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View Full Version : Speaker Cabinets

just strum
June 24th, 2008, 07:10 PM
I wasn't sure the best place to post this, but I figure this would be good.

I have a pair of old ADVENT speaker cabinets and the speakers deteriorated, so I threw the speakers out, but kept the cabs. Is there any reason why I couldn't use these as cabs to hook up to my amp? Is there a sound concern in using a cab like this.

They are really nice wood cabinets from the 70's, heavy and solid (my toes can attest to that on a few occasions).

I figure why waste a good thing if it will serve a purpose.

June 24th, 2008, 07:20 PM
Only thing I can think of is they a set up for a certain kind of speaker and you might take that in to consideration you know spacial measurements based on a speaker characteristics

just strum
June 24th, 2008, 07:35 PM
Only thing I can think of is they a set up for a certain kind of speaker and you might take that in to consideration you know spacial measurements based on a speaker characteristics

I kept the old speakers for the longest time and I finally threw them out a few months ago, I could have matched them up. The depth I'm not worried about and I know they were 12" speakers. I'll have to take a look inside, maybe draw an outline of the hole and just lay speakers on the outline to see how the would fit.

I can't think of anything else that I would need to do except install a jack. However, since I never did this I could be missing a number of things.

June 24th, 2008, 08:35 PM
Heck, what have you got to loose Strummy. Give it a shot. If it sucks, you learn a lesson. If the speakers you're talking about are those old Advents of yours, you won't have any problem unloading them on ebay. Stick a couple of replacement speakers from simplyspeakers.com in those things and they're gold. I used to have a pair of those and they were sweet. Unfortunately the "evil b***h who must not be named" took them in the last divorce.:cry: :reallymad:

just strum
June 25th, 2008, 05:34 AM
Heck, what have you got to loose Strummy. Give it a shot. If it sucks, you learn a lesson. If the speakers you're talking about are those old Advents of yours, you won't have any problem unloading them on ebay. Stick a couple of replacement speakers from simplyspeakers.com in those things and they're gold. I used to have a pair of those and they were sweet. Unfortunately the "evil b***h who must not be named" took them in the last divorce.:cry: :reallymad:

All this time I thought that was her maiden name and you didn't care about posting her name.

June 25th, 2008, 07:00 AM

Give it a try with a speaker that you like, it should just bolt right in. Try it with the back on and off. If the cabinet is ported it might not be ported correctly for your speaker but the bottom line is, does it sound good and you won't know that until you try it.
I am using a pair of stereo speaker cabinets that my dad built when I was a kid. They sound great. I refinished them with tolex and new grill cloth. They are also easier to carry with my bad back, I just have to make an extra trip for the other one:D
