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View Full Version : Fender Custom Vibrolux

May 8th, 2006, 06:12 PM

I have a friend who gigs a lot with one of these. Very sweet amp! He uses a tubescreamer with a Les Paul with this amp, with great results. I played through it a couple of times, and it has a very "big" sound. I was very impressed and liked this amp much more than the Hot Rod series.

Anyone else tried the Vibrolux?

May 8th, 2006, 06:54 PM
I started playing on a 1970's silverface Vibrolux. I loved it. I had a Fender Fuzz-Wah in front of it and a Small Stone Phase Shifter. I got some really great sounds with it. Then I gave it to another band member and bought a 77 Princeton Reverb. It's not even close to the Vibrolux. The Vibrolux had way more mojo. Cool amps.

May 8th, 2006, 08:28 PM
Steve, my friend the tech, who worked on my Frankenbass recently, has its cousin the SuperSonic, in blonde. It is a really nice amp.

May 8th, 2006, 10:15 PM
What a coincidence, my friend, the guitarist, has a Supersonic too. He makes it sound really nice. He uses it with a Laney 2x12 bottom and it fattens out the sound some. Plus stacking it on top of the Laney cabinet makes it easier to hear thus reinforcing my statement to him "it's loud enough."