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View Full Version : Great Video Lesson on rhythmic playing - Paul Gilbert

June 27th, 2008, 02:17 AM

you gotta love Paul Gilberts enthusiasm when teaching guitar!!

June 27th, 2008, 07:29 AM
That is really great. My instructor has me trying to use licks so that they end on the downbeat of the next measure and construct backward from there. This seems like it relates well. Your rhythm and chucking is one thing I really like about your playing Lev.

June 27th, 2008, 07:35 AM
I have to say that is a great lesson! I'm gonna try that with my next student! Thumbs up for that video. You don't have to be a shredder to enjoy or learn from that.

June 27th, 2008, 07:54 AM
That's awesome! Paul Gilbert is one of my all time guitar heroes. His playing is absolutely terrifying, but in the last few years, he's done alot more rhythmic and melodic playing.

Great find!

mark wein
July 5th, 2008, 11:38 PM
That was fun!

July 6th, 2008, 03:13 AM
thanks for posting, i enjoyed that too :)

July 7th, 2008, 11:52 AM
Great lesson. Sadly, I struggle to even keep up with the scratch strumming lol

July 8th, 2008, 06:17 PM
Great lesson!!

I think that us guitar players tend to focus so hard on playing continuous runs of fast notes that we can get stuck in ruts and forget to be musical.

You don't have to have great chops to be musical with your playing. When I listen to guys like David Gilmour it really makes this point to me. Gilmour's playing sounds so great that I forget that he is not playing fast. It doesn't matter because the lines sound so good and the ideas fit together so well.

This video lesson is highlighting the importance on phrasing as a way to get more interesting ideas instead of only relying on playing more notes.

I also like what he said about using all of the unique sounds of the guitar (like slides, pulloffs, stacatto sounds, etc) to get more variety in your sounds. This is the kind of thing that adds personality to your playing.

-- Jim

July 8th, 2008, 08:15 PM
That was a great vid,some of Arlen Roths vids I have teach that,them when your playing with a group you can step out to play lead and come back in to the groove and it dosent sound like a mess of notes.Sumi:D