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View Full Version : What do you guys think of Daughtry?

June 20th, 2008, 10:45 PM
The dude from Idol, the show I don't watch. He is on PBS soundstate tonight. I am listening to some, and I can't say he is a poor musician, he has the bassist from Suicidal Tendencies with him, but I just have to say it seems boring to me. Like today's flavor of vanilla. He seems sincere enough and puts a lot into his vocals, but it just seems like pretend rock or something. I don't want to start a bash fest necessarily, but just wanted to get your impressions. Any Idol watchers want to weigh in?

June 21st, 2008, 06:44 AM
Steve, I'll admit that I'm a closet idol fan (I know that surprises you:whatever: ). I especially like the early shows in the season, they make me feel better about my musical abilities.:D

And I have to agree with you about Daughtry. I think my son put it best when he said Daughtry isn't doing anything that hasn't already been done. I do think the kid has some talent, but I wonder if he isn't listening to the wrong people when it comes to picking his music.

June 21st, 2008, 06:51 AM
I saw some on the season when he was on Idol, though I can't remember who he was up against. I can say that some of his performances on that show were great. He had an honesty about him that I liked, and a passion for his music.

I can't say I've heard a lot of his new material, but some has been very good.

June 21st, 2008, 07:11 AM
I find myself listening less to newer music these days, and listening more to older music anymore. I couldn't even tell you who some of the "popular" bands are these days. I have however, heard some Daughtry before.

I don't know...my criticisms are more towards the recording industry these days rather than the artists themselves, as well as towards the radio stations. Radio (other than XM or Sirius) has gotten way too commercialized, and I feel like the average listener is being "force fed" what the record companies feel SHOULD be popular, rather than providing the consumer with variety.

Many of the new artists ARE doing things that have been done before...in fact, probably less. At least alot of the older artists wrote their own materials, in addition to having great vocal ability. Nowadays, (and this is my opinion) there are way too many Daughtrys and Ashlee Simpsons, and not enough Hendrix's and SRV's.

I've been listening lately to the Allman Bros "Hittin' the Note" album (released in 2003 I think) and wondering why I never heard ANY of these songs on mainstream radio. It's a fabulous album, and one of many that get overlooked by commercial radio.

Sorry for my rant...

June 21st, 2008, 07:57 AM
My wife used to make me watch Idol with her, thankfully she hates it now as well. We did watch the season when Chris Daughtry was on. What I can say about him as that he got a lot of credit on Idol for stuff he never should have gotten away with taking credit for. Week after week the judges kissed his butt about how unique and creative his rocked-out arrangements of the songs were. The problem was, these were not his arrangements at all. In every instance he took a song that had already been covered in a rockin' style and just performed the existing rock arrangement. As far as his band and his current music, they're not without talent, but they are, to my ears, just another standard modern rock band. It's boring and all sounds more or less the same as about 1,000 other bands to me.

June 21st, 2008, 08:30 AM
My wife used to make me watch Idol with her, thankfully she hates it now as well. We did watch the season when Chris Daughtry was on. What I can say about him as that he got a lot of credit on Idol for stuff he never should have gotten away with taking credit for. Week after week the judges kissed his butt about how unique and creative his rocked-out arrangements of the songs were. The problem was, these were not his arrangements at all. In every instance he took a song that had already been covered in a rockin' style and just performed the existing rock arrangement. As far as his band and his current music, they're not without talent, but they are, to my ears, just another standard modern rock band. It's boring and all sounds more or less the same as about 1,000 other bands to me.

Interesting about the first point and the credit. I wonder if he was taking the credit, or the show was just giving it to him and he, as a contestant, was not contradicting them. I have not watched so I would not know. I was wondering what he would be like just as a contestant and not as part of what seems to be a highly produced/cultivated band. It seems like a nice meal at a fine hotel, well done, but lacking the character and excitement of a meal from a fine independent restaurant around the corner.

I saw some on the season when he was on Idol, though I can't remember who he was up against. I can say that some of his performances on that show were great. He had an honesty about him that I liked, and a passion for his music.

I can't say I've heard a lot of his new material, but some has been very good. That is what I wondered. It seemed he may have it in him.

I don't know...my criticisms are more towards the recording industry these days rather than the artists themselves, as well as towards the radio stations. Radio (other than XM or Sirius) has gotten way too commercialized, and I feel like the average listener is being "force fed" what the record companies feel SHOULD be popular, rather than providing the consumer with variety.
That was what I was thinking happened here. The live performance seemed so overproduced and shiny, nothing raw in it, except sometimes Chris's vocals, or a guitar solo for 8 seconds you could barely hear over the rest. Very sterile to my ears. And that was surprising when I learned that his bassist had come from Suicidal Tendencies. ( . . . all I wanted was a Pepsi . . . ;) ) Hey, I can't do what he does, and I almost didn't post this thread because of the "if you can't say something nice" theory, but I think in the end I am not so critical of Chris and his band but more of the recording and TV industry that makes this sort of thing. On the other hand, I bet Chris isn't sad it allowed him his rise to fame. When this wave of fame wanes, I wonder if he will make more music with more of the openess/honesty he was showing Algonquin.

June 21st, 2008, 08:41 AM
In other words boring:poke: :rotflmao:

June 21st, 2008, 09:19 AM
Interesting about the first point and the credit. I wonder if he was taking the credit, or the show was just giving it to him and he, as a contestant, was not contradicting them.

It seemed to me to be equal parts both. Surely the judges [ESPECIALLY Randy Jackson who I once respected as a musician] should know better than to give credit to someone for someone else's work. That said, Daughtry could always have made the correction, or at least not acted like he deserved the credit as he did. As far as the question someone raised about who he competed against... if I am not mistaken his season was the one which was won by Taylor Hicks who I find to be completely lacking in talent. While it is not saying much at all, Daughtry was FAR better than Hicks. Of course that was also the season that this 17 year old African-American girl named Paris was on and that little girl belted out the Funk like she was Sharon Jones. If anyone should have won based on talent alone it was her but the most talented singer NEVER wins on Idol.

June 21st, 2008, 09:22 AM
i've never seen idol and didn't know who daughtry was until i started reading this post....at first i thought you just spelled roger daltrey's name wrong! :thwap:


June 21st, 2008, 12:51 PM
I watch Idol with the wife, and don't hold any illusions. It is NOT about the best singer, or performer, but about who can be the most marketable cash cow for one or two albums.

That said, Daughtry, IMO has a fantastic rock voice. However, his first album is too controlled and sterile for me. I think he has the most potential, but is not tapping into his potential at all.

June 21st, 2008, 01:03 PM
I watch Idol with the wife, and don't hold any illusions. It is NOT about the best singer, or performer, but about who can be the most marketable cash cow for one or two albums.


As an Idol watcher, i ditto the above statement, as well as R_of_G's statement about Paris in the season in question. that girl was just pure talent. Melinda should have won season 6 hands down.

I don't have the opportunity through local radio to hear much new music, the son-by-proxy keeps us up to speed on that, thankfully, when he pops in. but IMHO, an awful lot of current 'talent' is just remaking/sampling what's already been done.

Daughtry... not a huge fan of his current music. but i will give him props for one performance in that season of Idol. he gave me goosebumps when he sang Fuel's 'Hemorrhage'.

June 21st, 2008, 06:24 PM
Mrs. Spud really go into that version of Am. Idol and so I got a lot of Daughtery exposure. I like him too so we got his first album. The Mrs. listens to it often but even though it's good I find it a little to much of the "same" sounding.

If Chris is allowed to explore his artistry more then I suspect he'll have some more good material coming out soon.

June 21st, 2008, 06:27 PM
I agree... I think he has has some quality work within him!

June 21st, 2008, 06:29 PM
I never watch Idol, so I don't really know much about it or this guy. However, he may very well have credited someone else with the arrangement and the producers just "neglected" to show that bit to make him look more impressive than he really is. It's all in the editing, as they say.

Brian Krashpad
June 23rd, 2008, 08:02 PM
I saw them/him do something at some big event on TV, like an awards show or a halftime show or something. Bored me to tears. Seemed like another cookie-cutter "modern rock" artist to me.

Later I heard he was an Idol "artist." In retrospect, it all made sense.

The more I think about it the more I wanna write a song about what whores, or sadly desperate, people must be to be willing sell their souls (and careers) to Simon Cowell, and then go to one of those stupid-*** auditions, perform the song, and see if the producers would have the balls to air them telling me take a hike.

June 23rd, 2008, 08:25 PM
Go get 'em Brian!

June 25th, 2008, 09:32 AM
I have to admit that I wouldn't know any "Idol" contestant from a bag of rocks.

I can't stand made up "sureality" shows.

Brian Krashpad
June 25th, 2008, 10:45 AM
Go get 'em Brian!

Really, that was a little harsh. I actually feel sorry for the people who go on that show, even the winners who make big bucks but then find Simon Cowell (or whatever his name is) owns their *** (uhhm their "behind") for the next however many years it is.

They become his slaves and just another commodity to be bought and sold.

June 25th, 2008, 11:33 AM
Agreed. Interestingly, Daughtry, who seems like he has talent to do more if allowed, is showing up above this quick reply box announcing his "Complimentary Daughtry Ringtones" from RingToneToday.com.

Brian Krashpad
June 27th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Agreed. Interestingly, Daughtry, who seems like he has talent to do more if allowed, is showing up above this quick reply box announcing his "Complimentary Daughtry Ringtones" from RingToneToday.com.

Haha, as if to prove our point.

Btw, I'm sure he has some talent as a singer, I don't actively dislike what little I've heard, just sounded like everything else to me.