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April 3rd, 2006, 06:13 PM
Ok, so I will start a new thread on getting old. Tell us what you like or dislike about getting old. Keep it clean guys. If you don't what you wife, mother, sister, girlfriend or grandmother to read it, don't post it.

What I do not like about getting old are two things. As I get older I think about the things that I did not accomplish as a younger man. The fun I could have had if I chose to do something different than I did. The second thing I do not like about getting old is forgetting the things I did accomplish and not remembering if I enjoyed it.

I do not regret the path I chose, but I should have put more money away for retirement. Something you younger guys need to think about. A nice full term life insurance policy makes a fine little nest egg when you get older. Think about the commercial on TV and the guy with the egg. I purchased my son at age 21 an insurance policy before he entered the Navy. Presently I pay $139.00/month. At age 55 he will have $250,000.00 that he can cash in for his own purpose. For you fathers out there now is the time to purchase a policy for your young children. The younger the cheaper the policy costs. They will thank you when they get older (if they don’t cash in early and spend it). If anything else, you will have a policy that you can cash in for when they start college. Think about it.

These are just my thoughts this time around.

April 3rd, 2006, 06:31 PM
What I don't like about getting old!!
I still get friggin carded!!!!!
And I turn 41 this Thursday!!!
Yeah, it has it's good sides, but it's more of a pain in the ***, a time waster, it holds me up when I don't need to be, etc., etc.!!

But the worst is, I had my first and only(obviously if it's my first,LOL) child 8 months ago, and I worry a lot about when she gets to the age where she wants to run and play her little tail off, with daddy.

April 3rd, 2006, 06:39 PM
What I don't like about getting old!!
I still get friggin carded!!!!!
And I turn 41 this Thursday!!!
Yeah, it has it's good sides, but it's more of a pain in the ***, a time waster, it holds me up when I don't need to be, etc., etc.!!

But the worst is, I had my first and only(obviously if it's my first,LOL) child 8 months ago, and I worry a lot about when she gets to the age where she wants to run and play her little tail off, with daddy.
Happy Bday ZoSo! 41 years....wow......

so how many is that in elph years?!?

April 3rd, 2006, 06:52 PM
Happy Bday ZoSo! 41 years....wow......

so how many is that in elph years?!?
Thanks to_ :)

Let's see,,that would be,,,about,,,41 ;)

April 3rd, 2006, 07:09 PM
But the worst is, I had my first and only(obviously if it's my first,LOL) child 8 months ago, and I worry a lot about when she gets to the age where she wants to run and play her little tail off, with daddy.

It's called getting down on your knees and having fun. It doesn't hurt until after you get up. LOL

Hmm! 41 + 6 months equals 41 1/2 years old. There's still alot of running around and having fun left in you. I just turned 57 and I did just that thing this afternoon with my two grandchildren.

ZoSo65 ... enjoy life to it's fullest. Kids bring on natural happiness. Just enjoy it!

April 3rd, 2006, 07:18 PM
It's called getting down on your knees and having fun. It doesn't hurt until after you get up. LOL

Hmm! 41 + 6 months equals 41 1/2 years old. There's still alot of running around and having fun left in you. I just turned 57 and I did just that thing this afternoon with my two grandchildren.

ZoSo65 ... enjoy life to it's fullest. Kids bring on natural happiness. Just enjoy it!
I hear that! And believe me, I love it!!!! :R :p

And thanks Tim, it's much appreciated!! ;)

April 3rd, 2006, 07:29 PM
Hey, just to make you feel better. I have a friend at work. He was 51 and his wife was 53 when they had twins. They are holy terrors and now 9 years old. So he is now 60 with twins who want to do everything and go everywhere. They live at Disney just to keep the kids busy. Every time I see him I have to laugh because he looks so warn out. He looks at me and tells me to knock it off. I laugh even harder. Oh by the way he has had 6 heart attacks. 5 of which were before the boys where born.

Count you blessings my friend.

April 3rd, 2006, 07:34 PM
,,,, Every time I see him I have to laugh because he looks so warn out. He looks at me and tells me to knock it off. I laugh even harder.
LOL,,you sound like my kind of smartass,,I mean people!,,,me and my good friends do that kind of stuff all the time, nothing beats it, I'm sure you know what I mean ;)

April 3rd, 2006, 07:56 PM
Sorry if this depresses anyone, but the only thing I think of on a regular basis is dying. I know, I know, sorry. It's just the idea of whatever I really am going back into other parts of the Universe and me getting all comfortable with the place I am now only to have to vacate and become something else kind of bugs me. What if I end up as an Antrillian bleen and my owner treats me poorly? Or maybe I would end up in a colony of skrack and loose my identity completely? Worse yet, what if I come back to earth...as a...Republican!? It's just terrible! I can't stand these thoughts.

So that is what I think of as I get older. Yes I was around in the 60's. So what.

April 3rd, 2006, 08:05 PM
Hey, I can’t stop laughing. Honest. My keyboard has tears all over it.

This guy is something else. Ok he is 60 years old. He has everything, has been everywhere, can do anything and will continue to do all things (even better than before). Do you know someone like this? Sure you do, but is he 60 years old?

Paul is my friend, but he is also the biggest BS’er I ever knew. And I tell him so. When he visits my desk and tells me how he is going to show his boys how to run the bases or score a soccer goal, I reach over to his shirt pocket and pull out his bottle of nitro. I tell him he ain’t got enough of these little pills to accomplish those sport feats of strength. Did I mention my pal is 100 lbs over weight? I even told him he most likely would need two prescriptions just to have sex.

But it’s all in fun. We have known each other for many years. He gets his punches in at me too, but that’s another story. Not for disclosure.

Spudman - You must get out more often. If you travel to San Francisco, I am sure you will find a physiologist who would be will to help you regress back into your early years and allow you to see when and were you where abducted by aliens. After some shock treatment you should be back to normal. This treatment is all free of charge as long as you appear on the SciFi network and star in the next filming of an alien abduction movie.

April 3rd, 2006, 08:05 PM
Sorry if this depresses anyone, but the only thing I think of on a regular basis is dying. I know, I know, sorry. It's just the idea of whatever I really am going back into other parts of the Universe and me getting all comfortable with the place I am now only to have to vacate and become something else kind of bugs me. What if I end up as an Antrillian bleen and my owner treats me poorly? Or maybe I would end up in a colony of skrack and loose my identity completely? Worse yet, what if I come back to earth...as a...Republican!? It's just terrible! I can't stand these thoughts.

So that is what I think of as I get older. Yes I was around in the 60's. So what.
So bleenman what happens when the Antrillian dies?!? Where do you end up then?

April 3rd, 2006, 08:07 PM
Worse yet, what if I come back to earth...as a...Republican!?
HAHAHAHA,,,LOL,,,ain't that the truth!!!!!

April 3rd, 2006, 08:16 PM
My fellow Fretters! I am proud to be ... not a Republican.

April 3rd, 2006, 08:21 PM
But it’s all in fun. We have known each other for many years. He gets his punches in at me too, but that’s another story. Not for disclosure.

I think I understand that kind of story!!!LOL

April 3rd, 2006, 08:45 PM
Sorry if this depresses anyone, but the only thing I think of on a regular basis is dying. I know, I know, sorry. It's just the idea of whatever I really am going back into other parts of the Universe and me getting all comfortable with the place I am now only to have to vacate and become something else kind of bugs me. What if I end up as an Antrillian bleen and my owner treats me poorly? Or maybe I would end up in a colony of skrack and loose my identity completely? Worse yet, what if I come back to earth...as a...Republican!? It's just terrible! I can't stand these thoughts.

So that is what I think of as I get older. Yes I was around in the 60's. So what.

Did you ever worry that YOUR spleen might be a reincarnated Antrillian, or worse yet a REPUBLICAN?

Time to get drunk and make it suffer.

April 4th, 2006, 12:39 AM
Well, let's see, I guess that I could say I like not getting carded anymore. My hair is grey enough that nobody confuses me as a teen anymore! As for the dyin' stuff, I don't give it much thought, so I suppose that is a positive. When death comes, it's gonna come, like it or not, so why the hell should I worry. I just hope that wherever I go (up or down), there will be a few cool cats to jam with!

Now, for the dislikes. I guess that I should start with all those creaking, aching joints when I wake up. In my younger years, I lived hard and was put away wet on multiple occassions, and now I'm payin' for it!

Oh yeah, another thing is the forgetfullness that I seem to suffer from at times. The pencil isn't always quite as sharp as it once was. It's called CRS Disease!

Most of my life, I've had to wear glasses, but now I find I need more than one. I need glasses for distance, and now I need them for close-ups too. Bi-focals SUCK!!! :mad:

Well, like Mick Jagger and a couple of you who've spoken up, I guess that I can say I'm glad I never became a neo-con!

Fun thread!!!

April 4th, 2006, 07:04 AM
I see that most of the responses on this topic are--quite rightly--intended to be humorous, because that's a good way to deal with the aging process. Allow me to wax philosophical for a moment, though.

I try to spend as little time as possible thinking about getting older. And that's not a matter of denial, believe me. I just see absolutely nothing good coming from it. The Good Lord has put us all here and given us our allotted time. He sets the rules, and we just play the game. Time marches on inexorably, and there's nothing we can do about it. I'm bemused by the efforts of those who seek to extend their youth through cosmetic surgery, hair plugs, and various other futile means. My advice--get over it and get on with it! Enjoy each day, cherish the good memories of those gone by, and look forward to however many you have left. And don't waste a moment worrying about getting older, because--ironically--all that worrying ultimately makes you older!

OK, enough of that stuff. Now, where the heck did I leave my walker.... :D

April 4th, 2006, 07:19 AM
i agree voodoo....i think the only thing i am doing differently as i get older is more frequent trips to the doc. I used to be of the mindset...what i don't know won't hurt me...but now i want to know everything as early as possible. My kids are young (7 and 9) and i want to be around a long time to enjoy them and hopefully grandchildren before i kick.


April 4th, 2006, 08:21 AM
Holy crap Spud thats exactly what I am thinking about. I also think of having to die and well right now I am happy with my life I don't want it to end. I'm comfortable where I'm at I don't want to go anywhere else sheese.

This is a good topic for discussion Tim.

You know those old people that either drive around or walk really slow? I don't want to end up being like them. I tell my wife "if I ever start to walk slow like that kick my *** or something".

I actually LIKE getting carded. I always joke with the person carding me that "yeah you better check my license I think I'm only 20". (like shhyeah I wish I was only 20)

What scares the crap out of me is time. Time is moving too fast. Just imagine all the people that die...does time stop? No it keeps going. Pretty soon it's years after someone has passed and we don't talk about them as much. Then new little kids start being born and stuff which is cool...but soon those little kids start getting big and pretty soon they're teenagers. Once we all hit 21 it was downhill from there right? Well those teenagers will turn 21 and zip.....the years go by even faster for them and us! Right now in my life I'm trying to pay close attention to the things that happen around me and to the people around me. I've lived 42 years and really that's half of a lifetime. I guess I could say that I want the other half of my lifetime to be one of rememberence AND participation. I took my earlier years for granted...I wish I would have payed more attention because time has a way of taking that from you real fast.

April 4th, 2006, 08:41 AM
Worse yet, what if I come back to earth...as a...Republican!? It's just terrible!
There's only one thing in the world worse than being conservative, and that is NOT being conservative.

April 4th, 2006, 09:50 PM
i agree voodoo....i think the only thing i am doing differently as i get older is more frequent trips to the doc.

...and maybe more frequent trips to the john! :D

Yes Voodoo, I agree too. Where you're at is where you're at, and worryin' about it a whole bunch ain't gonna change nothin'! 'Ya got what'cha got, and all 'ya can do is to make the best of it.

April 22nd, 2006, 01:31 PM
At the age of fifty one and have looked into the eyes of death on four different occasions in my younger days. Ill sum it up with a few quotes Ive picked up over the years.

Don't die wonderin!

Life isnt a dress rehearsal you only get one take so make it good!

There is no record of a man on his deathbed who has stated the following......"I wish I would have spent more time on the job"

One bothersome thing about gettin old is when I burp dust comes out....LOL

April 23rd, 2006, 01:24 PM
Hi Tim,

This is an interesting post. I'm enjoying reading all the responses. It's funny but I never thought about getting old until I was already old :-)

What I dislike about getting old is being treated like an old guy when I don't really feel like an old guy. I'm always shocked when someone who I think is older than me suddenly refers to another person as "he is about our age". The real shocker for me happened when I went to one of my brother's gigs to hear his band and someone thought that I was his dad. That's when I realized that I looked older than the version of myself in my mind's eye.

But on the positive side, what I've really enjoy about getting older is learning to appreciate life more. There's nothing that I appreciate more than spending time with my family and friends, playing music, and enjoying good food. I think that you also learn to accept yourself more as you get older and not worry so much about impressing other people. There is a lot of truth to the old saying "youth is wasted on the young".

My advice to you younger guys is to ...
- Always do what you love, even if you don't do it for your main job! (Music is my sideline, but it keeps me from going crazy with my real job. It's the best shrink that I know of)
- Make time for family and friends
- Try to learn something new everyday, even from the bad experiences
- Realize that life is short, make the most of each day

-- Jim

April 23rd, 2006, 08:56 PM
Mark and Jim.

I really enjoyed what you guys have to say.

I have the same outlook Mark. I was thinking about what you said about work while I was out on a 40 mile bicycle ride today. Part of me thought "maybe I should work more" then the real me kicked in and said "what the heck for? This is my life and I better just enjoy it because none of it matters after I take that last breath." So I'm riding my bike and playing my guitars and I don't care what anyone else thinks. For some people maybe work is their thing and that is alright too, but not for me. I'm going to just let my spirit soar and do what I love. In 300 years whatever most of us have done won't matter anyway.

The cool thing about not feeling like an "old guy" is that because you have already been all those previous ages you can be them again at any time. You've already been there. Wanna act like a 4 year old? You can do it. You have the experience. And if we create our own reality then who's to tell us we can't be younger? Just because the body ages doesn't mean we do.

I can't act convincingly like I'm 80 because I don't have that experience, but ask me to act like a hot, long haired, 23 year old rock-n-roll stud...excuse me, I've got to go ask my wife it it's OK first.