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View Full Version : Why did the Washburn group leave that forum?

February 21st, 2008, 03:39 PM
Don't take this the wrong way - just curious why so many people gave up on the Washburn forum?

February 21st, 2008, 04:14 PM
Good question and let's just say that nobody wants to burn any bridges (:rotflmao: ). That being said, I think it speaks VOLUMES for how THIS forum is run/operated that a slew of us came over here for our FIX. Not that I left Washburn Acoustic; I just haven't visited in a while. :bravo:
Also, I went to the DARKSIDE (electric) and I had quesitons about amps, pedals, modellers, etc. I never imagined that I would get the FABULOUS education that I have received over the past couple of months. OMG, the wealth of info here is AMAZING, given freely with a wonderful sense of camraderie. Just gotta say that you all ROCK!!!

ted s
February 21st, 2008, 04:39 PM
Robert, did you ever think thefret would be this popular ?

February 21st, 2008, 04:53 PM
Ted - of course! TheFret.Net is here to take over THE WORLD! :D

February 21st, 2008, 04:57 PM
TheFret's grown, for sure. Here's a quote from Tim, dated Aug 4th, 2006, in a thread I'd started.

"Good to hear from you again Oldguy. When you have a bunch of fine guys running a fabulous web forum, your going to keep hearing wonderful things said about it. Did anybody mention this site has at the present time 1,128 – threads: 11,628 posts: 152 members of which 65 are active? This is a fine web site in deed."

152 members of which 65 are active

:bravo: :rotflmao: :bravo:

February 21st, 2008, 05:01 PM
Don't take this the wrong way - just curious why so many people gave up on the Washburn forum?

Resources man. They probably were running out of GAS and we have plenty around here. We are the Iraq of the Internet guitar forums.

just strum
February 21st, 2008, 05:05 PM
Ted - of course! TheFret.Net is here to take over THE WORLD! :D

Well Shiner has the same plan with his Karen Carpenter gang and that is probably the closest competition.

Regarding your question, I came over because I grew tired of the conversation. Mostly because I was redirecting my attention from acoustic to electric and wasn't thrilled with the electric section over there. In addition to wanting to have a more open discussion about other makes of guitars.

I went to Dolphin Street based on a recommendation I received from Guitar Gal and found my way here a few days later.

There was some infighting that discouraged me, but it was finally the mod that was picked or begged for the position. I don't have a problem with active members being mods, but when they censor, delete opinion and make rules as they go, that sucks.

The one or two issues (probably an overstatement) I've had here were addressed by PM and were very professional. That would not happen at the "W".

After I came here I invited some of the others and then they invited some more and...:bravo:

Not only is this a good forum, with good people, but it is always looking to find ways to make it better:AOK:

Guitar Gal
February 21st, 2008, 05:34 PM
I joined the Fret.net so I could chat with the cute Swedish guy with the massive veins in his arms........:rockon:


February 21st, 2008, 05:36 PM
I joined the Fret.net so I could chat with the cute Swedish guy with the massive veins in his arms........:rockon:



Brian Krashpad
February 21st, 2008, 05:42 PM
Interesting. I'm not naturally a "net guy" but I was guessing some sense of dissatisfaction among the Washouts that led them here. I've seen a similar scenario in a couple of cases with other forums.

February 21st, 2008, 05:53 PM
I guess different people see it different ways but for me it was four issues:

1.) Washburn is a terribly dishonest company and demands that forum members either help with the cover up, stay quiet or be kicked off the forum. I've got a big mouth and hold honesty above all. It gets tiresome being kicked off then having to promise to "keep it positive" and "promote the company" (Washburn mantras) to get my screen name back (3600+ posts).

2.) Less than honest and less than knowledgeable dealers have been operating there with impunity. Giving out incorrect technical info, cheating & misleading customers and fighting with anybody who speaks up (usually me LOL). To make it worse, Washburn protects them fiercely.

3.) The new "moderator" is a brain dead *** kisser who would happily kick a new player in the balls if it pleased Daddy Washburn. Also, a lot of times if a post disagreed with something he posted or wasn't in the best interest of his friends it would be deleted or edited. I also wasn't particularly fond of him sharing peoples personal info with other members. LOL I ain't kidding. Blanket emails, posting peoples names.......

4.) And the big one - the people. Several months ago it became pretty obvious that the main draw for me (the people) would be moving here. My loyalty isn't, and never was, with Washburn so it was a no-brainer.

February 21st, 2008, 05:55 PM
I would say it seemed like some folks were kicking the sand at each other and then the mod just kicked the sand out of the sandbox: there ain't no more sand to wallow in, so time to find a new box to play in.:thwap:

just strum
February 21st, 2008, 06:03 PM
This is a bit of a hijack - let's forget about the things at the "W" and get into all the discussions this place has to offer.

It's :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: time

February 21st, 2008, 06:19 PM
Agreed Strummy.

Just answering Roberts curiosity but I have no intention of dwelling.

February 21st, 2008, 06:21 PM
152 members of which 65 are active? This is a fine web site in deed."
i remember when there were 25 members (or there abouts).... :greenguitar:


February 21st, 2008, 06:28 PM
Overmoderation by a very poor moderator!

just strum
February 21st, 2008, 06:32 PM
Overmoderation by a very poor moderator!

Hello Rockette, I've seen you logged on and I was hoping you would post. Hope you stick around.

February 21st, 2008, 06:35 PM
people are not the only entities that get cancer...

it's not hard to look at where you are, then look at something that is healthy, vibrant, and nurturing, and realize that you would rather be a part of something that furthers our ultimate goal... to be better players.

i am going to learn to play the heck out of my guitars, one day at a time. i would like the best environment possible to guide me to that goal.

[o, and the people here are awesome ;) ]

edit: hey, Rockette! love your avatar. :)

:rockon: :dude: :pancake:

February 21st, 2008, 06:36 PM
I joined the Fret.net so I could chat with the cute Swedish guy with the massive veins in his arms........:rockon:


You got me with that one too. Thanks for the laugh.

February 21st, 2008, 06:46 PM
GG, :rotflmao:


February 21st, 2008, 06:51 PM
that guitar gal is funny! :bravo: :rotflmao:


February 21st, 2008, 06:54 PM
Hello Rockette, I've seen you logged on and I was hoping you would post. Hope you stick around.
Busy, busy. Rocket may be back home this weekend so I'm cleaning up my mess(es). I'll pop in & out.

February 21st, 2008, 07:06 PM
Hi Rockette. I was wondering if you'd pop up here. Glad you did.

February 22nd, 2008, 08:11 AM
:rotflmao: GG :AOK: :rotflmao:

I think we all are interested in having some sense of why y'all seemed so dissatisfied. Thanks Dreadman et al for the honest discussion.

Company controlled forums can be tricky. Wide open forums can also have their issues.

The feel of a place comes down to the inhabitants. The inhabitants with the most influence (& hence greatest responsibility) are the moderators.

We're lucky here on all counts. I am extremely happy that there has been no change in the tenor of the Fret even with the great influx of people. That has as much to do with the recent immigrants as it does with the Fret itself.

...excuse me while I get a kleenix (I'm tearing up) :D ;) :D

February 22nd, 2008, 09:19 AM
I think company forums are a bad idea. Now fans of a company making their own forum probably works better. I used to participate in a fly rod company's forum and the same stuff happened there but the mod there was trying his best to keep everyone happy but it's a hard job to do when you've got people passionate about the product. A lot of bad feelings went around when the company downsized their production team and a lot of forum members voiced their opinions on that. The company is run sorta like how Gibson is run. Anyway cheers to you guys that have come and have participated here. I can learn a great deal from YOU too.

February 22nd, 2008, 09:51 AM
I'm a memeber and moderator from Guitarnotes. I can understand the way a corporate forum might be, and get it why so many have landed here from such. My story is a bit different; the forums over at G/N are pretty slow right now, and there is one moderator in particular there that is entirely overbearing. It's an otherwise good place, but this group seems a lot like what I want to be a part of. So, for whatever reason anyone lands here, what had been started will grow bigger but stay what you made it, IMHO. Real good people here.:AOK:

February 22nd, 2008, 11:08 AM
So, for whatever reason anyone lands here, what had been started will grow bigger but stay what you made it, IMHO. Real good people here.:AOK:

Did we mention haircuts and clean socks are mandatory here? :D

February 22nd, 2008, 11:14 AM
Did we mention haircuts and clean socks are mandatory here? :D

Ok, ok, I'll cut my hair and wash my socks. But you didn't say anything about taking a shower!:AOK:

just strum
February 22nd, 2008, 11:21 AM
The real reason I left was because of too many posts of the neked tractor guy pic - little did I know...

February 22nd, 2008, 11:50 AM
Ok, ok, I'll cut my hair and wash my socks. But you didn't say anything about taking a shower!:AOK:

Not me im going to run around here long haired and barefoot until somebody catches me and shows me the door!!!

Catch me if ya can:wave: :bootyshake:

just strum
February 22nd, 2008, 11:53 AM
Not me im going to run around here long haired and barefoot until somebody catches me and shows me the door!!!

Catch me if ya can:wave: :bootyshake:


February 22nd, 2008, 01:38 PM
Did we mention haircuts and clean socks are mandatory here? :D

Gotcha covered.


Sorry about the size of the photos. I have to work on that. :thwap:

February 22nd, 2008, 01:47 PM
Gotcha covered.

Um..dude...you're...um...missing a string.:poke: :D

Gil Janus
February 22nd, 2008, 03:33 PM
Um..dude...you're...um...missing a string.:poke: :D

Or Dude, you've...got...one too many strings! :thwap: :D

Gil :cool:

February 22nd, 2008, 04:19 PM
I just spent the last half hour, over at the Wash Forum. I go there now for curiousity and a perverse need for strange entertainment. Still able to satisfy both in one stop.

I am glad to have this site as a resource and very pleased to join some of the old gang in a new neighborhood.


just strum
February 22nd, 2008, 05:10 PM
Now Moon is guy that knows how to style his hair:AOK: :AOK: :AOK:

February 22nd, 2008, 06:31 PM
Thanks Dreadman et al for the honest discussion.Well THAT'S new. I used to get edited, deleted and booted for being honest. I like this place. :bravo:

February 22nd, 2008, 06:58 PM
That's funny...

I go there now for curiousity and a perverse need for strange entertainment.

The same reasons I stop here...:rotflmao:


February 22nd, 2008, 07:22 PM
Well THAT'S new. I used to get edited, deleted and booted for being honest. I like this place. :bravo:

I think it depends on WHO you're honest about . . . :poke:

-- KrisH

just strum
February 22nd, 2008, 07:25 PM
I think it's more important on why we're here, rather than why we left.

February 22nd, 2008, 07:26 PM
I think it's more important on why we're here, rather than why we left.

+ a buttload of numbers.:AOK:

February 22nd, 2008, 07:29 PM
Not me im going to run around here long haired and barefoot until somebody catches me and shows me the door!!!

Catch me if ya can:wave: :bootyshake:

Naw, I'll sit & drink a beer & wait until you run into yourself.

Then I'll just skootch you out with my foot ;).

February 22nd, 2008, 08:02 PM
Naw, I'll sit & drink a beer & wait until you run into yourself.

Then I'll just skootch you out with my foot ;).LOL

That's good. :rotflmao:

February 23rd, 2008, 06:48 PM
I'm a member and moderator from Guitarnotes. I can understand the way a corporate forum might be, and get it why so many have landed here from such. My story is a bit different; the forums over at G/N are pretty slow right now, and there is one moderator in particular there that is entirely overbearing. It's an otherwise good place, but this group seems a lot like what I want to be a part of. So, for whatever reason anyone lands here, what had been started will grow bigger but stay what you made it, IMHO. Real good people here.:AOK:

I hear that moon I am too but here it is a lot better so it seems so if I do get booted there this will be my place of choice.at least here there are rules,asked admin there for theirs nothing came of it - Good Show keep it up.if there is a way to let others know we should try to find it except for Sean who already bought it here:( he made his bed now he has to sleep in it.too bad

just strum
February 23rd, 2008, 09:42 PM
Let me twist this around to put a positive spin on it:

Why did I stay at Washburn for a year and a half:

I joined there just weeks after picking up a guitar and I think I may have gotten discouraged without the influence of Wingsdad, Dreadman, Pike, Shiner, Mudcat, Rocket, Toaster, FJ, CB, Guitar Gal, and a few others. Add to that the people that joined later like Kazz, Street Music, Merlin, Steve, Magoo, Lunaray, KrisH...(I'm sure I left a number of people out, sorry). So although things turned sour, there are still a lot of positive things that came from there.

Then I stumble on this place with so many talented and good people. Eventually the good from the Washburn show up. I wish I could be this lucky with lotto tickets.:D

So, let's forget the bad and bring the good here to expand on what was here when we each arrived.

I know, pretty corny, but I had to say it.

February 23rd, 2008, 09:46 PM
Let me twist this around to put a positive spin on it:

Why did I stay at Washburn for a year and a half:

I joined there just weeks after picking up a guitar and I think I may have gotten discouraged without the influence of Wingsdad, Dreadman, Pike, Shiner, Mudcat, Rocket, Toaster, FJ, CB, Guitar Gal, and a few others. Add to that the people that joined later like Kazz, Street Music, Merlin, Steve, Magoo, Lunaray, KrisH...(I'm sure I left a number of people out, sorry). So although things turned sour, there are still a lot of positive things that came from there.

Then I stumble on this place with so many talented and good people. Eventually the good from the Washburn show up. I wish I could be this lucky with lotto tickets.:D

So, let's forget the bad and bring the good here to expand on what was here when we each arrived.

I know, pretty corny, but I had to say it.

+100:AOK: Only I would add Strum to the list. And if I remember correctly, we joined within weeks of each other.

February 23rd, 2008, 09:51 PM
Well I, for one, am very glad it happened.

February 23rd, 2008, 11:30 PM
Enough already im getting all teary eyed:cry:

Group hug?????????:rotflmao: :saw:

just strum
February 23rd, 2008, 11:32 PM
Emough already im getting all teary eyed:cry:

Group hug?????????:rotflmao: :saw:

You're just a sensitive teddy bear:rotflmao:

February 24th, 2008, 12:31 AM
Why did I leave? 3 words: Authority without responsibility!

February 24th, 2008, 06:43 AM
That sums things up pretty well.

Welcome back Rocket.

February 24th, 2008, 07:09 AM
Those that are original Fretters....or Fretters from before the Washburn take over LMAO may not know that Rocket and I have been known to have seriously heated disagreements. I said that so I can say this.

Authority without Responsibility or Intelligence.

I was leaning towards leaving the place anyway as it had been over a years since I sold my last Washburn guitar. I stuck around because of a select few individuals over there. Mudcat, Dread, Strum, Shiner and Childbride mainly but in reality it is pretty much the entire group of Washies that have migrated over here....this truly is the cream of the crop from over there.

I think Strum may have invited me over here first...but I had not made up my mind to leave the other place 100% and I visit quite a few forums as it is so adding another without subtracting one just was not going to work. I toughed it out for a few more weeks or so until Mudcat invited me over here with a note saying most of us from Washburn are over here come check it out....I stopped in and seen the camaraderie that was flowing in here.....not to mention the welcome threads.....people here seemed genuinely happy to have me over here.

The more I browsed the more I liked.....the modding sections....amps, pedals....more than just one exclusive brand could be discussed.

I think it was reading about Duhvoodooman's modded pedals that really hooked me.....

ok...so this turned into more of a why did I stay here rather than why did I leave the other place but thats fine......I did go back over there for about a minute one day and seen that Ship of Fools had been made a moderator....that was enough for me.....closed the door broke off the lock and removed the link from my favorites.

Any place that would have that moron as a moderator I do not care to be a member of.

February 24th, 2008, 08:14 AM
Seeing Dreadman badgered because he was direct and honest at the WGF, eventually lost it's entertainment value for me. Final straw in the heat of the last epic battle between Dreadman and Mods/w/fan support and side-takers was when someone chimed in with political remarks that offended me. I'm not an easy person to offend but there are some lines I cannot cross or allow others to cross. I don't have time for that bs when I'm online to discuss guitar related issues. I bailed.

Thankfully, Dreadman mentioned this forum to me. Thanks Dread - and thanks to all the non-WGF members that have welcomed me - nice place to be. Now let's get to playin!

February 24th, 2008, 03:22 PM
Those that are original Fretters....or Fretters from before the Washburn take over LMAO may not know that Rocket and I have been known to have seriously heated disagreements.
Nothing wrong with seriously heated disagreements... only appeasers agree on everything. It's our differences that make us intelliegent thinkers. I think, deep down, we've had some degree of mutual respect... of course, I may just be speaking for myself.

Other than all of that placating... Hiya Kazz.

February 24th, 2008, 05:32 PM
hiya, Rocket.

while you were gone i got electrified.

glad you got to come home for a bit, and have safe journey to where you travel next.

February 24th, 2008, 06:08 PM
hiya, Rocket.

while you were gone i got electrified.
Drop me some email and fill me in on the details.

February 24th, 2008, 07:28 PM
Glad to see ya back Rocket. How was work? Any good stories to share?

February 24th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Glad to see ya back Rocket. How was work? Any good stories to share?
Nope. Didn't lose any guitars... flights flew... boring tedious drudgery.

February 24th, 2008, 08:45 PM
Heh heh. One's mans drudgery is another mans great day. :D

Any time you want to call in sick I'll fill in for ya. :rockon:

February 24th, 2008, 10:10 PM
Rocket - you always crack me up. You and Dreadman are two of a kind in direct talk. Your description of recent work trip, which I presume is playing guitar professionally, reminds me of a local tennis pro that is very much like you. I love the guy. He plays guitar too, by the way! Funny thing about him is that he has made a great career teaching tennis and to work with him side by side on the tennis courts, which I've done many times, you'd think he hates the game and everyone associated with it - cracks me up!

February 24th, 2008, 10:27 PM
It all goes back to a long & insightful discussion we had on another forum about artists vs. technicians... might make for a good topic here. I find drudgery in two daily 4-hr sessions of nothing but (the same) cowboy chords for 3 straight weeks.
Just for fun... try it... let me know how you feel about it after.

February 24th, 2008, 10:44 PM
Hey Rocket - I don't doubt for a minute what you say is exactly the case. My tennis pro buddy would say the same - he is on court doing the same thing day in and day out - it does get old. My only remarks are that you and him both crack me up with the way you describe things. You'll get no argument here.

February 24th, 2008, 11:30 PM
I agree that the artists vs. technicians discussion would be a good topic here. I think there'd be a lot of input from both sides.

As far as eight hours a day for three weeks - yeah, I hear ya. Still, not a bad way to gets a livin' though.

February 24th, 2008, 11:47 PM
I agree that the artists vs. technicians discussion would be a good topic here. I think there'd be a lot of input from both sides.

As far as eight hours a day for three weeks - yeah, I hear ya. Still, not a bad way to gets a livin' though.
Well, we all gotta do what we know, and I don't know how to lawyer. I can't imagine running a milling machine or lathe for a whole work day either.
I know how to hit a guitar in a fashion that some seem to like enough to barter or trade currency for... I'll do that for awhile yet and then maybe I'll try freelance lawyering! Any takers?
I could always fall back to a previous occupation... abject homelessness & 10-meter dumpster-diving.

February 25th, 2008, 05:46 AM
Rocket.....You can represent me as a Lawyer any day. Even if we have not agreed on a lot of things...I will say you are steadfast in your opinions and logic and that is important.

I may not like everything you do or say....but I will give you credit...you have character.

February 25th, 2008, 05:50 AM
Nothing wrong with seriously heated disagreements... only appeasers agree on everything. It's our differences that make us intelliegent thinkers. I think, deep down, we've had some degree of mutual respect... of course, I may just be speaking for myself.

Other than all of that placating... Hiya Kazz.

Nope...you got it right....I definitely have a lot of respect for you Rocket. I know I will probably never be able to play the guitar well enough to play out in public...much less make money at it.....and you come across as very intelligent in your posts. For the rest of it see the post above. I can't let myself get into a habit of complimenting you too much....certain people would think I have been brainwashed :-)

February 25th, 2008, 07:29 AM
I agree that the artists vs. technicians discussion would be a good topic here. I think there'd be a lot of input from both sides.

We had one such thread, but it was probably not as well developed as what you wish to discuss. Post away.

As a newbie wanker, I won't be able to add anything but color to the match.

February 25th, 2008, 08:41 AM
We had one such thread, but it was probably not as well developed as what you wish to discuss. Post away.

As a newbie wanker, I won't be able to add anything but color to the match.

Color's important, otherwise it's just a plain canvass.

February 25th, 2008, 10:23 AM
. . . maybe I'll try freelance lawyering! Any takers?

Oh no Rocket, trust me, we already have enough of those out there!:rotflmao: Tell ya what, I'll make a deal with you, I promise to never play guitar professionally if you promise not to be an amateur lawyer. Believe me, that's a pretty sweet deal because the world does NOT want to be subjected to my guitar playing.

By the way, it's good to hear from you again.

February 25th, 2008, 10:48 AM
I came here because The guys and gals That left the WGF are some of the nicest people I have ever meet. They help out with any info I have ever needed or for that matter any advice on music that they could help with.
Even though I have played for 20 yrs and have played in working bands for 15
I still learn stuff fr these guys everyday.
so when they, Jumped Ship...{MY Bad} :rotflmao: well when they left I didn't want to miss out on knowledge that these guys have.
So I'm glad to be part of this forum and looking forward to making new friends.

February 25th, 2008, 09:48 PM
Enough already im getting all teary eyed:cry:

Group hug?????????:rotflmao: :saw:

OMG, how 'bout a group hurl? You're getting mushy in your old age, Muddy!

Dread had good reasons, plus with an ever increasing crop of morons asking the same inane questions over and over without making a minimal effort to use the "search" function, along with a few newbs who were self-proclaimed experts is why I've basically left the Washburn forum. I still love my Washburns and have no intention of getting rid of them.

Why did I come to the Fret? Because my good friend Muddy invited me. And, when I saw a few of my 'Burn friends, I was more than eager to come on board. The Fret really rocks! Thanks for a great forum guys! :dude: :rockon: :rockon:

February 26th, 2008, 05:08 AM
Magoo.....the "jumped ship" line is hilarious....

February 26th, 2008, 05:53 AM
Tee hee hee

February 26th, 2008, 05:56 AM
I've noticed some depth perception probs still exist there... just can't figure out why!

February 26th, 2008, 07:12 AM
I've noticed some depth perception probs still exist there...

February 26th, 2008, 07:45 AM
Depth perception... The difference between a kiss arse and a brown nose. Meaning some are still hanging in there getting ship on their noses.

Sorry... not worth dragging into this forum but you asked. Nuff said.

February 26th, 2008, 08:56 AM
Depth perception... The difference between a kiss arse and a brown nose. Meaning some are still hanging in there getting ship on their noses.

Sorry... not worth dragging into this forum but you asked. Nuff said.

Ouch! I just snarfed coffee out my nose.:rotflmao:

February 26th, 2008, 10:13 AM
Or in picture book form:

:master: :bootyshake:

February 28th, 2008, 09:05 PM
Depth perception... The difference between a kiss arse and a brown nose. Meaning some are still hanging in there getting ship on their noses.

Well, that's a whole lotta ship if you ask me. :bootyshake: :poke:

February 28th, 2008, 09:10 PM
With all do respect can we put this thread,topic,subject to rest,"cause frankly my darling I dont give a damn":bravo: :D :beer:

All those in favor of burying this thread, say I:wave:

February 28th, 2008, 09:51 PM
Yeah guys, no more funny comments. Now..........shape up or Ship out.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

(Sorry bud, couldn't resist) :D

February 28th, 2008, 10:06 PM
:D :beer: :beer: :master: You are so full of shiiiiiii.................oh never mind brother:rockon:

February 28th, 2008, 10:13 PM

February 28th, 2008, 10:14 PM
I'll get the shovel.:deadhorse:

February 28th, 2008, 10:16 PM
With all do respect can we put this thread,topic,subject to rest,"cause frankly my darling I dont give a damn":bravo: :D :beer:

All those in favor of burying this thread, say I:wave:

As requested this thread is now closed. It has served it's purpose. No need to dwell in the past, right?