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June 12th, 2008, 08:12 PM
What strings do the good blues players like?

I've been playing for over a year on a Squire Strat with a old crate amp and I do not know what strings are on it.

I bought a brand new Ibanez Artcore73B and a Line6 Spider III 75 amp. I do like both the guitar and amp but I also know that they put cheap strings on the guitars. I like Buddy Guy's sound a lot. SRV is also one of my favorites.

Sounding like them is not a requirement, I just want a starting point on what strings blues players prefer.

just strum
June 12th, 2008, 08:22 PM
If you find strings that make you sound like them, let the rest of us in on it.

Strings are a personal preference and if your strings have been on the guitar for 1+ years, fresh twine might make them sound better. If you want a starting point, try D'Addario, Ernie Ball, Dean Markley.


No one can tell you what are the best, only what they prefer. You need to try different ones and match it to your guitar and taste.

Just my opinion and it's been known to suck.

String discussion is not high on my list and you may see this followed by some comments regarding the fact that I replied.

June 12th, 2008, 09:20 PM
Any good, major brand string should serve your purposes. AFAIK, there is no "bluesman approved" set of strings, except for the brands that the artists themselves endorse.

I prefer D'Addario strings. I've been using them for about 15 years now, and they sound good, and last a while. They sound great playing blues, country and metal.:D

If you've had strings on your guitar for a year, change them. They need it.

SRV used ungodly heavy gauge strings to get his tone. I wouldn't recommend it for a new player, as playing on a set of .13s could tear your fingers up in a hurry.

Start out with a set of Ernie Ball Slinkies gauged .09 on up, or a set of D'Addarios in the same gauge, then report how they felt to you...:AOK:

And Strum, not only did I notice that you posted on a string thread, I noticed you were first!:poke:

June 12th, 2008, 09:29 PM
There are no rules, but the thicker the strings, the fatter tone you get. Drawback is of course it's darn hard to play with really heavy strings. As for brand, I don't think it matters much. As people are saying here, it's a personal preference. I use 09-42 Ernie Ball strings, because my fingers are wimpy and can't handle 11's or 12's.... :)

The Boss
June 13th, 2008, 01:52 AM
I've "upgraded" my strat to .13s today.

And also, there is no such thing as a silly newbie question. Everybody is always learning.

June 13th, 2008, 03:02 AM
Strings are a really personal thing. Squier fit really nasty 9-42 strings at the factory. With a shorter scale semi-hollow like the Artcore I'd go 10-46 at least but it's all down to taste, maybe buy a few sets of different gauges and swap them until you find the ones you like. Don't ignore the inbetween sets like 9-46 or 10-52 but beware that really heavy strings will mean your guitar needs a setup to cope. They will bind in the nut and pull the neck forward, both easy fixes for your local repair guy. On my last hollow electric, an Epiphone Casino, I liked 11-48 flatwounds but blues bends weren't a priority on that guitar. Some dealers offer a discount if you buy a number of sets even if they're mixed which can help with your decision process.

June 13th, 2008, 06:25 AM
I've just started using 10-52'a (heavy bottom skinny top). I've got a set of D'Arcos, a set of Ernie Ball's, and a set of Snake Oil Brand strings. I really like the ability to bend the top strings but have that nice fat bottom (now that just sounds wrong :whatever: ).

As Robert said, the heavier the string, the fatter the tone. SRV used 13's, but that makes my hands hurt just to think about it. But then I heard that BB King uses 8's! Blues tone is mostly in the fingers.

Good luck and let us know how the journey goes.


June 13th, 2008, 06:37 AM
I always went with 9s on Strats and 10s on Gibbies, usually Fender on Fenders and Gibson on Gibson. But I found a really happy medium in a set of 9.5 D'Addarios. I love their strings because the do not corrode as fast as Fenders. I find the Fender strings to be like barbed wire after only a couple of playings. I always wipe my strings after playing and the D'Addarios seem to last forever. Great tone out of them and with the right amp and pedals I can nail the Buddy Guy tone. He is of course my favourite guitarist after Albert King. I have changed all 14 of my guitars to D'Addarios.

The Boss
June 13th, 2008, 09:21 AM
I've just started using 10-52'a (heavy bottom skinny top). I've got a set of D'Arcos, a set of Ernie Ball's, and a set of Snake Oil Brand strings. I really like the ability to bend the top strings but have that nice fat bottom (now that just sounds wrong :whatever: ).

As Robert said, the heavier the string, the fatter the tone. SRV used 13's, but that makes my hands hurt just to think about it. But then I heard that BB King uses 8's! Blues tone is mostly in the fingers.

Good luck and let us know how the journey goes.

.13's aren't really all that bad, if you keep your callouses intact. As long as you treat your fingers well, they are fine. Obviously you need reasonably strong hands and fingers...my hands are 24cm from my wrist to the tip of my middle finger...but the fat tone these D'Addario .13's give my strat is a really fat, almost-SRVish tone...it's worth it.

June 13th, 2008, 09:59 AM
D'Addario 10's on everything electric.

BTW, Boss--13's aren't strings, they're cables!! :eek: ;) :D

June 13th, 2008, 10:12 AM
Thanks for all the info. I'm going to buy the D'Addarios, 8's for my Strat and 9's for my Ibanez. After I get used to them I'll try some heavier strings.

My hands are pretty strong. I've been playing bass for over two years and been practicing Ju-Jitsu for 12 years.

just strum
June 13th, 2008, 10:13 AM
D'Addario 10's on everything electric.

BTW, Boss--13's aren't strings, they're cables!! :eek: ;) :D

And Boss, I think DVM meant support cables, not some wimpy guitar cable. When you say 13's, think Golden Gate Bridge.:D

The Boss
June 13th, 2008, 10:14 AM

just strum
June 13th, 2008, 10:15 AM
Thanks for all the info. I'm going to buy the D'Addarios, 8's for my Strat and 9's for my Ibanez. After I get used to them I'll try some heavier strings.

My hands are pretty strong. I've been playing bass for over two years and been practicing Ju-Jitsu for 12 years.

Geez, I think the e and B will slice your fingers like tomato's with 8's. Personally I wouldn't drop below 10, but that's just me

The Boss
June 13th, 2008, 10:21 AM
No, I won't go below 10s either but only because the tone is too thin on my Strat...

June 13th, 2008, 02:51 PM
Geez, I think the e and B will slice your fingers like tomato's with 8's. Personally I wouldn't drop below 10, but that's just me
i agree....10's should be no problem for you....


June 13th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Ok, on the advice of all of you guys I've gone and bought the D'Addario's 10's for both the Strat and the Ibanez Artcore. The Strat sounds a lot better and I think I should go with 11's or 12's with the Ibanez to get the blues sound I have in my head. (but not in my fingers yet!)