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View Full Version : Mid life "crisis"

April 3rd, 2006, 11:28 PM
After reading here for a couple of weeks, I finally realized why I felt so comfortable: so many of you are my age or older. It feels like home.

Anyway, back to me. :D I'm 43 and have been playing for only a couple of years. I had been wanting to buy a guitar for quite a while, but never seemed to be able to afford one. (I know, they're not that expensive!) Anyway, one of my daughters decided to learn guitar and we bought one within a week! A nice Taylor Big Baby. It's fun to play, but too loud when the kids are in bed, so another guitar was needed.

I was able to rationalize getting an electric guitar because:

1. They are quiet when played unplugged
2. They're cheaper than a red sports car or an affair (my mid-life crisis excuse ;) )

I bought a MIM fat strat and a cheap Fender Frontman amp. I think that's how I found this site: researching VOX amps. Now I know I need the "Robert package deal": a Squier '51, a Vox AD30VT, and a Bad Monkey. :R

I've never played out out anywhere, but recently joined my church's guitar group. We've lead praise sing one church service so far and have another one in a few weeks. It's a lotta fun.

I'm also having fun learning the blues (yeah, another privileged white guy who thinks he can play the blues... So shoot me; it's the music I like. :cool: )

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for the site, Robert!!

April 4th, 2006, 12:09 AM
Welcome Blogan! Hope you like it here. I first took up guitar in my late 30's, so I can relate.

I too am into the blues and have been for years since first hearing it as a child. I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to play in a couple of Chicago's blues clubs on "jam nights" over the years. Don't worry 'bout the color of your skin. Check out Bob Margolin, Roy Buchanan, and Duke Robillard, just to name a few white guys who play the blues.

Just keep on jammin'! :R

April 4th, 2006, 03:43 AM
Welcome Blogan. Welcome to the old timers net. Here we drink coffee every morning while we read the posts from the night before. It beats going to Mickey Ds early in the morning for coffee and reading the free newspaper. Plus we get to do it in our PJs or nude when we feel like making pancakes. Oops, that's another thread. Sorry Warren!

April 4th, 2006, 04:58 AM
aye there Blogan, welcome to TheFret.
It's a great place to be!!

April 4th, 2006, 05:02 AM
Plus we get to do it in our PJs or nude when we feel like making pancakes. Oops, that's another thread. Sorry Warren!
lmco (laughing my clothes off) :D

welcome blogan...another 43 year old here struggling to play the guitar...can i offer you some pancakes?!! You gotta read the threads to figure out what we are talking about.

BTW...we tend to ramble and get severly off topic during our posts so the title of each thread is not neccessarily where the conversation ends up in that thread! Read them all!


April 4th, 2006, 06:45 AM
....They're cheaper than a red sports car or an affair (my mid-life crisis excuse ;)
That's funny! My wife accuses me of having a "mid-life crisis", too, and I use some of the same comebacks. Maybe that's true, I tell her, but I've just rediscovered an old passion, and (1) it's a whole lot cheaper than Porsches or sailboats, (2) I indulge myself without even leaving the house, and (3) wouldn't she rather have me hanging out on TheFret.net with the other MLC'ers and not be out chasing women in some vain and misdirected attempt to reclaim my youth?? She generally smiles and backs off at that point, mostly because of (1) and (2), because we both know what BS (3) is!!


April 4th, 2006, 08:08 AM
Welcome!....and these guys are still older than me whew! (42) :)

April 4th, 2006, 08:17 AM
Wow! What a welcome!! :)

I'd take you up on the pancakes, but no shirt, not shoes, no pants (apparently I have to add that one for this group :eek: ), no service.

DVDman, I want the Porsches and sailboats, too! Oh well, with four kids, I'm going to be happy with the guitars. Unfortunately, hanging out with you guys gives me GAS. At least it's for cheap guitars. :D

April 4th, 2006, 09:50 AM
Hey this is my (first) welcome...well... er.. ah, welcome blogan, I think you found a good place to hangout. I will have to check into this pancake thing. Jees pancakes, gas, fat strats, this monkey that monkey, I am starting to wonder just what I have stepped into...........


April 4th, 2006, 10:12 AM
Yep! Watch out for those people from Orlando, Florida. Looks like they made the national news again. I am beginning to wonder just who controls the city men or mice or the birds.

M29 – check the bottom of your shoes. You will never know what you stepped into with all the se geriatric fretters.

April 4th, 2006, 10:17 AM
Well, at least Warren isn't offering you donuts! :D

April 4th, 2006, 10:28 AM
mmm... donuts.. I had a pinkycream-topped donut today.. wasnt half bad :)

April 4th, 2006, 10:34 AM
Those ones are good ones. My fav are the glazed donuts but now that I'm 42 they sometimes give me heartburn...blah. Another sucky thing about getting old.

April 4th, 2006, 10:35 AM
Hello All,

I don't know if you guys have seen the drawing on the back of a recent issue of Readers Digest or not but when I saw it I about died laughing. You guys have to see it. I have it copied and have a link to it but I don't know if it is okay to put here with copyright issues and all. I don't want to get Robert in trouble. The drawing shows two guitar players a bass and drummer years after they played rock in the basement. They are jammin man! If anything see if you can take a look at about three or four months back issues, it is on the back of the magazine. I made a copy and put it in a 5x7 picture frame, I just had to have it, it gives me a chuckle every time I look at it. I am trying to get a hold of some of my old rock buddies to show them.

Sorry for the tease.....


April 4th, 2006, 10:37 AM
Post a link I think that would be ok.....

April 4th, 2006, 12:09 PM
lmco (laughing my clothes off) :D

Thank goodness! For a moment I thought it meant laughing my colon out. Phew!

Welcome to the insanity Blogan. Try plugging your Frontman into a 4x12 cabinet some time. They sound really good that way.

April 4th, 2006, 03:06 PM
Welcome Blogan! I didn't know there was a "Robert package deal" .... can we get Vox, Squire and Digitech to sign 10% of the sales to me on that one? I'm all for it.

M29 - post it - I can always take it out...

April 4th, 2006, 04:53 PM
Hello All,

Here is a link to the image from Readers Digest I told you about.

http://webpages.charter.net/tankm4/oldrock2.jpg This is in my webspace.


April 4th, 2006, 07:18 PM
Is that RA on bass? Looks like him. I know that isn't me on guitar because I know I'm not gonna have any hair left by then.