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View Full Version : Anybody here read the amptone site?

June 25th, 2008, 06:00 PM
If you like reading about the technical aspects of tone, you would probably really enjoy this page: www.amptone.com

It's chock full of stuff on how to get good "rock distortion" with articles on how to set up your pedal chain (he's a big believer in using 2 EQ pedals), cranked amps, preamp tubes, etc. You could spend a few days reading this stuff.

He doesn't update it regularly, but there's a lot there to think about. I've been particularly interested in his belief that the best tones are from cranked small amps.

Check it out and tell me what you think.


June 26th, 2008, 02:21 AM
Good find mate, reading over it now.

I feel what he's saying about not being able to crank tube amps in an apartment.

I'm in an apartment and I've got 50W a 60W and if u count my solid state bass amp, a 210W amps with 1x12 4x12 and 1x15 cabs.... and I'm in a 1 bedroom unit haha. None of the amps ever get past one on the master volume these days and it makes me die a little inside each time I plug in. :)

Hence my search for a killer attenuator (and my undying worship of my pocket POD) I guess....

June 26th, 2008, 05:56 AM
Ah yes, the cult of the EQ ;). I've read that site before. He's very opinionated, but it is still an interesting read.

There is a discussion of the Valvetronix amps that was written when they first came out.

June 26th, 2008, 08:58 AM
It's an interesting site and the guy who runs the site, I've seen involved in some pretty heated arguments on another music forum.

I actually tried his "two EQ" thing when I had my Vox AD60VTH and it did work really well. I even tried the suggested settings he had for the AC-30 model and the JCM-800 model. Made quite a difference.

June 26th, 2008, 09:48 AM
Lots of good info there, and the guy is definitely very knowledgeable, but he's one of those "my way or no way" personalities. Seems to often state opinion as immutable truth. As long as you keep that in mind when reading though his site, it's got a lot of great stuff.

June 26th, 2008, 12:46 PM
He has strong opinions for sure. I don't mind that if people can back them up, and he really seems to have made a real study of this. I have never tried the 2 EQ (I've only got one), but I think he's right about cranking those low-wattage amps. I always wonder what some of the Chicago blues guys from the 50's were using. I love those tones, and I'm sure the overdrive they got was from trying to be heard in clubs with a small amp.
