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View Full Version : Lynch on an AD30VT

May 28th, 2008, 01:03 PM
After getting comfortably close to an SRV tone, I've now turned my attention to an 80s George Lynch tone. I know he used to use Soldano amps quite a bit and the US Higain model on the ADxxVT is supposed to mimic it. The preset is way to dull. Here's my current attempt. If there are any other Lynch/Dokken fans out there with ADxxVTs who might like to check this out and report back, let me know!

Gain @ 10:30
Volume to taste (mine's at about noon)
Treble @ 2:00
Mids @ Noon
Bass @ 10:00

Smidge of reverb, delay, perhaps even with a touch of chorus to taste.

May 28th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Clips please rev rawk!

May 28th, 2008, 05:13 PM
Clips please rev rawk!
Ask and ye shall receive. A warning: my playing is up to its usual low standard. I bashed my way through most of the chord progression for "In My Dreams" and made an attempt to show off some of the pinch harmonics at the beginning of the solo. I've done better pinches in my life and they sound better through my amp to boot. I played it on my Floyd through my AD30VT's line out into the line in on my Audigy and into Audacity. Anyway, here's the clip:

In My Dreams with the above US Higain settings (http://www.box.net/shared/076tiyrcwk)

Personally, I think it loses quite a bit in the translation, both from the bypassing of the AD30VT's tube and the MP3 compression. I also think a brighter pickup might help. I may have to try it again with my '51.

May 28th, 2008, 08:13 PM
OK, here it also is with my Squier '51 instead (http://www.box.net/shared/473vcgi04g). Once again, please ignore the low quality of the playing. This was a one-take. Besides being on the '51, it also is 1/2 step higher (standard tuning) and with a fresh set of GHS Boomers. Compare and contrast. The Screamin' Demon is probably more like the '51's humbucker in that it is brighter and lower output.

May 29th, 2008, 10:54 AM
I think that is a awesome tone! Raw and in-your-face.
It needs a little verb and perhaps some more top end.

I dont think that you play bad at all.

Thanks for letting us listen!

May 29th, 2008, 11:42 AM
I've got just the tiniest little smattering of reverb on it--barely noticeable with that much gain (and notice that I've got the gain cut way back). I agree with you on the top end, I'll have to mess with that. I think the MP3 has less clarity and more fizzyness than through the AD30VT itself.

I used the original recordings of "In My Dreams" and "Mr. Scary" as a point of reference. While I commented about the "Screamin' Demon" earlier, that pickup didn't come out until much later--about the time of the second Lynch Mob CD, I think. He was using a Duncan Distortion before that which is a high output, mid-heavy pickup.

FWIW, I also think those settings sound really sweet playing "Livin' After Midnight" too.

May 29th, 2008, 12:27 PM
both from the bypassing of the AD30VT's tube
it's a shame vox designed their amp this way....one of the major downfalls of the amp i think....despite that it sounded great rev.... :dude: i always chuckle hearing a preacher man banging out some heavy metal :rockon: :poke:


May 30th, 2008, 04:26 AM
One thing you guys can do....look into lossless recording....flac or ape are the first that come to mind....sure the file sizes get a bit larger but the tonal ranges are accurately represented.

Oh and Rev.....you are a good player....you rawk fo sho.....I love it when you post clips.....this place needs more 80s hair metal in my not so humble opinion....and when I learn to play half as well as you do....I will post something :-)

May 30th, 2008, 03:56 PM
Just for kicks, here it is again with the treble dimed (http://www.box.net/shared/xyr7u4g84c). It's also a 192K variable MP3 this time.

And now for something completely different: US Higain blues (http://www.box.net/shared/r2v9u1nok0) using the same settings and the middle Area 61.

Having listened again, I really should start playing with a click track or metronome to keep my timing decent. These are mainly to show the tone, though.

And Kazz, just do it! Record yourself playing something. It really helps you judge how you've progressed.

May 30th, 2008, 05:50 PM
I think the tone with the treble dimed sounds best in the recording, but not through the amp. 3:00 seems to be the sweet spot. I'm not sure that it's truly a Lynch tone, but it's close-ish and I like it.

May 31st, 2008, 12:31 AM
The treble dimed sounds works really good for lynch and probably just as good when you want to wake up sleeping church visitors.

Doesnt matter about the timing, for me that is pure hard rock and even I would go to church if we had a cool rev like you. Thumbs up and let us hear more from your tonal voyage.

May 31st, 2008, 08:35 AM
The thing that I really like about that US Higain model is that when you hit the pinch harmonics just right, they absolutely scream just like Lynch's do. That's always been my favorite part of his "style" and the one I've had the second most trouble emulating. The first would be pure speed.

Lately I've been finding that the screamingest pinch harmonics tend to "live" right over my middle pickup. With the beginning of the "In My Dreams" solo, I find that if I pinch it on the neck side of the middle pickup for the first one and just a bit more towards the bridge for the second one, they really come out. I've heard that the Screamin' Demon pickup is really good at getting those harmonics out there too.

SS, the funny thing is that most people would never know that I'm a headbanger at heart. Otherwise I tend to be very (dare I say, ultra-) conservative in almost every way. I guess metal was a way for me to "rebel" in a way that was safe and not terribly rebellious. In dealing with people all of the time, there are a great many things that are totally out of your control. That can be maddening. The aggression of playing a heavy riff really is cathartic for me in that way. I guess that's where the violent video games I play come in too.