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View Full Version : dissecting a twangin tele solo

May 23rd, 2008, 09:22 AM
I feel bad for being slack on creating new articles for my website so I whipped one up the other night.
Basically it's a 12 bar section from a standard country tune, with a breakdown of the solo bits. I hate working stuff out before I record it, so my process is usually to do a bunch of takes until clever or interesting ideas start to develop, then I feel like I have a worthy addition to the song. I try to explain some of that process in the article.

Building A Solo - Country Style! (http://johnmcniel.com/blog/building-a-solo-country-style/)


May 23rd, 2008, 02:42 PM

These are fantastic lessons on building up some country style solos. (it's something that I'm working on myself as of late, and I really like the lines you're using for examples). This is really great.

Thanks for posting this.
What did you use to create the notation examples with audio?

-- Jim

May 23rd, 2008, 03:01 PM
Awesome job, John. I was also wondering about how you did the notation with audio.

May 24th, 2008, 10:56 AM
Thanks guys - good to hear you dug the article.

For the audio, I record into Protools...from there I upload the mp3 and just use a little flash audio player to play the file. The notation is done in PowerTab and I just screen shot the tab and post the image. (sorta low budget but it's pretty quick!)