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View Full Version : The 'How many guitars.." question

July 3rd, 2008, 07:03 PM
So, we were out to dinner with a group of friends last week and my wife turns to our friend Gary (who is a working musician/guitarist) and asks him LOUDLY, "So, Gary, how many guitars does one person need, anyway?". Gary pauses, and says, "You know that old friend I was just telling you that I had visited last week - well, he had 25 guitars - acoustic and electric - 4 basses and a bunch of amps - oh, and a drum kit. I was in heaven!" I patted my wife on the shoulder and said, 'See, dear, I'm not so bad at all." To which she replies, with a glare and a scowl, "OK, how much did you pay him to say that!" Whereupon Gary chimes in, "Oh, did I mention, that was just his summer house? He has a lot more back home." (Turns out the guy is some big Sony Exec...) My one and only (and I'm sure, brief) moment of vindication....! Now, what was that line? "I've had it a while now, I just don't bring it out often?" How do you make that work for an amp....?

July 3rd, 2008, 07:58 PM
Now, what was that line? "I've had it a while now, I just don't bring it out often?" How do you make that work for an anp....?

Covers. Just make sure you have a lot of covers on your amphs. Then pop out the new one and proclaim that it was just covered for a while.

I'm glad your friend knew of an arsenal of guitars. That makes it much easier to prove that you aren't simply out of your mind by getting more equipment. The bottom line is...if you can make money with it and do so then it is a justifiable purchase.

just strum
July 3rd, 2008, 08:05 PM
Covers is a good idea - just cover empty boxes until you can afford good cover fillers.

July 3rd, 2008, 08:08 PM
Pappy will appreciate this. ;)

in the district clerk's office in goldthwaite, texas, magnetically stuck to the deed records file cabinets, directly facing the district clerk's main desks, is some local bank's 'gimme' magnet, that has a 'rainbow' of every person's emotions with appropriate emoticons for each, and a movable slidey-thing so you can say how you feel that day. angry, sad, happy, etc.

i think that you need a guitar for every emoticon. you never know how you are going to feel that day, and the gear that you need to meet that 'feel'. :D:D :D

July 3rd, 2008, 08:15 PM
Spuds ya got a million of em:D Now, I can get some mileage out of that one :dude: We owe him Fretters we owe him........


July 3rd, 2008, 10:12 PM
The sad thing is that I was doing this to myself for years...and I wasn't even married. I'd be moving things around the house and look under some blanket tossed in the corner or something and I'd find an amph or guitar that I had completely forgotten about. My first thought was always "where did that come from?" I must be good if I can fool even me.

just strum
July 3rd, 2008, 10:21 PM
Tracing the cause in the reduction of global forestry just might lead back to this forum.

July 4th, 2008, 06:32 AM
I was checking out guitars last night on ebay and saw a bunch of vintage strats, one was a 1955 strat selling for $35K. I showed that to my wife and reinforced the benefits of keeping my Fenders :D

Seriously, I think if you have a Gibson or a Fender, it's worth keeping them as the value continues to increase on those over the years. Granted, do I REALLY need 6 guitars for playing at home and occasionally getting together with a buddy to jam? Probably not...okay...definitely not, but I like playing different guitars every once in a while.

July 4th, 2008, 07:01 AM
Haha just yesterday i told one of my friends who just happens to be of the female persuasion about my new douglas and she said " didn't you just buy one" ... it made me giggle . But i fully agree that multiple guitars aren't REALLY necessary... but i do like getting new ones and i like tonal variety. I guess there are arguments on either side like destroying forests :D But it is ever so fun to get new ones

July 4th, 2008, 07:08 AM
Haha just yesterday i told one of my friends who just happens to be of the female persuasion about my new douglas and she said " didn't you just buy one" ... it made me giggle . But i fully agree that multiple guitars aren't REALLY necessary... but i do like getting new ones and i like tonal variety. I guess there are arguments on either side like destroying forests :D But it is ever so fun to get new ones

The thing is, nowadays you can get some quality guitars and amps at reasonable prices, and I think that contributes to our constant buying too. Anymore, you don't have to spend a fortune to get gear that is well-built AND sounds good.

I was one of those people who thought that you had to spend alot to get good gear, only to find myself dissatisfied later on with some purchases. Granted, you will get some excellent quality instruments in the higher price ranges, but it's not necessary anymore.

Products like the Vox ADxxVT amps, Peavey Vypyrs, Agile Guitars, MIM Fenders, etc., really prove that good tones can come at a reasonable price.

July 4th, 2008, 02:44 PM
Covers. Just make sure you have a lot of covers on your amphs. Then pop out the new one and proclaim that it was just covered for a while.

Good idea - the 'can't see the forest for the trees' trick... but I'm not sure it will work as I only own one amph... I guess the obvious answer to that problem is that I need 2 or 3 more....

[Spudman]The bottom line is...if you can make money with it and do so then it is a justifiable purchase.[/QUOTE]

Ouch - out of luck on that score, too - I certainly don't make any money with the guitar!

[Spudman]The sad thing is that I was doing this to myself for years...and I wasn't even married.[/QUOTE]

So, the real question here is - did you also do the part of yelling at yourself for having yet another guitar??:D

July 6th, 2008, 07:49 PM
Anytime I bring up getting another guitar my wife looks at me like I've lost my mind. But this weekend she cleaned out her closet and now wants another shoe rack.

I'm trying to convince her that I just want one more...just one. Of course it doesn't help that it's a D-35. :thwap:

July 6th, 2008, 11:55 PM
So, the real question here is - did you also do the part of yelling at yourself for having yet another guitar??:D

In a round about sort of way but only after a few cold ones and I got frustrated because I couldn't tell which case had the guitar in it that I REALLY wanted to play.