11:28 AM
I share the same opinion with Algonquin.

As for Hendrix:master: :master: :bravo:

February 1st, 2008, 11:35 AM
Robert I'd say he was just very shy. You can tell by his body language and the wise cracks he makes. I do the same thing. I make silly comments to people when I talk to them.

February 1st, 2008, 11:51 AM
Robert I'd say he was just very shy. You can tell by his body language and the wise cracks he makes. I do the same thing. I make silly comments to people when I talk to them.

+1.. shyness, breaking the ice.. making wisecrack remarks.. it's a release and not really meaning someone has low self-esteem.. imho..
they might be seeing how thin skinned those around them are..

See how far they can press the bounds and relax without persecution.
I sometimes think, those that react to humor harshly may be the ones with the low self esteem and it comes out
when they are not even the ones being laughed at.. that make sense?

As far as personal humor.. making fun of others is just natural.. ofcourse, when your on the recieving end.. you might not like it.. but you will laugh when your not.
seeing others in pain thru some stupid thing they do usually cracks everyone up... American Home Videos makes a killing thru it.. someones watching?

On the other hand..they say all top comedians in hollywood are also the top depressed people.. I think it goes back to something just strikes them funny and the rest miss it.. :rotflmao:

February 1st, 2008, 12:02 PM
Good thread Tone. Hendrix's humor is one of the aspects of the man which is often overlooked. He had a great one. As for Robert's question, I think that Hendrix had plenty of self-confidence in his talents, but was painfully shy. Once the playing started he was Jimi, but in between songs you see the shyness.

February 1st, 2008, 12:09 PM
Thanks Tone! I needed that Hendrix injection after a long day at work!

February 1st, 2008, 12:14 PM
I'd say Jimi was shy and had a good sense of humor, also. His wisecracks made him feel more at ease when he spoke. He communicated on a whole 'nother level when he played. Thank goodness for us he was compelled to play for people enough that he overcame his shyness in that respect.........:)

February 1st, 2008, 03:45 PM
Thanks for this. Great piece.

just strum
February 1st, 2008, 07:18 PM
Some say being funny is a way for people to get around a low self esteem. Thoughts?

I believe that to be true for some, but I think people that are funny are usually introverts and use it as an outlet to be accepted or just communicate. I also think that people that are funny are usually intelligent, but view the world a little differently.

February 1st, 2008, 07:37 PM
I love his humor too. What a guy.

How strong do you think his self-confidence was? Some say being funny is a way for people to get around a low self esteem. Thoughts? ummm..I don't see ...umm...how that could...ummm..be:rotflmao:.

By the way here is my favorite definition of extrovert vs introvert. It has nothing to do with how much noise you make in public, or whether you are shy or quiet.

It has to do with with what you do to recharge when you feel low & out of sorts.

Introverts try to be alone & recenter themselves.

Extroverts call up a friend or go out and ..umm...perimeter? themselves.

In other words, if when you are feeling thin, weak, & confused you find yourself anxious to go home & do nothing, you are an introvert. If you want the energetic connection to others then you are an extrovert.

Me, I'm a classic introvert.

February 2nd, 2008, 09:06 AM
you're a classic alright Tot. that's for sure.:dude: