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View Full Version : Classic vibe 50s Strat: It's here!

June 17th, 2008, 04:25 PM
I got an email from my guitar tech. He said the classic vibe just came through the door. He is setting it up with 9.5 D'Addarios as we speak.
I am going to head over tomorrow and take a look (possibly buy) Oh hell I will be picking it up!
Just thought I would give you a little eye Candy.

He said it reminded him of his old JV Squier he used to own. It was in need of a set up and it will be in great shape when I go to see it tomorrow.
A full detailed rundown on it to follow.

June 17th, 2008, 05:12 PM
You can't have it ZMAN...NO!

Well, that probably didn't work....

Ok, we want a full report tomorrow @18:00 hours. Get some sleep...you're gonna need it...Dismissed! :D

Gil Janus
June 17th, 2008, 06:09 PM
Very nice looker.

Gil :cool:

just strum
June 17th, 2008, 06:31 PM
must not open photo links, must not open photo links.

bad zman, bad.:poke:

June 17th, 2008, 07:06 PM
photo links aren't opening for me. :-(

June 17th, 2008, 07:06 PM
looks really nice...is that the actual guitar or a stock pic?

can't wait to hear a review...


June 17th, 2008, 07:08 PM
That is the one he got in today. I asked him what it looked like and he sent me those pictures. They know how to fuel the gas better than anyone!
Hey Bloozecat my wife tried that approach. She also said don't you have one just like that. And I tried to explain that it wasn't "exactly" the same.

June 17th, 2008, 07:10 PM
cool...i'm sure you'll enjoy it....see i am assuming you are going to get it (probably along with the rest of us fretters) unless you play it and it turns out to be a real dog...


June 17th, 2008, 07:15 PM
The problem is that the tech/manager that I deal with is a magiician when it comes to set ups. He said he will have it set up for me with the 9.5 D'Addarios and it WILL play like a dream. I am a really good customer of his and he treats me very well. So yes you can pretty well bet I will have it when I return.

just strum
June 17th, 2008, 07:18 PM
Hey Bloozecat my wife tried that approach. She also said don't you have one just like that. And I tried to explain that it wasn't "exactly" the same.

Oh man, I've had that conversation before.

June 17th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Wow that's a Squier? How much are those? Where did that come from? Where have I been?

Who are you?


Tone E
June 17th, 2008, 08:35 PM
Color me green with envy.

June 17th, 2008, 10:12 PM
Damn. Grrrrrrr. Fzzzzzzzt. Tweeeeet. Blonk!
:mad: :( :drool: :cry: :reallymad: :messedup:

June 18th, 2008, 05:15 AM
Damn. Grrrrrrr. Fzzzzzzzt. Tweeeeet. Blonk!
:mad: :( :drool: :cry: :reallymad: :messedup:

Thanks for the new sig quote...:D

It's hard to believe that's a Squier. She's a beauty, zman. If quality keeps going like it is, the boys and girls at Fender are gonna start getting jealous again.

June 18th, 2008, 06:13 AM
I MuSt HaVe ONe!!!!!! :master:

I need the mate for My 50's Vibe Tele, that arrived yesterday.
If the Strat has what I see, feel and hear with the Tele then
ShE WiLl Be MiNe!!! :beavisnbutthead:

June 18th, 2008, 08:24 AM
Hey Bloozecat my wife tried that approach. She also said don't you have one just like that. And I tried to explain that it wasn't "exactly" the same.

Not that I want to stir up any trouble with the ZWOMAN in the household, but I can think of a couple of counter arguements here:

Why do you need another pair of shoes? Don't you have some just like that?
(Shoes...the nerve that's sure to get a response...maybe not a good response, but....)

Why do you need another manicure? Didn't you just get one last week?
(You don't see me re-painting my guitars every week, do you?)

Why would we want another kid? Don't we have one just like that?
(A flak vest, a Kevlar cover, and a nomex suit is advisable if you enter this terrority. Proceed at your own risk)

All kidding aside, ZMAN. The Classic Vibe Squire Strat is a hot looking new offering, but this particular guitar looks pretty sweet. The wood grain looks great, and the burst is nice, clean, and very uniform. That could be the luck of the draw if you order one, but this one is a known quantity. Add the great set-up you described and this seems like too good a deal to walk away from. We've all had those, "I wish I had", moments. This could be one of them if you let it get away.
(BTW: Should you or any of your IM force be coerced into completing this transaction, the Bloozcat will disavow any knowlege of your actions...to your wife, that is. This message will self destruct in five seconds...:D )

June 18th, 2008, 08:39 AM
I MuSt HaVe ONe!!!!!! :master:

I need the mate for My 50's Vibe Tele, that arrived yesterday.
If the Strat has what I see, feel and hear with the Tele then
ShE WiLl Be MiNe!!! :beavisnbutthead:

So do we get a review? Clips? Eh?

June 18th, 2008, 08:48 AM
So do we get a review? Clips? Eh?

Yeah c'mon! Talk is cheap, Dauntless. We want a report! :D

June 18th, 2008, 09:11 AM
OOh that is sweet ZMAN very nice indeed:AOK: Report Report Report:D

Don't pay any attention to that Blooz guy he will have you strummin on the porch in no time, with the front door locked behind you.:thwap:

June 18th, 2008, 09:21 AM
Whoho.. thats a super nice strat!

June 18th, 2008, 10:06 AM
OOh that is sweet ZMAN very nice indeed:AOK: Report Report Report:D

Don't pay any attention to that Blooz guy he will have you strummin on the porch in no time, with the front door locked behind you.:thwap:

Who? Me? :D

June 18th, 2008, 10:09 AM

Photobucket's been hacked again...

I was able to get in earlier today, but now it diverts me to the alt. site.

June 18th, 2008, 01:30 PM
Ok guys here we go. AMAZING. If I was high on the Deluxes this baby is just about perfect. The look is flawless. I have a 50th Ann Deluxe and the Squier looks better than the deluxe. The neck is to die for.
I went up today and Darren had it all set up and ready to go with my 9.5
D'Addarios. I plugged it into a tweed hot rod deluxe and what a tone. It almost sounds creamy if that is an adjective you can use with a Strat. I haven't taken the plastic off the pickups yet so that may make a difference.
I was a little worried about the noise at high volume in the 1 3 5 positions but when I got home and tried it that was gone. It must have been the cord.
The fit and finish are flawless. It is made in China with a CGS factory code.
The bridge is a stamped steel, and Darren has it as flat as possible for me.
did I say the neck is to die for. It has a beautiful tint and is absolutley smooth. The Frets are perfect. A lot of people have been worried about the single ply guard but it is flat as a pancake and fits perfectly.
I played it through my 65 Deluxe using my fulltone pedals and she sounds absolutley sweet. I even threw in some delay with the dd 20.
I paid a little more than the US price but I would have paid a 100 more for it.
As usual when the owner Bob took the guitar out to show me everyone in the store was right there asking what the hell it was.
My wife came with me and she loved it as well.
Again I was a little apprehensive about the Alnico 3s but they give it a real vintage tone.
All I can say is that Squier and Fender have hit a home run with this one.
When you can get this quality, look, and sound for that price it is just AMAZING!
Now for some eye Candy boys and girls. Enjoy.
I compared it to my 50th that cost 5 time as much.

June 18th, 2008, 01:36 PM
yeah....but do you like it? :D :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

new gear is fun.... :bravo:


June 18th, 2008, 02:18 PM
You must be cutting and pasting this review all over the place.

Saw the same review just now at FDP...Stewie...:D

She's a beaut! I'll bet it looks even better in your living room than it did at the guitar shop.

These guitars may become one of those closet classics, maybe like the MIJ Squires did in the 80's. The Squire 51 may have re-opened the door to inexpensive Squires of decent quality, but this series looks to be a definite step up in quality.

Get 'em while they're cheap, before Fender realizes what they have here...:AOK:

Congratulations, ZMAN. Enjoy it!

June 18th, 2008, 03:02 PM
The FDP and the Fret Net are my favourite haunts. I was getting a little tired of the Stewie nickname so I went with the Zman. My other hobby has been restoring Z/28 Camaros.
I didn't want to retype the whole thing so I just cut and pasted.
I had several people waiting for a report over there as well. But I did post here first!
I am really enjoying this one. I actually feel a little stupid for spending so much money on the 50th Ann. Delixe. But I hope it will be a collectors item some day. Everyone that has seen The Classic Vibe close up is talking MIJ JV Strat similarities, and I agree.

June 18th, 2008, 03:19 PM
Everyone that has seen The Classic Vibe close up is talking MIJ JV Strat similarities, and I agree.
I guess it would make sense that China is the "new Japan". Looks like they will soon be the top mfg. power in the world, even for high-end goods. Prolly won't be long until we're all driving Chinese cars....if we can afford the gas to run 'em! :eek:

June 18th, 2008, 04:17 PM
Ok guys here we go. AMAZING. If I was high on the Deluxes this baby is just about perfect. The look is flawless. I have a 50th Ann Deluxe and the Squier looks better than the deluxe. The neck is to die for.
I went up today and Darren had it all set up and ready to go with my 9.5
D'Addarios. I plugged it into a tweed hot rod deluxe and what a tone. It almost sounds creamy if that is an adjective you can use with a Strat. I haven't taken the plastic off the pickups yet so that may make a difference.
I was a little worried about the noise at high volume in the 1 3 5 positions but when I got home and tried it that was gone. It must have been the cord.
The fit and finish are flawless. It is made in China with a CGS factory code.
The bridge is a stamped steel, and Darren has it as flat as possible for me.
did I say the neck is to die for. It has a beautiful tint and is absolutley smooth. The Frets are perfect. A lot of people have been worried about the single ply guard but it is flat as a pancake and fits perfectly.
I played it through my 65 Deluxe using my fulltone pedals and she sounds absolutley sweet. I even threw in some delay with the dd 20.
I paid a little more than the US price but I would have paid a 100 more for it.
As usual when the owner Bob took the guitar out to show me everyone in the store was right there asking what the hell it was.
My wife came with me and she loved it as well.
Again I was a little apprehensive about the Alnico 3s but they give it a real vintage tone.
All I can say is that Squier and Fender have hit a home run with this one.
When you can get this quality, look, and sound for that price it is just AMAZING!
Now for some eye Candy boys and girls. Enjoy.
I compared it to my 50th that cost 5 time as much.

Oh crap! :thwap:

June 18th, 2008, 06:17 PM
Oh crap! :thwap:
Spuds is doomed.

To put it in mathematical terms:


n = Spuds' current number of guitars (as verified by house roof photography)


n+1 = Spuds' number of guitars by middle of next week

This relationship is true regardless of the value of n.

just strum
June 18th, 2008, 07:39 PM
ZMAN, we might petition to have this section renamed the Squier GAS Factory.

Very nice selection. My funds are tapped and the next purchase may be another amp.

June 18th, 2008, 07:44 PM
Spuds is doomed.

To put it in mathematical terms:


n = Spuds' current number of guitars (as verified by house roof photography)


n+1 = Spuds' number of guitars by middle of next week

This relationship is true regardless of the value of n.

I think I know how Spud gets away with buying new guitars all the time...

He just tells his wife that he has several breeding pairs among the ones he already has, and they just keep having babies..."swear they do honey, honest..." ;)

June 18th, 2008, 08:25 PM
I think I know how Spud gets away with buying new guitars all the time...

He just tells his wife that he has several breeding pairs among the ones he already has, and they just keep having babies..."swear they do honey, honest..." ;)

Well...it works. :AOK:

I also use the "no, I've had that one for a while. I just don't take it out very often."

Seriously though...it's my castle.

June 18th, 2008, 08:34 PM
This relationship is true regardless of the value of n.
Or the week or the airspeed of an unladen African swallow.

just strum
June 18th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Seriously though...it's my castle.

Keep telling yourself that.:poke:

June 18th, 2008, 11:35 PM
I guess it would make sense that China is the "new Japan". Looks like they will soon be the top mfg. power in the world, even for high-end goods. Prolly won't be long until we're all driving Chinese cars....if we can afford the gas to run 'em! :eek:

I smell gas a comin'...and if "China is the new Japan" then they've already invented their brand of GAS for these rides!

June 19th, 2008, 06:05 AM
Well...it works. :AOK:

I also use the "no, I've had that one for a while. I just don't take it out very often."

Seriously though...it's my castle.

With the appropriate avatar too, I see...:AOK:

Brian Krashpad
June 19th, 2008, 08:08 AM
Congrats, looks great.

June 19th, 2008, 02:57 PM
Thanks guys. After a little more playing time with it I am really happy with the total vibe of this guitar. I think they hit the nail stright on the head on this one. The pickups may not be for everyone, but they are mellow and smooth. My guitar tech set her up perfectly with 9.5 D'Addarios and it feels like and old friend already.

June 19th, 2008, 10:14 PM

June 20th, 2008, 11:46 AM
So do we get a review? Clips? Eh?

See header 50's Vibe Tele is in the house.
I just added a couple of pics and did manage to change one thing on her, and add something to her.:poke:

June 20th, 2008, 06:59 PM
As of this afternoon, I have ordered MY Classic Vibe 50's Stratocaster!! :beer:

This move was based on the build quality of my Tele and I have no doubt that the Strat will be of the same quality. :AOK:

Now the tough part...the waiting. :whatever:

Tone E
June 20th, 2008, 09:07 PM
I hate you all...

June 21st, 2008, 07:08 AM
Who did you order from? A guy on the FDP went directly to the MF outlet store at their warehouse and they had 120 in stock. He picked one up but hasn't put up his review of it yet. I agree with you on the reasoning and I am sure you will be extremely happy with the Strat. Now you have me thinking I don't own a Tele..... No my wife WOULD kill me.

just strum
June 21st, 2008, 07:15 AM
Now you have me thinking I don't own a Tele..... No my wife WOULD kill me.

go for it dude, YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Just don't show me the Tele when it arrives. My wife is mad at me and she's starting to dislike you (you took the hit for the Squier Deluxe last week).

June 21st, 2008, 07:18 AM
Zman, sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

*scampers off to wallow in my hipocrisy*:D

June 21st, 2008, 12:56 PM
Who did you order from? A guy on the FDP went directly to the MF outlet store at their warehouse and they had 120 in stock. He picked one up but hasn't put up his review of it yet. I agree with you on the reasoning and I am sure you will be extremely happy with the Strat. Now you have me thinking I don't own a Tele..... No my wife WOULD kill me.

I ordered from MF because thats where I got the Tele from.
Shipping was fairly quick with the Tele too. Ordered it Friday and had it in my paws the following Tuesday. :D
Even if it doesn't play out the same, I suspect it won't come quick enough!
(TP mode on)
The waiting is the hardest part...

June 21st, 2008, 01:19 PM
ZMan, I forgot to ask, how many trem springs did it come with?

June 21st, 2008, 01:22 PM
Three. My guy always puts them all in. The Deluxes came with two and one in the box. He installed all three.

just strum
June 21st, 2008, 01:27 PM
Three. My guy always puts them all in. The Deluxes came with two and one in the box. He installed all three.

I'm not sure how the sound differs with the different number of springs. I also installed the third on my Squier Deluxe, the other squier has two and my American Deluxe has five. Is it just to tighten up the stiffness when using the bar?

June 21st, 2008, 01:53 PM
Only if your bridge is set up non floating.

I prefer my bridge to float, with 4 springs because I do a lot of bending and I find that with 4 springs, I can't hear any change with the other strings, while bending a note because the springs hold their own.

Bend the high E on the fifth fret and hit an open string at the same time and odds are real good you will hear the open string go flat as the bent A on the E, pulls on the trem and the springs give.

just strum
June 21st, 2008, 02:36 PM
Only if your bridge is set up non floating.

I prefer my bridge to float, with 4 springs because I do a lot of bending and I find that with 4 springs, I can't hear any change with the other strings, while bending a note because the springs hold their own.

Bend the high E on the fifth fret and hit an open string at the same time and odds are real good you will hear the open string go flat as the bent A on the E, pulls on the trem and the springs give.

Have you heard anything about these?


June 22nd, 2008, 12:35 AM
Zman I`m a bit late probably but just wanted to say congratulations to you. The grain is beautiful and nicely matched! I bet those are a much better deal than a Jimmie Vaughan strat now or any MIM standard.

By the way, do you know how much it weights? Thanks!

June 22nd, 2008, 05:58 AM
Have you heard anything about these?


Yea, I've heard about them but never tried one.

I guess I'm just old and stuck in my ways.
I've used 4 springs for years and never had a problem.

June 22nd, 2008, 07:26 AM
Iago. They are going for 299 in the US and a little bit more up here in Canada.The Standard MIM is running about 399 but they do not have the tinted neck or aged covers. The pickups on the Vibe are a special custom set and sound very rich and warm. To get this quality in a MIM you would have to go to the 500 + range. I would guess that this one weighs in at about 7.5 lbs but I have not weighed it. It is a little lighter than the 50th I have.
I am totally amazed at the quality. I admit I was a Fender snob and would not even pick up a Squier. Now I own 5 of them 4 strats and an Esprit.
I still have my Fenders and Gibsons but I am very happy with my Squiers.

June 22nd, 2008, 10:55 AM
Iago. They are going for 299 in the US and a little bit more up here in Canada.The Standard MIM is running about 399 but they do not have the tinted neck or aged covers. The pickups on the Vibe are a special custom set and sound very rich and warm. To get this quality in a MIM you would have to go to the 500 + range. I would guess that this one weighs in at about 7.5 lbs but I have not weighed it. It is a little lighter than the 50th I have.
I am totally amazed at the quality. I admit I was a Fender snob and would not even pick up a Squier. Now I own 5 of them 4 strats and an Esprit.
I still have my Fenders and Gibsons but I am very happy with my Squiers.

I truly believe you. In another forum I participate some people have bought the tele, and everybody is amazed how cool and good looking they are. I think to beat that only if you find a good used Classic Series for lets say.. about 400,00 US$ (I got mine used but almost mint for only 315,00US$ that was a great find).

June 25th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Just thought I'd toss this out,
I have recieved MY Classic Vibe 50's Stratocaster!! :drool:
A friend of mine was here when I pulled it out of the box and he immediatly handed me the cash to order him one! To be delivered here for me to set it up for him.
Again, I Am Very Impressed!! :master:
Going by the serial # it looks like I have #14.

I've had it since yesterday and my only complaint is that the pickguard is too thick for my taste and it looks like a regular Fender guard will fit, but I'll probably go with a Stew Mac unless I see the Fender 57 guard somewhere and can check the thickness.

I'll post pics soon I take a few.

As a side note, in the last few months, I've bought 3 of the new Squires and I have to say that the quality of these builds has impressed me so much that it just might have cured my gas!

That is, unless they come out with a light, late 60's or 70's style Ash Strat or a 50's Vintage Vibe Strat of Ash in see thru vintage white, or... :poke:

June 27th, 2008, 09:27 AM
Dauntless, pics please :D if it looks as nice as Zman`s I`m most absolutely sold.

June 28th, 2008, 05:22 AM
Here ya go!!



Both, in my bargain corner

These shots are of mine, but I wanted to point out that, a friend of mine got his in yesterday and it was darker with a more pronounced grain pattern.

I like this strat! The Alnico 3 pickups, I find, are very jangly and very formidable when adjusted right.

The body is lighter than a Fender Standard and I love the neck!
She's very responsive and fun to play!

My only complaint is the pickguard thickness, too thick for my taste, on a Strat! No problem tho as the fix is out there! I just have to order it.
Other than the pickguard, wonderful!!!

Now I'm gona take my toys and go play!:rockon:

June 28th, 2008, 07:15 AM
And in case that is not enough. Some more of mine. I took it outdoors to get some natural light.

June 29th, 2008, 08:04 AM
I`m not sure if I should thank you guys for this :D G.A.S reached maximum level now!

August 31st, 2008, 11:37 AM
I`m not sure if I should thank you guys for this :D G.A.S reached maximum level now!

Sorry for re-entring this thread, but:

Now G.A.S. Level has reached it's maximum for me, too.

I thought of selling my Dean Vendetta and was thinking about what to do with the money. Now I know: It must be a Squier Classic Vibe 50's. That's how a guitar must look (and sound of course).

Have to count my money now....

August 31st, 2008, 11:40 AM
You could change your glasses just a little and do your hair just right, and pull off a great Buddy Holly look! For that reason (I like Buddy Holly) the 50s CV strat is a tempting one. Hope you find enough money. Go check in the couch and under the car seats!!

August 31st, 2008, 12:57 PM
Totally agree: that strat is cool and has a Buddy Holly vibe. It reminds me of a mid-80s Tokai strat copy I had. Never should have gotten rid of that, it looked exactly like Zman's new squire.

BTW, Steve, not to hijack this thread but have you ever seen the Buddy Holly Story starring Gary Busey? Just watched it last week. Excellent flick.


You could change your glasses just a little and do your hair just right, and pull off a great Buddy Holly look! For that reason (I like Buddy Holly) the 50s CV strat is a tempting one. Hope you find enough money. Go check in the couch and under the car seats!!

August 31st, 2008, 02:08 PM
Totally agree: that strat is cool and has a Buddy Holly vibe. It reminds me of a mid-80s Tokai strat copy I had. Never should have gotten rid of that, it looked exactly like Zman's new squire.

BTW, Steve, not to hijack this thread but have you ever seen the Buddy Holly Story starring Gary Busey? Just watched it last week. Excellent flick.


tung, I surely have. A long time ago, and I should watch it again.

re: the guitar, I am reading a Beatles book, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah", an impulse purchase when we were visiting the Experience Music Project on vacation. Anyhow, the book has a picture of Buddy in the mid-50's standing in front of the Crickets holding a 50's strat that could be the very guitar that is the subject of this thread, based on the pic alone. Sunburst and maple fretboard, etc. Classic 50's vibe indeed!!

September 8th, 2008, 08:11 PM
So Spudman I was lurking over at the FDP. Still pissed with Chris Greene and I won't post over there. And I was reading that you have been holding out on us. What is this I hear about a CV Strat coming in?
I have to catch up! I have to remind you that I have the Daphne blue Squier Deluxe. I don't think anyone around here has that one. But you do have two Cherry bursts. I am still trying to resist that Cherry/Maple Standard.
Did you order the 50s or the 60s CV? I still have not put mine away. I even bought another hardshell fender case for my Deluxe player strat and evicted it from the tweed case for the CV 50s. It has never been in the case. I just love this guitar.

September 8th, 2008, 08:14 PM
Spuds is doomed.

To put it in mathematical terms:


n = Spuds' current number of guitars (as verified by house roof photography) Then:

n+1 = Spuds' number of guitars by middle of next week This relationship is true regardless of the value of n.
It's an inequality,

n < Spuds' number of guitars by middle of next week

as I'm sure he's bought more than one guitar some weeks.

September 8th, 2008, 08:33 PM
I keep telling y'all... Spuds doesn't have to buy guitars anymore. They breed on their own and are self sufficient. A new model appears at NAMM and the Spud brood of guitars replicate their version.

Spud can't even keep track of them all, even with cataloging assistance from the Library of Congress.;) :D

September 8th, 2008, 08:51 PM
So Spudman I was lurking over at the FDP. Still pissed with Chris Greene and I won't post over there. And I was reading that you have been holding out on us. What is this I hear about a CV Strat coming in?

[/URL][URL="http://freesmileyface.net/get/Confused/sorry.gif"]http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/Confused/sorry.gif (http://freesmileyface.net)http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/Thinking/thinking-017.GIF (http://freesmileyface.net/get/Thinking/thinking-017.GIF) :munch::cool:

September 8th, 2008, 08:58 PM
The CV tele interest me. That & the Duo-sonic...if I knew what a Duo-sonic was. Does anyone know what a Duo-sonic is?

September 8th, 2008, 09:01 PM
Not talking eh? We shall see.

September 8th, 2008, 10:04 PM
The thing is, ZMAN, that saying, "Spud bought a new guitar" is not unlike saying, "I breathed today."

September 8th, 2008, 10:38 PM
The CV tele interest me. That & the Duo-sonic...if I knew what a Duo-sonic was. Does anyone know what a Duo-sonic is?

A short-scale student guitar. Like a Mustang, Bronco or Musicmaster. They were all Fender entry level models at various times.

Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Duosonic)

Gallery (http://www.marcelroy.com/)

September 9th, 2008, 04:57 AM
A short-scale student guitar. Like a Mustang, Bronco or Musicmaster. They were all Fender entry level models at various times.

Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Duosonic)

Gallery (http://www.marcelroy.com/)
Thanks! This one has a 24' scale, some of the early ones had a 22.5" scale.

Bendy, rubber band city.

How do single coils sound on a short-scale? My Godin SD has a 24-3/4" with singles at the neck & middle & they don't have the charm that singles in a 25-1/2" scale instrument do.

It could be the Godin pups though.

Brian Krashpad
September 9th, 2008, 02:54 PM
A short-scale student guitar. Like a Mustang, Bronco or Musicmaster. They were all Fender entry level models at various times.

Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Duosonic)

Gallery (http://www.marcelroy.com/)

I have one from 1960. Unfortunately, needs fretwork. Playable, but not giggable.


September 10th, 2008, 06:44 AM
I have one from 1960. Unfortunately, needs fretwork. Playable, but not giggable.

What does it sound like?

September 13th, 2008, 08:14 AM
Chiming in late that but that is one sweet looking strat...maple and two-tone sunburst...totally classic.

Congrats on the purchase!

December 26th, 2008, 07:50 PM
The whole series is just now coming out of the shipping crates, and I got to eyeball the 50s Strat briefly. Hoping to get back over to our Easy Music store tonite to plug in. Kudos to them, for listening to a single customer's suggestions and bringing in a nice selection.

1st impression; I was put off by the body's basic look, the harsher black to natural bursting job looked cheaply done, and the body grains yellow-ish shade tones is not at all what is exampled in the pix shown here or by other proud owners elsewhere. It looks like a (ugly) brand new 1954 Strat, far from aged and sweetly vintaged.
But the neck was 100% wonderful.
The oft hated one-ply very white pickguard looked good (enuf...), well in contrast with the creamy colored PU covers.
High marks overall in appearance, dispite the junk paint job.
It's readily apparent, even without benefit of a plug in, that these are worth $300
I'm waiting to check out the 60s Strat, and basses.

This might be a fun mod - www.villex.com/stratocaster_jack_replacement_booster.html

Happy New Year!

December 26th, 2008, 10:10 PM
The whole series is just now coming out of the shipping crates,!

Woa! Too bad you had to wait. It's a kee-ler guitar. It is what it is though. Mine certainly hasn't let me down and I dig every little funky thing about it. It's sweet.

I'd love to hear your impression of the 60s Strat too.

December 28th, 2008, 08:27 PM
1) It is what it is though.
2) I'd love to hear your impression of the 60s Strat too.

1) Funny, that's what the Easy Music 'Fender factory' guy keeps saying when I egg him to tell me what his frowning points on these guitars are.
I'm sold, no matter what he sez (thanx to all the great reviews, here and elsewhere), but am curious to just what negs he might have, other than it's made in China and sez Squier...

2) Actually, got him to pull one out of it's box, and overall I like the looks better, minus the funky looking T-shell guard.
Both seem to be fine, and I have yet to plug one in...

I like the fact that these are lil ol' 'cheap' guitars, just like they were when Leo started the whole thing up. Good and cheap is wonderful.

I guess one of each should take care of my quibbles...

Bummer, it looks like they only brought in the Strats, for now.
Bummer 2, got to get the $ up for either of these new toys.

December 28th, 2008, 08:56 PM
I really want to play the two CV strats side by side. The vid stuff I find on youtube makes me lean toward the 60's, but so many here are going for or preferring the 50's. Oh, and I like the tort guard. :-)

December 29th, 2008, 01:35 AM
, but am curious to just what negs he might have, other than it's made in China and sez Squier...

The only negative is that I have to change strings often because I play it so much. Otherwise - there are none...none that maybe a larger trem block might improve. Still it's totally gigable just as it is. The block would just be one of those things that tinkerers might think about.

December 29th, 2008, 05:59 AM
Well, I'm gonna throw a fly in the ointment here.......... I had a CV Strat a couple months ago, but returned it after 2 weeks and swapped it for (another) Super Champ XD (which I gave to my father).
I absolutely loved that guitar...............except for the neck..........the neck, when you sighted down it from the headstock, had a pronounced "S" shaped curve that no amount of tweaking/adjusting would cure. I took my time and made small adjusts every couple days, and a truss rod adjust would only correct half the problem, if you see what I'm saying. It would straighten the bow from the headstock to, say, the 12th fret or so, but there was still that bend from there on down the neck, and that was where the stings fretted out. Some when you bent a note, some when just fretting a note, and with the action still fairly high.
So why did I buy it to begin with? Simple........most stores around here don't do much setup on their instruments, as in.........they don't do the proper truss rod/bridge/intonation thing. I've bought several guitars, brought them home, do some setup, and they play fine......but not this one.

HOWEVER, don't get the wrong impression that I'm dissing the CV Strats........ far from it! The same store has since gotten in 2 more, AFTER I bought my 2 Roadhouse Strats (which you can't fairly compare to the CV's, but I will later anyway:D ). The 2 they have in stock now seem to be very good, I pick them up every time I go in there, and may end up with one yet, depending on finances this winter. I have yet to get my hands on a CV Tele, but I really look forward to that also.

So, a big CONGRATS to all who've snagged on of these great little axes, :D and (hopefully) I'll have one also, when the time's right.

December 29th, 2008, 09:32 AM
Checkout this:


I did like the Custom Shop better, but so what @ 3 clams the Classic Vibe sounded sweet.

December 29th, 2008, 10:39 AM
I thought the Custom Shop had better tone on the bridge and neck pickups. Would I pay the extra cash for the Custom Shop guitar? Nope. I'd just get a heavier block for the Squier bridge and tweak the amp a little bit and call it good.

December 29th, 2008, 03:28 PM
Msteein. I am one of those that purchased one of the firsts ones. I went to pick it up and it looked so much like my 50th Anniversary Deluxe Strat I could not believe it. Those were selling for 1395 plus tax in Canada. They are also 2 color burst and I measured the body and it is exactly the same as the CV50s.
Here is a comparo picture.



December 29th, 2008, 03:37 PM
To this older guy it's like the JV Squiers all over again (that's Japanese Vintage not Jimmy Vaughan). I haven't found a 50s model yet, I'm not sure whether this is a good or bad thing ;)

December 29th, 2008, 07:55 PM
ZMAN, if the 50s CV Strat I checked out had the buttery aged finish like your's seems to, I'd have committed on the spot. Perhaps it's just the lighting that makes your's look so 'vintage', but all the pix I've seen have that darker tone/color and sweet bursting (and I certainly had your pix in mind when I went window shopping!), whereas the example over here is nowhere near as sexy. And when it comes to a Strat, well, it's all about sex, right?
I have time before finances truly allow for a purchase, so I'll be patient..., and see what tomorrow brings.

BTW, I appreciate oldguy's flip-side review. Too bad it was the bummer of the batch you must have gotten hold of, but the downer comments are as important as the favorables.

Thanx for the insights, gentlemen! I hope I have good news soon.

December 30th, 2008, 12:13 AM
Z's looks like mine except that I have really nice figuring on the fretboard of the quartersawn neck. Buttery you say? Kind of makes my mouth water...just like it does when I play this guitar.

December 30th, 2008, 06:22 AM
ZMAN, if the 50s CV Strat I checked out had the buttery aged finish like your's seems to, I'd have committed on the spot. Perhaps it's just the lighting that makes your's look so 'vintage', but all the pix I've seen have that darker tone/color and sweet bursting (and I certainly had your pix in mind when I went window shopping!), whereas the example over here is nowhere near as sexy. And when it comes to a Strat, well, it's all about sex, right?
I have time before finances truly allow for a purchase, so I'll be patient..., and see what tomorrow brings.

BTW, I appreciate oldguy's flip-side review. Too bad it was the bummer of the batch you must have gotten hold of, but the downer comments are as important as the favorables.
Thanx for the insights, gentlemen! I hope I have good news soon.

It can, and does, happen.........but hey, look how many positive reviews the CV's have gotten compared to my one lemon.............and as I said, the two I've seen at the store now seem like great axes, and I still got the wants for one..........I'm just gonna take a little more time choosing when the money's right next time.

December 30th, 2008, 09:20 AM
Msteeln: I try not to make a decision on a guitar under fluorecent lights.
My local guitar shop has an area in the back with natural incandescent lighting. I think that is where they look the best. Why I showed them together was to show how colors are very close in the two. Most bursts I see are 3 color and they have more yellows and reds in them. The two color is usually very plain looking. Also the contrast of the gold vs chrome hardware. It was very funny though that the bodies are exactly the same measurements, in thickness and length and width. My Mim 60th anni, is a lot thicker.

January 6th, 2009, 11:59 PM
I played one of those Roadhouse Fenders lately and really liked it. One nice strat.

I've got a beautiful CV '50s coming and can't wait. I played it and it was beautiful all over the fretboard. Tones I mean. I didn't check out the neck very closely in appearance other than to notice that it is really really a nice looking and feeling and playing maple neck and board. I really liked the looks and the burst looks good, the aged plastic looks like none other that I have seen. The playability was outstanding and the action was low with zero buzz and very quiet too on the Super Champ XD I played it thru on clean. A really really clean sounding amp by the way if anyone is unfamiliar with it. It has a distortion channel too, with really good amp modelling. 15 - 20 tube watts, preamp and power tubes and a small digital modelling chip. Great amp for a great guitar. I was going to use a Hot Rod Deluxe but wanted a little quieter amp so I went with the SCXD.

The Roadhouse I played was a great guitar.


January 10th, 2009, 02:42 PM
Mine came yesterday...





Everything wokrs ok on the guitar. I had to make a little adjustment on the truss rod but other then that it look and plays and sounds fantastic....incredible value for the money.

January 10th, 2009, 06:01 PM
Congrats rugby. You've not quite a striking beast on your hands. Play the heck out of it and enjoy.

January 12th, 2009, 01:44 PM
How much hum is normal in these guitars? This is my first Strat since the squier I learned on many years ago. I realize they are not "humbuckers" so I should expect some hum, but at what point does it cross the line to indicating that there might be something wrong with the electronics of the guitar?

January 12th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Don't go near your computer monitor or fluorescent lights. There is going to be some noise no matter what. Try different cables to help some with that. Also, try orienting your body towards different compass points and you might find the noise dissipating.

January 12th, 2009, 04:45 PM
Time to shield the pickguard of that puppy, rugbynyc. Did wonders on my Franken-strat.

January 12th, 2009, 09:12 PM
I even get noise with my high end Seymour Duncan humbuckers if the guitar is laying near my computer monitor. When I move it about three feet away or turn off the monitor it greatly goes away; but then again I'm playing thru a Delta Blues with the drive channel engaged with the post knob turned way up. When I hit the boost button it magnifies the hum.

Also, some strats make a lot less noise than others. The
'50s I'm getting is very quiet. My Deluxe Squire is very quiet. My P90s are noisy but really cool pickups. One of my tele's has hum cancelling P90s in the middle position.

The strats, mostly, have hum cancelling in switch positions two and four.

You can get a noise gate pedal like the boss one which is supposed to be good, plus lots of others. Behringer probably makes an inexpensive one, I think I was looking at it in a catalog the other night, but some of those noise gates suck tone I believe.

I know what you mean about the noise being annoying but I still really like strats. I think they might be my favorite type of guitar because they have so much versitility, often.
But I have some awesome humbucker guitars like my birdseye maple top Epi LP Std I'm about to play thru that Delta Blues amp, no pedal. It sounds so great with those Seymour Duncan pickups.





January 12th, 2009, 10:31 PM
Don't go near your computer monitor or fluorescent lights.
CFL's are the big hoo-hah energy-saving Green Rage, but they suck if you want to play a single coil pickup guitar in the same room as them. Also, if you've got dimmer swtiches or any other type of rheostat in the wiring of your playing room, maybe even elsewhere on the same circuit in your house as that room, you'll get noise. Turn off all those rheostat-controlled switches and see if that helps.

...Also, try orienting your body towards different compass points and you might find the noise dissipating.
Definitely. Turn your back on the amp.

You can copper-shield the pickguard, or even the whole cavity on a Strat (or Tele), but then all those other 'environment' factors will stay come into play as to how effective the noise/hum is controlled. The 2 & 4 switch postitions on a Strat and the middle on a Tele or 2-P90 guitar are hum cancelling because they effectively act like a humbucker's 2 coils in parallel.

January 13th, 2009, 06:46 AM
. The 2 & 4 switch postitions on a Strat and the middle on a Tele or 2-P90 guitar are hum cancelling because they effectively act like a humbucker's 2 coils in parallel.

Thats what I thought....I noticed that in the 2&4 and was assuming that was it.