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June 13th, 2008, 09:17 AM
What is it with E-Bay and PayPal?

I was awaiting the end of an auction last night, and as I was entering my bid (at the very last second, of course), I get this message that I either don't have a PayPal account, or it's not "linked" to my E-bay account. What's up with that?

Almost every transaction I've completed in the last several years, I've done with PayPal. At the end of each auction a prompt from PayPal comes up that assumes that I'm going to complete the auction payment using PayPal (which I usually click on). My PayPal account isn't linked to my E-Bay account? What kind of crap is that? :flamemad:

So, I missed the opportunity to possibly win that auction. My max bid was higher than the winning bid, but because I don't know what the winning bidder's max was, I'll never know if I could have won that auction or not.

Before the next auction came up for a similar item, I clicked on the "link your PayPal account to your E-Bay account" prompt on the screen. OK, everthing in dodo land is suddenly cool. Now they recognize my PayPal account. :confused:

With E-Bay and PayPal being the same company now, you'd think that they'd be linked already. No wonder I hate PayPal so much...

This ever happen to anyone else?

(OK, rant over...:mad: )

June 13th, 2008, 09:22 AM

June 13th, 2008, 09:22 AM
This ever happen to anyone else?
Nope, just you. You've been singled out from among all of humanity to suffer this injustice. Bad karma, I'd guess.... ;)

Seriously, I've had good luck with PayPal, both on eBay and elsewhere. It's getting more and more broadly accepted, for sure.

June 13th, 2008, 09:34 AM
I don't have any trouble with the payment end (big surprise, they readily take my money), just with crap like I mentioned. In a similar vein, I've had E-bay bar me from auctions before with a message that the seller had done something to bar me. When I've contacted the seller, they've told me it was E-bay and not them.

I could understand, maybe, if I had a suspect feedback or credit rating, but with a 100% positive rating and stellar credit, that's not possible.

Registering a complaint with E-Bay isn't much use, either. It's is sort of like writing your complaint on a block of ice and setting it in the sun....

I would have to believe that it's the E-bay end more than the PayPal end. But that's of no comfort since they're the same company.

June 13th, 2008, 09:47 AM
That's weird. I've never had any problems with Ebay or Pay Pal.

June 13th, 2008, 10:27 AM
I guess it's just me, then. Me and my pal Murphy I guess. http://www.agileguitarforum.com/images/smilies/dunno.gif

just strum
June 13th, 2008, 10:28 AM
I received an e-mail from PayPal the other day saying my e-mail address at e-bay and paypal didn't match and they put me on "limited funds" or some silly term like that. Other than that, no trouble so far.

June 13th, 2008, 10:30 AM
I'd watch that one, strum. Lot's of bogus PayPal e-mail scams going around.

just strum
June 13th, 2008, 10:36 AM
I'd watch that one, strum. Lot's of bogus PayPal e-mail scams going around.

I went to my actual PayPal account to verify, and not through the link supplied by the e-mail. I thought the same thing when I first saw it.

June 13th, 2008, 10:53 AM
Forward those here spoof@paypal.com

If the email does not say your name like mr larry ------
or whatever it is bogus

just strum
June 13th, 2008, 10:35 PM
That's exactly what mine said "mr larry ------"

Oh, I forgot to thank you for the guitars.:D